Another recuperative weekend. In other words, lots of sleep. Saturday, I spent most of the day in bed. Last week, the stress of the week was report cards and Parent Teacher Conferences. I think I was out of the school building around 8pm every night last week. So, when the weekend comes I am so tired, I really can’t do much but sleep. Now it is Sunday. I have to spend today getting ready for next week. I have another observation next week (administrator comes in to observe a lesson for a full period). I had three observations with one assistant principal, now for some strange reason, the other assistant principal will be doing my last observation. There is about a couple of paragraphs I could write about this, but I’ve told myself to stop writing about stress at work. Unfortunately, without the stress, there is not much to write about.
As I mentioned above, I did not do much this weekend. I had planned to go on another walking event, but at the last minute, I did not feel like walking (knowing that I would be stressed out about things that needed to be done before the end of the day. To do walking events, I have to be better organized, so that Sunday is free for nothing but walking.
Today I need to do lesson planning (including a lesson for my observation), go food shopping, and cut my hair. While I am typing this, my bath water is filling up. After I post this blog entry, I will cut my hair, and then soak in the tub. Hopefully, if I do the hair now, I won’t be rushing (and stressing) about it this evening. After my bath, I can start a little bit of lesson planning (waiting for my pores to close up), then I can do my laundry, and go shopping. Hopefully, I can finish up my lesson planning, and cooking dinner later this evening.
Well, I think that is about it…
Oh, I almost forgot to summarize my walking event with the walking group in Penn Station. Since I had a few photos, I’ve been procrastinating about doing the blog entry. I better do the summary now, while I still have a few vague memories about the day. Luckily my life is so stone cold boring, I can remember details about something that happened a few weeks ago (with the help of the photos to refresh my memory).
My day started with catching the 12:30 Metro-North train to Manhattan. I arrived in the Bronx about 12:45. I stopped at Subways to buy lunch. I had a feeling that lunch would not be a part of the walking event. I ordered a chicken teriyaki sandwich to go. I ate the sandwich on the train platform waiting for the #1 train to arrive. I arrived at Penn Station about 1:45 (see first photo). After going to the Penn Station bathroom, I went to the group meeting place (in front of the GNC). I thought the meeting place was a little strange. I was expecting the meeting place to be near a unique place like a ticket booth or information booth. However, when I arrived, there was an information booth right next to the GNC. Once I saw the information booth, I relaxed, because I knew I was in the right place. And, since I was early, I didn’t worry. Until 2pm arrived (the meeting time) and no one arrived. I got more nervous when 2:10 arrived and still no one showed. Finally, I noticed an older guy with a ponytail waiting at a nearby pole. I asked if he was waiting for the walking group. He was. He explained to me that he had been on other walking events, and being on time was not a major concern. Once he started going into stories of other events and how they were late, I excused myself to go to the gift shop to buy NYC souvenirs.
I returned and still no one (but Mr. Ponytail and myself) were waiting. I weighed myself on the scale outside the GNC. The scale told me that I needed to lose 30 pounds for someone of my age and build. Duh!!!
After about 20 minutes more of waiting, I was planning to leave, but ponytail said that maybe there was another GNC in the station. Actually, to myself I was saying that was a dopy idea. I was thinking that this GNC was chosen because it was big and was next to the information booth and a tourist gift shop. Why would there be two big GNC (drugstores) in Penn Station….It turns out Mr. Ponytail was correct. There was another GNC drugstore…on the basement level…squeezed between a coffee stall and a sandwich stall. And the group organizer was there. She seemed very nice. I was a bit annoyed but not much. Group organizers are just regular everyday people who have to courage to take the bull by the horns and do something like organize an event that others (Mr. Ponytail and myself) just sit back complaining about how disorganized it was. The event was basically meant to be a walking exercise kind of event. Even though I knew that, I still have touristy ideas in my head. As we started walking, I kept ending up in the back stopping to take photos. Since Mr. Ponytail was being quite the conversationalist, I was not eager to move up. I did think that the group organizer was very professional and tried to make everyone feel comfortable. There were a total of 4 of us. An older guy from Queens joined later, but also left about the 2nd or 3rd time we walked around the station. Basically, we just walked in circles. Again, the goal was for the exercising, not the sights. Since I knew that, I was not really disappointed.
