June 26, 2006
Cleaning up and packing up. Today, all of the teachers were present, so the administration really did not have anything for me to do. While I was trying to check on the status of my teaching license (more details in a moment), the classroom teacher was complaining about having a lot of packing to do. I was using a classroom teacher’s computer. I volunteered to help her pack. I am one of those people who feels more comfortable (at work) doing something than sitting around doing nothing. I spent the day help the teacher take things off the walls and pack. I could spend an hour writing about poor organization, but I won’t. It is getting late. For helping her, the teacher invited me to her class’ pizza party. She even gave me the leftover pizza, so instead of dinner, I finished off the reminder of the leftover pizza.
Back at my shoebox, did anyone take out the trash? No, it is still sitting there with the note taped above it.
I almost forgot about the status of my teaching license. I tried calling (after I failed several attempts on the internet) only to by put in a strange cycle of none answer. Basically (trying to keep this blog entry short), when I did not get a busy signal, would reach automatic recording. The recording gave me 4 options before I reached the 5th (to speak to a representative), it would then switch me to another recording which said that all reps. were busy and that I could either push #1 to reply the previous recording (or I got a busy signal). The recording gave me 3 seconds to choose #1 or the call would be disconnected. Being the stubborn person that I am, I tried to keep calling the number hoping I would get through, if I heard the recording, I would quickly hang up and dial again. Occasionally, I would seem to get through. The phone would ring about 7 or 8 times, then a silent pause, then the recording would come on.
Post Date - Monday, July 10, 2006 12:18pm