Getting older and moving slower. I was proud of my morning. I managed to wake up early, something I have not been able to do for the last couple of months (being on vacation). This morning, I ate cream of wheat cereal (apples and cinnamon favor). Since I did not have any tea left, I drank a mug of hot water (I forgot this morning that I did not have any more teabags until after the water was boiling).The kitchen was as messy as usually. Although, I am happy that I did not hear the mice noises in the cabinets, I know it won’t last for long.
After breakfast, I went food shopping. I had a taste for baked macaroni and cheese, so I needed to buy the ingredients. I also bought milk, orange juice, green tea bags, spareribs, oatmeal cookies, bread, etc…
After returning, and watching a little bit of TV, I made a simple lunch. I had sardines and toast, with glass of water. I wanted to eat some of the leftover chicken, but I knew that I would be eating the chicken for dinner. After lunch, I fell asleep. After my nap, I decided to do a little bit of shopping. Originally, I was only planning to buy a mouse pad and a sleep mask. A couple of days ago, Mr. 40+ replaced the burnt out hall light and took off the shade. I went to a big “irregular shop” store. This store sells mostly merchandise with some irregularities. I bought a couple of short-sleeves shirts and a pair of slacks.
I am falling asleep. I will have to finish this tomorrow….
It is now a couple of days later, yesterday I spent my evening writing about yesterday, so I did not get a chance to finish this while I remember what I wanted to write about. It is now 3:00 in the morning, and the longer I put off posting this, the more I will procrastinate about the other entries.
I am just going to try to summarize.
I went to a big irregular shop to buy something for my walking trip to Staten Island. From there I continued walking to the big retail store with the red bullseye logo. See the attached photo. I bought:
Team America World Police
Super Size Me
Batman Begins
I bought the Batman DVD on an impulse (or should I say a bigger impulse). The price was only $10. Once I got home, I realized why the DVD was cheaper than the regular $19 price, it is only the movie without an special features.
Other items
Listerine pocket mist (I liked the strips better)
A mouse pad
A pre-paid phone card to add 60 minutes to my cell phone.
A spray bottle for ironing
A paint by numbers set
A sleep mask (with ear plugs)
It is now 3:18 in the morning, and there are still people partying outside.
Post Date - Sunday, August 12, 2006 3:25am