After about the 4th or 5th circle around, Mr. Ponytail started to take control of the event. He wanted to go to a store, but he did not know which exit to go out of. That was a bit annoying. We were like a group of groundhogs, popping up every few minutes out of a different hole. Like the GO said, it did not matter if we were inside or outside, but as long as we did not keep going in and out. It was a cold day. Finally, Mr. Ponytail found the correct exit. Before we went to the store, GO had to stop at the bank. While waiting, I took another photo of Madison Square Garden.
We finally arrived at the store, it turned out to be a large 99 cent store. Once in, Mr. Ponytail said “good bye”. He said that was because we would probably go our separate ways. Since he was not the GO, I didn’t follow him. I was not really planning to buy anything, but I can’t resist a 99 or dollar store. I think I bought about 10 dollars worth of stuff.
After the 99 cent shop, GO and myself started walking outside. While we were walking, GO was making plans to meet someone at 4pm. That phone call alone told me the walk was over. I don’t think the GO knew how to end the event. After a couple of blocks, she said that she needed to go into Macy’s and then to the Natural Foods store. I took the clue and continued on my way. Along the way, I took a photo of the Empire State Building over Macy’s (see attached photo).
I continued to walk alone. I needed to go to the bathroom. Since GO had already went into Macy’s, I didn’t go in. I did not want to seem like a stalker following the woman. I continued walking down Broadway to 42nd street. On 42nd street, I decided to go take a photo of the Chrysler Building (I don’t think I’ve ever been there). Along the way, I was lucky, I Bryant Park bathroom was open. A very nice and clean public bathroom. That was unusual. Near Grand Central Station, I realized that it was getting late. So, I just took the photo from a distance (see the attached photo).
After taking the Chrysler photo, I walked back to the west side alone 42nd street. I also took a photo of the New York Public Library (see attached photo). I stopped at Toys R Us. I bought a couple of “incentives” for my students. I bought two $10 gift certificates (one for the boy and one for the girl) who read 25 books (one of the New York 3rd grade standards). In order to by fair, in almost everything I do, I try to balance out with the equal rewards, or responses for the girls as well as the boys. In college, I was told that teachers tend to choose and give boys more attention then to girls. Sorry, I was getting sidetracked.
After Toys R US, I was hoping to go to a Staples to by a drum unit for my copy machine. The drum unit needs to be replaced soon. The cost is $188 plus tax. That does not include the toner that is about $80…which is also about to need to be replaced soon. So far I’ve bought about 4 toner cartridges, and about 3 cases of paper for my copy machine. The machine cost about $299. That machine is one very expensive luxury. I really need to get organized so that I am not spending so much on that machine. Originally, the copy machine I bought was only supposed to be used for emergencies with the copies could not be made on time.
Anyway, I walked and walked, but there was no Staples in sight. I went to a CompUSA, but they did not have the drum unit. Later I ended up ordering one online. I also ordered another case of paper yesterday, along with another toner cartridge. My machine recently started flashing the “toner needs to be replaced” message.
It is getting late, this blog is turning up to be much longer than I was expecting. Quick summary. I walked passed the Ed Sullivan theater, where David Letterman’s Late Show is taped (see the attached photo). I took the train at 59th street. I arrived in the Bronx only to have missed the local Metro-North, so I took the express which meant getting off at Yonkers Station and walking the rest of the way home.
What is the final photo. As I approached my building, there was a fire in the back of my building. Luckily, the fire was no where near my apartment. The photo was taken inside my building in the stairwell. I did not know if I was okay to take photos of the fire trucks, so being the coward I am, I waited until I was in my building before taking the photo.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
You can see by the time of this posting that I had a very unproductive weekend, and now I am (as usual) making up for it.
