Sorry, I was too tired to post yesterday. Yesterday was suppose to have been moving furniture and unpack the neatly labeled boxes. Well, that was just hopeful dreaming for me. First of all, I got started later than planned. I arrived to school about 11am. After I moved the furniture to their approx. locations, and cleared off the back cabinets, I was exhausted. Even though I had a fairly concrete idea of where I wanted everything to go, and my boxes were labeled so that I knew exactly what was in them. I still had to deal with a bit of a mental block (a kind of "where do I start, or what do I do" kind of thing). So instead of doing anything substantive, I kind of fritted away the time.
Today, I had a reservation with a mover to help me move my things back to my classroom. To make sure we were on the road as quickly as possible, I moved my things from my apartment to the sidewalk before the mover was supposed to have arrived; the guy was about 40 minutes late. He was a very nice guy though. When we arrived, the side area gate was locked, and the side door was locked as well. My classroom just happens to be the last class by the side exit. If the side entrance had been opened, it would have been a single flight of stairs to my classroom. The only available space was a fire hydrant further down the block. Since the mover couldn't leave his van unattended (and risk getting a ticket), and not knowing where to take the boxes, it fell to me to move my things into the building. Once in the building, I had to take the approx. 10~15 boxes up one flight of stairs. I was exhausted again. I was too tired to do anything productive like unpacking boxes, so I sat and organized the classroom library books. I took a break for lunch. I ordered a turkey sandwich from the local bodega. On the way back, the security guard was either off duty or on a lunch break, so Mr. Gruff (one of the custodians), came to the door...reluctantly (making sure to remind us[those trying to get into the building] that Thursday was the day we were suppose to return).
About 5:40pm, the fire alarm when off. In this school, that's the custodian's way of saying, "get out, now".
What's the attached photo? I took this picture while I was moving my things. On Sunday, someone on the first floor of my building left that trash right in the middle of hallway. They could not even be bothered to put it near the incinerator closet. Where my foster father lives, signs have to be posted to remind residents that they should not through soiled diapers and trash out the window. Amazing...and not in a good way.
Post Date - Saturday, October 25, 2008 11:53PM
Completion Date - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:48PM
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