Resume Update. A fairly slow day. I did not do much. Again, I spent way too much time on my computer. I started by finishing up my New Teacher Orientation blog entry. I am about to post it this evening. After the blog entry, I worked on updating my resume. Now that I finally have my teaching license—well, I was told that it is “in the system” and a printed copy is on its way here. I hope.
Now, I have to find a teaching assignment. I would like to sit back and wait, but I really don’t want to wait. Teachers only have two days to prepare for the new school year. As a new teacher, I need more time to get ready. If I had the same class, the same grade, and the same materials, then I could be comfortable with a two day preparation. Most likely, I will probably spend my 3 day weekend working (or worrying) about my new teaching assignment.
After I updated my resume, I had to walk to the local big office supply store, to have them open the file on my floppy disk, and print a copy. Once I get paid, I will need to buy a printer. After the clerk printed a single copy of my resume file, I went to the back to use the self-service copy machines. The copies were $0.10 per copy. My resume was three pages long. I also had a cover letter (one page), and I also had a print-out of the State Education’s web page showing that I was approved to receive a New York State teaching certificate. I printed 8 sets. I did not bother with fancy paper. Tomorrow, I will deliver my resume in person to a few of the schools I subbed in last school year. I will also need to go to the NYC board of Education in Brooklyn to change my school identification card from sub to regular teacher. I think the place will probably be very crowded.
After finishing my copies, I went to the grocery store to buy a few items; among the items was some ground meat. I finally made my pasta with meat sauce.
Finally, another example of why I need to get my own apartment and move out. The couple on the 3rd floor my building had an argument. According to Mr. 40+, the woman threw the man’s things out the window into the alley right outside my window. When I heard the loud racket in the alley, I just assumed that that someone was doing some late night work there. And when I smelled the bleach, I just assumed that the person had finished up. According to Mr. 40+ (who felt the need to investigate), after the woman threw the guys clothes out the window, she poured bleach on the clothes. He also told me that there were several cop cars outside.
After a while, Mr. 40+ returned to finish our conversation, he also borrowed a couple of my DVDs. He borrowed Batman Begins, and Van Helsing.
Post Date - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:35pm