Sunday, June 14, 2009

New TV signals have arrived

Well, another wasted weekend. This weekend was the first with the new digital signal conversion change for TVs here in the US. Therefore, those like me(who still depend of rabbit-eared antennas), there was no TV signals. Actually, it was okay. I knew months ago about the change. One, I'm a procrastinator. Two, a part of me, wants to give up TV and replace it with being more active in my daily life. However, that noble thought won't last long. A part of me one does not want to waste my government $40 coupon. Each household is entitled to two coupons. The first one, I received expired due to my procrastinating. I don't want to have to buy a converter box for a TV that will probably be replaced in a year or so. Another part of me is curious about what the new digital signal will bring by way of programs within my reach. A part of me is also sick of dancing around the room with my rabbit ears trying to get a clear picture.

Beyond the new TV signals, I don't have anything worth blogging about. I slept most of the weekend away as usual. So, I'll end this now. It is past my bedtime.

Post Date - Sunday, June 14, 2009 10:54PM


Jeff said...

I had the rabbit ear treatment for awhile when I worked at camp, and I only got one channel. It wasn't so bad, actually. I was very physically active, walked trails, rode my bike, visited with friends...

Jannx said...

At the moment, I'm hating the "digital experience". I can't get channels 7, 11, 13, or 21.