February 1, 2006
I just attached a photo of my shoe box (see the previous entry).
This morning (since I did not reach the bathroom by 6am), I had to wait for one of my housemates (and his girlfriend) to shower. I ended up making it to school on time with one minute to spare.
Today I was assigned to cover a ¾ bridge class. The two teachers – yes, I did say two teachers. Not a teacher and an assistant, but two teachers. They had some kind of meeting to go to, so I was given their class. Even though they were both in school, neither had time to give me pertinent information about the class. There was no schedule. I was just told that the class was wild—and they like to fight. Long story short, the day was not really any different than any other day.
After I cleaned up the classroom, graded the assignments that I gave the students, I went to the regional office to pick up my emergency check. Since the payroll secretary missed the deadline for submitting the payroll information, any teacher information (including mine) not submitted would not receive a salary for that pay period. However, luckily I can request an emergency check (which is 60% of the total salary for that pay period). I am satisfied. I have enough money (I hope) to pay the teacher testing fee, the travel expenses to Washington DC, hotel expenses, and the cost of a new suit.
That is about it for now. Until next time…