Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spring Cleaning (Part 1)
Well, I’ve finally recuperated (I hope) from the stress of work. Today I managed to start cleaning this pigsty. Since I was inside all day, there was plenty of time. So, do I now have DSL connection? Crazy question, by now you should know very few things (if any) come easily for me.

Yesterday, I made an appointment for Verizon to come and check the phone lines to see why I could not get online with DSL. The appointment time given me was 7am to 8pm. So today I waited, and waited and waited…I think you get the idea. Surprise, surprise no show.

I started this morning with cold cereal and hot green tea. I started cleaning about 12midday. The first phase of this mess is to tackle the trash that has been sitting around for a couple of months. Most of today was spent going through the piles of trash separate paper from plastic. See the attached photo. Yes, that stack of newspapers is about 2 feet high. There are newspapers from January in the pile.

At about 4pm, I called Verizon to confirm the appointment and to remind them that the manager’s office closes at 5pm. If they needed to go into the basement, they would need to arrived before 5pm. I spoke to a live person, and that person checked and confirmed that I still had an “active” appointment. So, I waited, and waited. No show. I called them about 8pm. I was connected to India again. This operator seemed to be more talkative. He wanted to know about the weather here, and asked if I liked rainy weather. And then, he proceeded to tell me the why he did not like rainy weather. After about 15 minutes phone chat…(checking the lines from his end, finding the request information, and connect the phone calls, etc…) I was told that I would have to call back tomorrow before 6pm the time the local offices close. Oh, what is connect the phone calls. The operator explained that when I call the 1-800 number I am calling India, he has to call the main dispatch, who then has to call the local verizon company, who then calls the technician who was assigned (but never showed) to find out why I was not able to get my DSL working. So in the end no DSL…yet.

About 5pm, I ate dinner. I put some left over rice in a bowl, added some frozen broccoli bits and top it with some curry sauce. In the microwave for about 6 minutes…presto…dinner in a bowl. Something I picked up in Japan. I miss Yoshinoya. And Ootoya. They are a couple of restaurant chains in Tokyo that served cheap but healthy fast food.

At 10pm, I finally returned to my rowing machine. I did about 40 minutes. My goal is to lose about 10lbs per month for the next 3 months. By the end of June, I want to be within a reasonable weight range for my height and build.

I showered, and now I am typing my blog entry offline. I will post this entry, and then I will call it a night. More cleaning tomorrow.

WT. = 193.6lbs. BMI = 28.4%

Post Date – Tuesday, April 03, 2007 11:58pm

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