The final day. Today is the last day of my vacation. Unfortunately, since I spent all vacation doing basically watching TV, I now have to spend today (a rainy day) running around like a maniac trying to get ready for tomorrow's work day.
So how much did I accomplish yesterday. Not much. After about an hour answering an e-mail, I went to the post office. I went shopping (afterwards) to buy a few cans of "no salt" canned vegetables and a few cans of a health drink that was on sale. Not really the kinds of things to buy when it is raining out.
After visiting my foster father for a little while, I returned to my shoebox. I probably could have done one or two more things on my "to do list", but since it was cold and damp outside (and just plain cold inside my shoebox), I just stayed under my blanket and watched TV.
So, was writing that list of things to do a waste of time? No, not really. I think that if I had not written the list (and posted it), I probably would have just stayed in my shoebox watching TV.
Today I now have to do those things in order to be ready for tomorrow. I also have see if and when my neighbor (the young screamer) will be knocking on my door to ask if she can use my computer to do her homework. All vacation she has been telling about the homework assignment that she has to do that are due on Monday morning. About an hour after I got the landline telephone turned on, she asked if she could use my computer to connect to the internet to research and complete her homework assignments. She must have forgotten that I'd mentioned (several times) that I had a limited amount of internet time (10 hours per month). At the time I had to say no (which is a word I seem to not know how to use). Why? My computer (like my room) was a mess (a lot of junk all over the place). Usually, when I don't think someone will be looking, I am disorganized. But at the same time, I like things a certain way. When someone touches something of mine, I like it returned exactly to way it was given. Of course I would do the same. Unfortunately, people rarely do. If something is messy, they will return it even messier. Sorry, I am getting sidetracked.
Anyway, being the kind of person who does not know how to say no, I spent about an hour or so cleaning up my computer, then offered the young lady my computer to do her homework research. At the time she said cleaning her room was more important. I just so happened to know that the library was opened Saturday and Sunday. She said that she would go on both days to do her homework. Well, yesterday (Saturday), she stayed home giggling and laughing with her boyfriend. That leaves only today. Oh, did I forget to mention that she does not have a library card; she has never been inside the local library, however, she does know where it is. Also, the computers need to be reserved before you can use one. After the way she monoplized the kitchen (with me in it) on a couple of occasions, I know it would not be a good idea to let the young lady use my computer today, especially since I also waited to the last minute to do all the things I should have done days ago.