The plan today (Sunday) was to go to Brooklyn to the teacher supply store to by bulletin board paper and border. The plan was to be at the store at opening time (11am), and be in and out in about an hour. After a cold cereal, I took the 9:30 Metro-North train to Manhattan. No Lunch. I arrived at the teacher supply store about 5 minutes to 11am. It turns out the store is only blocks from the HQ of the Board of Ed.
Long story short. After wandering the store aisles for about 2 hours, I left $170 dollars poorer.
Since I was in the area, I decided to visit my foster father. Unfortunately, the trains were a mess due to construction. I ended up at my foster father's place about 3pm. He wasn't there. I stayed awhile to talk to his lady friend and I left about 3:45pm. I returned home about 5pm. Dinner was takeout from a soulfood restaurant -- owned by a Korean. After dinner, I went to the laundromat to wash my clothes. I read the Sunday paper there. After returning home, I started lesson planning, but fell asleep on the couch (futon). I woke up about 12 midnight. It is now 2:35. After I post this quick blog entry, I will type up my homework sheet. I should be in bed by 3:15am. And...up at 6am. What a life!
The plan today (Sunday) was to go to Brooklyn to the teacher supply store to by bulletin board paper and border. The plan was to be at the store at opening time (11am), and be in and out in about an hour. After a cold cereal, I took the 9:30 Metro-North train to Manhattan. No Lunch. I arrived at the teacher supply store about 5 minutes to 11am. It turns out the store is only blocks from the HQ of the Board of Ed.
Long story short. After wandering the store aisles for about 2 hours, I left $170 dollars poorer.
Since I was in the area, I decided to visit my foster father. Unfortunately, the trains were a mess due to construction. I ended up at my foster father's place about 3pm. He wasn't there. I stayed awhile to talk to his lady friend and I left about 3:45pm. I returned home about 5pm. Dinner was takeout from a soulfood restaurant -- owned by a Korean. After dinner, I went to the laundromat to wash my clothes. I read the Sunday paper there. After returning home, I started lesson planning, but fell asleep on the couch (futon). I woke up about 12 midnight. It is now 2:35. After I post this quick blog entry, I will type up my homework sheet. I should be in bed by 3:15am. And...up at 6am. What a life!
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Payday means…shopping on unnecessary things. Well, another wasted weekend. One of these days, I will have to reread this blog to see how many times I’ve written that.
For the last couple of days, I’ve been stressing myself about report cards among other work related things. This weekend like the last few, I’ve been bring home work telling myself that this would be the weekend that I get organized. Well, another wasted…oh, I already wrote that.
I was planning to use this weekend to really go over the mountains of papers (both graded and ungraded) to complete progress reports for the students. I like the idea of providing progress reports to go with the report cards, so that parents have a better idea of how I arrived at the grades their child received. Today was supposed to have been paper organizing day, and as you are about to read…I did anything but.
This morning, I decided to go to the Teacher’s College Bookstore to buy bulletin board paper and borders. Since parent teacher conferences happen next week (Tuesday), I wanted the hallway bulletin boards changed. I started the day with cold cereal and hot green tea. I took the 10:30 Metro-North train to the Bronx. In the Bronx, I ate lunch at Subways. Then I went to the Target store. My plan was to just run into Target to get another book. I finished reading Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke. The story was okay, a bit kiddyish, but okay. Talking mice, furry cat people, and dragons. The story was okay, entertaining in a kiddy kind of way. My plan was to by the next book written by the same author. Originally, I was planning to buy Inkheart by Ms. Funke (it will be a movie soon). And the Inkheart book has a continuation book (Inkspell). I think it is a trilogy, but I am not sure. Anyway, my plan was just to run in buy the Inkheart book, and leave. But just like it is not a good idea to go food shopping when you are hungry, you should not go into a store when you are bored. I made the mistake of lingering a bit too long in the book section. I ended up putting Dream-Hunter by Sherryilyn Kenyon into my basket. Another mistake, getting a basket when you are only planning to buy a book was not a good idea. I wasn’t too fond of the cover (it looked like one of those romance novels), but I liked the synopsis on the back. After reading a book with talking mice who fly toy airplanes, I wanted a more adult book, sci-fi or fantasy – yes, but more adult. Short summary, a guy lives in the dreams of others, a woman doctor searches for proof of Atlantis’ existence. Demons are chasing the dreamer guy, and the dreamer guy has to collect a human soul to stay in the human world for two weeks. A human soul is only worth a two week vacation, go figure.
