January 1, 2006
Happy New Year! Yesterday started with an argument between my foster father and myself. A little background information?
When I agreed to move back in, I said that I would contribute to the rent and to the phone bill. For reasons I rather not go into now (for the sake of time), I am not going to explain why I was being so specific. Basically, to ensure that the money I worked so hard for (see previous blog entries related to work) went where I wanted it to, I gave my foster father postal money orders. He did not like receiving money orders; he wanted cash. And he found every reason why money orders were not good. Now, back to the argument.
Last month, my foster father paid the rent early. In my opinion, I think he was hoping that if he paid early (before I received my paycheck), I would then have to give him cash; since my main (and consistent) argument has been that I would only contribute to the rent and the phone (household goods I would buy as needed).
With the rent paid, my foster father went on, and on during the month about his responsibility to take care of the rent (how he can’t wait—the rent has to be paid before for the 1st of the month. On and on. On and on. Okay, so what did I do?
Since he refused to take the postal money order and apply it to the next rent. I combined that money order with another one for “my contribution” to next month’s rent and mailed both money orders to the housing manager. In total, I mailed $400 dollars, and with the internet, I was able to confirm that the money orders were delivered December 27th. My foster father waited until New Year’s Eve (banks and post offices closed) to tell me that he was going to pay the rent, and he was expecting cash from me (the $400 I promised). Never mind all that talk about paying the rent on time. And never mind that instead of nothing in his rent account, there was $400 there (the monthly rent is $619 dollars). It became my fault that the rent is going to be late. I’m skipping details and other situations, but basically I was furious. I told him I was moving out (within 2 weeks).
Now, I just have to follow through.
After the argument, I think my foster father realized that he was wrong (to a point). But instead of admitting he was wrong, he gave me $60 dollars “for my Christmas present”. Now, I think in the 20 years that I’ve lived here; I must have received a Christmas present 3 (or maybe 4) times (cash each time). At first I was going to refuse it (I really don’t like hand outs), but someone told me that I don’t know how to take a complement, and I refuse (too often) when someone is offering me a gift. So I took the money.
I bought a sweatband and weightlifting gloves (to use on my rowing machine). And I went to the American Museum of Natural History (suggested entry price of $14). Unfortunately, the $14 did not buy my way into any of the special exhibits, so I skipped the special dinosaur show and the butterfly show. Unfortunately, I am becoming a real cheap-skate in my old age. So how was the museum? It was okay. The place was huge!! And being very bad with directions, in the beginning, I just wandered around the solar system exhibit, before I followed my usual plan of action. I started at the top (the 4th fl.), and walked in a clockwise pattern (as much as possible). Usually, the crowd are greater at the beginning; I start at the end and work my way back. Since I was alone, it wasn’t as much fun as I think it would have been if I had someone to talk to. Also, it would have been easier to have pictures taken with me in them. It is difficult for me to ask a stranger to take my picture, then when the picture is unclear, to ask that person to take the picture over.
About the photos. I took about 80 photos (I am in two—both fairly blurry), I will try to narrow down the collection to about 30 (or so) and post them on my other web site. Sorry, I still have to upload the other photos from previous walk-arounds.
Well, I think that is about it. Now, I am going to go to the mall. I was too tired yesterday after walking around the museum. The first photo was taken at 1:33, and the last photo was taken at 5:22(inside the museum). Since I did not eat lunch, I was walking on exhaust fumes.
I bought “take-out” at a local soul food restaurant. Since the argument, I’ve decided not to shop, cook, or clean for others (which is what I’ve been doing for the past 4 months) until I move out.
I wanted to try posting this blog entry using my free internet connection minutes for the new month, but my foster father’s lady friend is still on the phone. I think she has been on the phone for almost an hour. Oh, I think she just got off the phone, so I’ll try posting.
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