Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

I thought I would make a quick blog entry since I had not done one in a few days. This pass week was fairly uneventful. My plan of using the one week vacation to be totally organized did not pan out. As a result, I was even more disorganized than usually. Plus, I discovered…or should I say rediscovered the “entertaining” value of the internet (not a good idea to surf the internet when you are alone or bored). This pass week, I’ve been online until about 3am every night, only to have to get up at 6am. Not very smart on my part. I could do the “irregular” sleep routines when I was younger, but now it is much more difficult. In the past I’ve had a super efficient internal alarm clock. I would only have to think about the time I needed to get up, and I would usually get up around that time. However, where work is concern I never depended on my “internal” alarm clock.

Unfortunately on Tuesday, my “internal” clock almost shut off. Having gone to bed about 3:20, the electric alarm clock went off the usual 5:50. However, a couple of blinks later, I was waking up again at 6:30. The 6:53 Metro-North train is the last train that I can take to get to work on time. Luckily, I made it! Unfortunately, I was still a bit out of it; somehow I missed my train stop. Luckily the difference was not that great. I was able to walk to the nearest connecting NYC subway train. I arrive to school with about 5 minutes to spare. One of my new year’s resolution was not to depend on the 6:53 train, I really need to take the next earlier train, but up here, the Metro-North does not come as frequently. The next earlier Metro-North train is 6:23. If I get organized, and get to bed at a decent hour, the 6:23 is not a very difficult train to catch. If I caught the 6:23 train, then I would arrive at school at about 7:10. If I could arrived consistently at school at 7:10 everyday, I could also get better organized, and be able to leave school around 4 or 4:30pm (another new year’s resolution).

Below are just a couple of comments before I wrap this entry

* Other than the train and the surfing, there really was not much to write about the previous week. Oh, I did not get on my rowing machine at all. Yes, I’ve started gaining…Actually, I’ve already gained a few pounds. I was so exhausted from my irregular sleep routine, that I have not had the strength when I return home to do anything be sit, surf, and sleep.

* Monday, I cut my hair. I was long overdue. It is a pain in the neck, but it is cheap than a barber shop. After cutting my hair with clippers, I then shave my head as a way of making sure I did not leave (or miss) any spots.

* My apartment windows are not mostly covered (except for the kitchen window), It is very nice to walk around without ducking under, and jumping pass windows when I am not wearing clothes. If I lose my jelly belly, then I might not care about who sees me, but I need to get on my rowing machine…consistently.

* Next week, I get paid…finally. I went overboard during the gift buying last Christmas. It is nice having a regular paycheck. My bedroom set is on layaway; it is a cheap (but nice looking) combination set. When it arrives, I’ll add a photo on my blog. For once I did something smart, I resisted the impulse to spend now and worry later (my usual shopping habit). I would not have had money for the two weeks until my next paycheck. Now, I am currently in a fight to do the same with a new computer I need. My old (second hand) computer is on its last legs, now, in starts getting hot within minutes of me turning it on. It also freezes frequently. I saw a nice one in the Sunday newspaper ($599 for a Dell Desktop). Now that I have DSL (not hooked up yet), and a few web sites that I would like to visit, I think a desktop would be more durable than a laptop. I also have a bigger place now, so I have the space, not to mention a new computer cart (which was a pain in the neck to put together), I am looking forward to a desktop. Why Dell? The price seems right. Teachers receive a 15% discount. Also, I also qualify for an educator’s no tax discount purchase. Although the sale ends at the end of January, I really should not make a purchase like this until February. I really have to start saving money and stop living paycheck to paycheck. Stay tuned to see if I “smarten up” this year, or will I repeat the stupidity of the previous one.

Oh, before I go, I almost forgot. I just replied to an e-mail where one of the comments was about Friends. I liked what I’d written, so I decided to cut and paste my definition below. My e-pal was responding to my comment about me not having any friends, but having what I called “situational acquaintances”. Below is my attempt at clarification:

-- For me, "situational acquaintance means someone I know from the situation I am in at that moment. For example, I have coworkers at the school where I currently teach. They are very nice, and very friendly. But since, I don't speak, or see them outside of school, I would not consider them "true" friends. However, if I were to say I have no friends, they would quickly say, "I'm your friend". I consider them friendly, but I don't consider them friends. It must be me. I've met people who have only known someone for a very short time, and can say, "oh, so and so here is my friend". I don't say anything, but I've always found that a bit strange. Or maybe I just have the wrong idea of what a friend is. For me, a friend is someone who shares interests and time outside a regular meeting situation. A friend is someone who active seeks you out, and not just waits for a situational meeting (ie coworker at work, or a neighbor who frequently visits because you are neigbhors). A friend talks to you, not at you. A friend listens not hears. Friends enjoy playing tag-team, not follow the leader. I hope my definition made sense. I also hope you don't mind, I kind of like what I wrote. I'm going to add it to my blog. Don't worry, I am only going to add the friend part that I wrote.

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