Anyway, although I should have been in and out, I started to linger in the store…as if I had nothing better to do. I went to the DVD section only to see what was released. I ended up buying: Underworld Evolution, Ultimate Avengers Iron Man, and the Boondocks (the complete first season). I’ve read the Boondocks comic strip a few times. Since I don’t have cable, I have not been able to see the animation. Once I finished in the DVD section, I wandered over to the CD section…only to see what was available. I ended up buying a few Target Store mixes (three 80s mixes and a hip hop mix[80s I think], and another Stevie Wonder Greatest hits. On the way to the checkout area, I ended up throwing in A big button desktop calculator, dental floss, and Listerine breath strips. In total, I spent $169.01 in Target, and $6.72 in Subways. My debit card was smoking before I even went to the Teacher’s College bookstore.
After Target, I went to the TC bookstore only to find it closed due to Spring Break. I was annoyed. A woman talking on her cell phone said (while speaking into her phone) that each time she has been there (TC), the store was closed. I silently agreed with her. Since I had once again waited to the last minute, was standing on the street corner stressing over my options. In the end, I decided that I would go to a teacher supply store in Brooklyn. I remembered receiving a flyer about a supply store somewhere in the Fulton area. I couldn’t remember the store name, nor could I remember the exact location, but there I was on the train riding to Brooklyn. After a couple of stops, lucky, I came to my senses. Unlike the TC bookstore, the store in Brooklyn was opened on Sundays. I decided to return home.
Since I was heading uptown, I decided to visit my foster father to pick up my mail. No one was home, but that was okay with me. On the way home, I stopped of at the grocery store. I saw that the Haagen-Dazs ice cream was on sale (2 for $4). I also bought 2 half gallons of orange juice.
At home, I microwaved my dinner (precooked chicken, frozen spinach, and ready to serve rice). I watched the evening news and fell asleep. I woke up about 10. I started to watch the 10pm local news, but ended up watching a very 80’s sci-fi movie (Double Dragon). Now I am doing this blog entry. Tomorrow, I am off to Brooklyn to the teacher’s supply store, return home, do the laundry, and start the papers for the parent teacher conference. Oh, and I need to do my lesson plans for next week.
Well, since I’m up, I’ll take a photo of my Target purchases and attach it.
For the last couple of days, I’ve been stressing myself about report cards among other work related things. This weekend like the last few, I’ve been bring home work telling myself that this would be the weekend that I get organized. Well, another wasted…oh, I already wrote that.
I was planning to use this weekend to really go over the mountains of papers (both graded and ungraded) to complete progress reports for the students. I like the idea of providing progress reports to go with the report cards, so that parents have a better idea of how I arrived at the grades their child received. Today was supposed to have been paper organizing day, and as you are about to read…I did anything but.
