Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sunday, June 1st.
A very nice day. The plan was to meet with my epal at 2:30PM to see an independent movie. Having not wanting to be late, I left home and caught the 12:45PM bus to the Bronx, then transferred to the NYC subway. I arrived about 2:20PM in front of the movie theater. It turns out the online time was wrong. The movie start time was 2:25PM, not 3:10PM. We saw "A Jihad for Love". How was the movie? It was okay. We both agreed that it was a documentary that could have just as easily been shown on TV. There was nothing exciting or unique that needed to be put on the big screen. Also, there wasn't really anything new that was said in the film that wasn't already known.

After the movie, my epal took me to a local diner in the area. After I sat down, I realized that it was the same diner that another epal(from Brooklyn) took me to. I had the deluxe hamburger with onion rings and a couple of glasses of (freshly squeezed) orange juice. My epal had a chicken club sandwich with a glass of cranberry juice. My epal offered to pay for the meal. Actually, my other epal(Brooklyn) took me to the same diner and also paid for the meal. I still owe him. He hasn't been too willing to venture out of Brooklyn for about the last year. I will have to repay the lunch I received from Brooklyn epal. Now, back to NJ epal.After the meal, we (NJ epal and I) walked to midtown to a comic shop. I ended up buying three graphic novels:

Civil War (Marvel)
Civil War (Marvel Universe)
Civil War: Black Panther (Marvel)

After the comic shop, we walked back downtown. We both had a taste for ice cream. We found a Taste D Lite (I think that is the name). The service was crappy; the ice cream was okay. The plastic spoons were too sharp. Both my epal and I ended up cutting our mouths on our plastic spoons. We had our ice cream to go. We walked further downtown. My epal needed to catch the Path train (he lives in New Jersey). On the way, my epal meet a soap opera actress. My epal seemed very excited to meet her. The actress also seemed to be very happy to have met a fan. I had no idea what they were talking about, but it was nice seeing my epal expressing his admiration for the actress. It was a very nice scene.

After walking my epal to the Path train. I walked a few blocks to my train. I arrived in the Bronx about 8PM. Since I had about a 40 minute wait, I went to the Target store for some milk, dental and shaving products. I caught the MN train and was home about 9PM. I tried to write this entry but I fell asleep.

Next weekend, it will be my turn. We are going to the Big Apple Comic Convention near Madison Square Garden with lunch (or dinner) on me. This just means that I will have to repeat my Friday amazing feat; I will have to do my lesson planning before the weekend. And hopefully, I will have my homework sheet done next time as well.

Completion Date - Monday, June 2, 2008 4:01AM
Post Date - Sunday, June 29, 2008 2:17AM


Max Sartin said...

sorry I haven't been over in a while. Is school still in session for you, or are you in a year-round school? In Utah we are required to have 180 days of school, and most of our districts get out the first week of June. Some of our elementary schools go year round, 4 tracks and 1 is always off track, in order to get 4 classes out of 3 rooms. So we have some teachers that are still teaching, except for a couple weeks in July when everyone is out. Anyway, I'm curious how it works in NYC. Have a great day at the Comic Convention. I'm a little jealous, we don't have too many good conventions out here in SLC (except for the bi-annual LDS Conference)....

Max Sartin said...

Oh, I mean semi-annual. Or whichever means twice a year....

Jannx said...

Hello Max. No, thank goodness we don't have year-round schools here in least not yet. I'm sure it will only be a matter of time though. I think my mind and body are seasonal. I don't think I would like the idea of having school all-year round. Here, when the weather gets warm, the kids get hyper. Depending on air-conditioning from room to room through the hot summery days is not a good feeling.

Max Sartin said...

Yeah, I can agree with you about the airconditioning, and we have the same problem with the kids and warm weather here also, although in High School a lot of them just stop showing up.