Messy…and running out of time. My vacation is almost over. I just returned from a 30 minute walk, before I tackle the many things that need to be done, I am taking a break. I thought I would do a quick blog entry, since I didn’t do one yesterday.
Yesterday was another day of procrastinating and wasted time. I did manage to do about 40 minutes on the rowing machine. I then went to buy a computer cart, it was an impulse buy. I thought that if I got the computer cart, I will be able to start making effort to get organized.
Since I don’t have a car, and the shopping area is about 30 minutes away, I have to plan my activities around the Metro-North train schedule (about once per hour). I bought the cart, and since it was a nice day, I decided to walk rather than wait for the train. It is about a 30 minute walk. I had the computer cart on a mini hand truck. The computer cart was in a box (assembly needed). After getting home, and unpacking the pieces, I noticed:
1. There were no assembly directions, only a one page diagram of how the pieces should go together. With several mistakes in terms of how many screws are needed. Also the diagram did not give the sizes of anything.
2. Four screws were missing.
Also, I tried to hang the window blinds, only to discover that the previous tenant had holes already up, but were plastered over, so some screws are tight, but others are loose.
I was not in a good mood. I decided not to think about the cart or the windows until today. I finished the evening with Chinese takeout, TV, and online chatting.
This morning, my plan was to see if I could buy large screws to avoid repacking the computer cart and returning it. I took the Metro-North to the Bronx to go to Target. I returned to find that the screws were almost the right size, but would not fit. So, I decided to go to the 5 & Dime imitation store to see if they would give me the missing screws rather than return the whole cart. And just as I suspected, as soon as I walked up to the customer service counter, I was told to please wait for Vinny. They were all to eager to give me extra screws rather than have me return the computer cart.
After getting the screws I decided to walk back home (about 30 minutes). I wrote this blog entry, and after posting, I will tackle the windows and computer cart.
I might attach a photo of the pigsty my living room has become.