This morning, I decided to go to the Teacher’s College Bookstore to buy bulletin board paper and borders. Since parent teacher conferences happen next week (Tuesday), I wanted the hallway bulletin boards changed. I started the day with cold cereal and hot green tea. I took the 10:30 Metro-North train to the Bronx. In the Bronx, I ate lunch at Subways. Then I went to the Target store. My plan was to just run into Target to get another book. I finished reading Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke. The story was okay, a bit kiddyish, but okay. Talking mice, furry cat people, and dragons. The story was okay, entertaining in a kiddy kind of way. My plan was to by the next book written by the same author. Originally, I was planning to buy Inkheart by Ms. Funke (it will be a movie soon). And the Inkheart book has a continuation book (Inkspell). I think it is a trilogy, but I am not sure. Anyway, my plan was just to run in buy the Inkheart book, and leave. But just like it is not a good idea to go food shopping when you are hungry, you should not go into a store when you are bored. I made the mistake of lingering a bit too long in the book section. I ended up putting Dream-Hunter by Sherryilyn Kenyon into my basket. Another mistake, getting a basket when you are only planning to buy a book was not a good idea. I wasn’t too fond of the cover (it looked like one of those romance novels), but I liked the synopsis on the back. After reading a book with talking mice who fly toy airplanes, I wanted a more adult book, sci-fi or fantasy – yes, but more adult. Short summary, a guy lives in the dreams of others, a woman doctor searches for proof of Atlantis’ existence. Demons are chasing the dreamer guy, and the dreamer guy has to collect a human soul to stay in the human world for two weeks. A human soul is only worth a two week vacation, go figure.
Anyway, although I should have been in and out, I started to linger in the store…as if I had nothing better to do. I went to the DVD section only to see what was released. I ended up buying: Underworld Evolution, Ultimate Avengers Iron Man, and the Boondocks (the complete first season). I’ve read the Boondocks comic strip a few times. Since I don’t have cable, I have not been able to see the animation. Once I finished in the DVD section, I wandered over to the CD section…only to see what was available. I ended up buying a few Target Store mixes (three 80s mixes and a hip hop mix[80s I think], and another Stevie Wonder Greatest hits. On the way to the checkout area, I ended up throwing in A big button desktop calculator, dental floss, and Listerine breath strips. In total, I spent $169.01 in Target, and $6.72 in Subways. My debit card was smoking before I even went to the Teacher’s College bookstore.
After Target, I went to the TC bookstore only to find it closed due to Spring Break. I was annoyed. A woman talking on her cell phone said (while speaking into her phone) that each time she has been there (TC), the store was closed. I silently agreed with her. Since I had once again waited to the last minute, was standing on the street corner stressing over my options. In the end, I decided that I would go to a teacher supply store in Brooklyn. I remembered receiving a flyer about a supply store somewhere in the Fulton area. I couldn’t remember the store name, nor could I remember the exact location, but there I was on the train riding to Brooklyn. After a couple of stops, lucky, I came to my senses. Unlike the TC bookstore, the store in Brooklyn was opened on Sundays. I decided to return home.
Since I was heading uptown, I decided to visit my foster father to pick up my mail. No one was home, but that was okay with me. On the way home, I stopped of at the grocery store. I saw that the Haagen-Dazs ice cream was on sale (2 for $4). I also bought 2 half gallons of orange juice.
At home, I microwaved my dinner (precooked chicken, frozen spinach, and ready to serve rice). I watched the evening news and fell asleep. I woke up about 10. I started to watch the 10pm local news, but ended up watching a very 80’s sci-fi movie (Double Dragon). Now I am doing this blog entry. Tomorrow, I am off to Brooklyn to the teacher’s supply store, return home, do the laundry, and start the papers for the parent teacher conference. Oh, and I need to do my lesson plans for next week.
Well, since I’m up, I’ll take a photo of my Target purchases and attach it.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Finally!!! I was out of the building at a reasonable hour. I clocked out at 4:01pm. I arrived home at 5:01pm. I need to keep this short. I have report cards to do. I am also very tired. At my school, a decision was made that the school building should be empty for the test takers, so all grades not testing this week or last week, had a trip. Tuesday it was Museum of Natural History. Today, we went to the Hall of Science in Queens. And tomorrow, it is the Bronx Zoo...Assuming it does not rain. After arriving home, I first put my dinner (leftovers) in the microwave, then I changed my clothes while my dinner was heating up. Now, I am writing this blog entry. But I have to go now. I have a pile of report cards to do.
Oh, I have not forgotten about my walking trip a couple of weeks ago. However, I've been a bit busy with one thing or another. Mostly just being so disorganized.
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