Monday, November 19, 2007

The fact that I'm sitting here blogging tells you that I'm not off to a good start. Just a quick update. This weekend was supposed to be my attempt to get back on track, but once again my train derailed. Saturday, it took me a while to get started, and Sunday was basically the same. On Saturday, I went to the Yonker's post office to buy stamps. I am going to mail of the report cards of the students who parents didn't bother to show up for P/T conferences. I took the local to Yonkers, so I was able to take the express into NYC. I went to my old neighborhood in the Bronx. I went to the big locksmith shop there -- near the location of the former Sears location. I bought a couple of locks for my classroom closets. The cheap clasp that must have been put on by the previous teacher just wasn't cutting the mustard. I also bought a couple of key chains for my school keys. I couldn't decide so I just bought a couple. I like having my keys attached on my belt loop so that I don't lose them. After the lock shop, I went to Staples on Fordam Road. I bought some miscellaneous school supplies; a couple of big calendars (home and classroom), thin-tipped whiteboard markers. -- did I mentioned that I ordered a personal laminator for my classroom, it arrived sometime last week. One of the teachers recommended it. At first I was hesitate, but I grew to like the idea. Although her reason was to do art projects and laminate them for the bulletin board. I'll help my students do art projects, but I am not going to put up my work. It is there work or nothing. I wanted a laminator more for organization reasons. For example laminating a student check off list, so I can keep track of students completing specific assignments. Having a posted "check off" list will help me (and my students) keep track of who didn't do the assignment, rather than scribbling do on a paper that I misplace from time to time. Just one example.

Anyway, after Staples, I went to visit my foster father. Since I hadn't visited in a while, I thought it would be nice to check-in.

As I approached the building, his ladyfriend was coming in the opposite direction. She started complaining about my father's mean-spirited ways. I suggested that he was getting old, frustrated and angry at getting old. He is probably lashing out at anyone he can, and she is the easiest target. She should have gotten out when I did. She has been saying for years that she wants to leave and get her own place, but never does. I suspect that having her there has been good for my father. Some people age gracefully, and others age father is the lather. He is a fighter, and has no intention of going quietly. Anyway his ladyfriend complained of the ornery things my father had done the last few days. She said that she needed to get out of the apartment to get some breathing room, and to get some aspirin for the pain in her legs. Since the drug store was closed, and the imitation 5 & 10 shop was about a block away, she was going to the corner bodega even though it would be more expensive. She didn't want to walk the extra block, so I volunteered to buy the aspirin at the 5 & 10 store and go for her. It was about an extra ten minutes for me, but it would have been much longer for her. Anyway, I stayed about half an hour. The visit was basically who died, was dying, and who's very sick. Also, the conversation was about how no one listens to the experience he's had. Unfortunately, my visit didn't have the usual result. My foster father was very happy to see me, but he didn't let go of (for lack of a better phrase) the "bitter behavior". Usually, when I arrive, my foster father smiles, and I can change the subject to pleasant this and that casual conversations. However, no matter how much I changed the subject to the minor/casual conversation, he would always come back to the "dying" topic, also, he gave examples of the ornery behavior. He told me how "he gave the boy downstairs hell" for being outside without a jacket. Luckily, I have "the train" excuse to leave with relative ease. If I miss my train, I'll have to wait a whole hour for the next train. He wanted me to stay, but I really didn't. The way "ladyfriend" was looking at me as I left, I think she also wanted me to stay. I still have the delusion that I will be more productive tomorrow running through my head. I might spend the night for Thanksgiving. Better yet, I might come the day before Thanksgiving, and leave Thanksgiving evening. The only reason to spend the night is that I think it would make my foster father very happy. We all get old, and I know it is only a matter of time before my time comes.

I am wayyy of track...

My Sunday started with checking e-mail. Big mistake! My computer has become a parasite that sucks the emotional lifeforce from me. Any plans, motivation, or will dissipates when my computer comes on. Since I've had about 6 or 7 e-mails in the past two and a half months, checking e-mails is a pointless endeavour. But, I am a glutton for punishment. After "checking my e-mail", I replied to a survey. I mentioned doing an online shopping a few weeks ago. Well, having not done it again, caused me to receive a "we missed you, what have we done wrong" e-mail/survey. Since several things were not available at the time, I really didn't think about doing the online shopping again. Anyway, having started the survey, I decided to do some online grocery shopping. This time there were more options. So, what should have been a couple of minute survey, turned into about an hour shopping trip in front of my computer. After shopping, I took a bath. I was out of the tub and on the MN by 1:30PM. I need to go to the teacher's store in Brooklyn. For some strange reason, I can't find glue sticks for my mini glue gun. Target sells the mini glue gun, but they sell the gun without the glue sticks. For the last month or so, Target (in the Bronx) has not had the sticks. Staples has the heavy duty glue gun with the heavy duty sized sticks. Anyway, for my bulletin board turkeys, I need more glue. I also wanted to buy the January idea book. My goal is to plan for the month of December during the Thanksgiving holiday/vacation. Anyway, arriving at the teacher's store, I ended up spending about $70 dollars. I bought three packs of glue sticks, black history workbooks, math, science and social studies test prep workbooks, rubber stamps (please sign and return, and please correct)etc...

After the teacher's store, I went to Wendy's for lunch (MacDonald's was very crowded). I actually liked Wendy's meal better. The hamburger and fries had a better me. I think MacDonald's food taste more processed.

After Wendy's, I rode that train back to the Bronx. I corrected papers on the train ride to and from Brooklyn. In the Bronx, I went to Target to have my blood pressure medicine refilled. With the 20 minute wait time, I browsed the aisles. I wasn't planning to buy anything, but I did. I bought "Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials" (the trilogy of The Golden Compass, the Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass) 933 pages. The Golden Compass movie is coming out soon. It will be nice to read the book before I go. Yes, I'm still reading The Storm of Swords. And yes, the story is still dragging on. I also bought some Healthy Choices meals.

I was back home about 6PM. After reading the Sunday paper, I started grading more papers. I ate a Healthy Choice meal, I mixed a cup of microwavable rice to the meal to help my fill up. I fell asleep soon afterwards, and woke up. Now, I'm blogging.

Well, I better go. It is late. I still have to type up my homework sheet. Today, I have to leave school by 5PM. I need to be home by 6PM to be home when my grocery order arrives.

Post Date - Monday, November 19, 2007 2:25AM

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