June 13, 2006
Today was a pre-k day. When I arrived this morning, I was a little nervous about what class I would receive today. Last week, I found out that two teachers would be out for a couple of days due to being called for Jury Duty. I couldn’t believe it when I heard that a teacher (later I found out that it was not one but two teachers) would agree to do jury duty two weeks before the end of the school year, instead of deferring until the summer.
When I arrived to school, all of the senior classes (6th grade) were lined up for a field trip. Everyone was wearing a “Class of 2006” T-Shirt. I walked past the line; a few boys whispered something in a group, and then laughed hysterically out loud. Seeing those loud, disrespectful, arrogant “seniors” standing comfortably and safe with the knowledge that they would be going on a field trip, despite the wild behavior, felt a little bit like a slap in the face. I know that I should not take it personally.
Today I was assigned to sub for a pre-k class. It was a very easy day today. Basically, I didn’t have to do anything. The para (teacher assistant) seemed to take her job seriously. She kept the students on their usually routine. The class was a little bit disorganized for my taste, but it was a very nice and easy day.
Oh, I almost forgot. the Pre-k and the Kindergarten classes had another rehearsal for the “moving up day” ceremony. They were still just as disorganized as the last time I observed the rehearsal. The teachers argued over the seating plans and how the classes should line up. 45 minutes was wasted on those two points. It was strange to see the kids almost better behaved than the adults.
Post Date - June 28, 2006 12:45pm