Hello Pen pal. Just a brief entry. This morning, my neigbor and her boyfriend were arguing again. I thought it was just another example of ghetto life. Unfortunately, I think it has become something more. This morning, my other neighbor (the one who asked for the letter of reference) told me that the young lady and her boyfriend have actually been fighting a long time ago, only now (according to him)it seems to be getting worst. To be honest, I really did not want to hear that. Up until yesterday, I was getting used to what I believed was just a couple of immature 20 somethings arguing. Pretending that I could not really hear what was going on, made me feel safe to ignore what I could barely hear (not including the shouting), but now knowing that there is ...something more going on. I now feel like I have to stop ignoring the arguments. What will I do? I have no idea! However, now that I know a little more, I no longer feel comfortable pretending I can't hear. A part of me believes that pretending that we can't hear, will only encourage more of the "arguing" to continue.
I wonder if the young lady (knowing that there are two men on the floor) has been purposely shouting hoping the "men" would do something.
Sometimes, being a man stucks!!!!
Oh, not the best time to add this, but I will attach one of my 116 photos of Washington DC to a previous blog entry.