Monday, June 25, 2012

Diet Day 8

Morning run, yes. I'm doing a two week liquid diet.

Two and a half days before summer vacation. This was one crazy (at times disturbing), successful year.


Jeff said...

Congratulations! It sounds like you had a year on par with mine. Mine was... okay. Glad to read that you're still up and kicking!

Jannx said...

I hope you're joking. If you had a year like mine, then I am so, so sorry to hear that. The CRAZINESS went right up to the end. The kids were pushing buttons like there was no tomorrow.

Oh... just curious ... Have you ever had PD on the very last day? And no, it wasn't the icing on the cake.

Jeff said...

Ha! No, no PD. But it was by far my worst year yet. Just a whole lot of garbage thrown at me every day by the kids and adults alike.

Jannx said...

Welcome to my world :)