Monday, June 18, 2007

Lazy weekend as usual, so there was not need to post an entry.

Saturday = sleep, surf, eat, surf/chat, sleep
I started the day with an online chat. I started to get lazy, but at the last minute, I finally got out to do my laundry. I took the 4:30pm Metro-North Train to NYC. My plan was to visit my foster father for Father's Day. When I got to the Bronx, I made a quick run to Target store. Although, I had a $40 gift card, I wanted to have something to be physically touched, opened etc...I love gift cards, but I don't like giving only the gift card. When I got to Target, my plan was to buy one of those folding "captain's chair". I imagined that having the foldable chair while my foster father was hanging out playing the "Lottery", he would have a place to sit; he also enjoys barbecues in the park. Unfortunately, by the time I'd gotten to Target, the shelves were bare.

After wandering the aisles for awhile, I finally decided on one of those tornado floor fans. The fan turned out to be a better choice. As I walked in, my foster father and his lady friend were "discussin" how the fix the old fan. My foster father is one of those people who won't throw away something that can be fixed a million times.


Today was a strange day. The students were basically their same noisy, disrespectful selves, but they seemed to be a bit more reserved than usually. Strange, they seem calmer than usually. I did lunch time detention for the 3 kids who did not take my silent lunchtime detention seriously. I got a little bit of "what about...", but then they accepted the punishment nicely.

Oh, today was the awards assembly. Teachers had to give awards in the areas of citizenship, scholarship, and attendance. Although we were given 4 of each to used, I did not use all. I only had to good citizens, and that is all I gave for citizens. I also gave only two certificates for scholarship. I noticed a lot of teachers gave out all of their certificates. The awards assembly lasted almost 2 hours. It was a little disappointing to see the AP in slippers, and many kids in summer clothes (ratty T-shirs, and baggy ghetto jean-shorts). A couple of my students told me that since school is almost over, they don't have to wear uniforms, not that they seriously wore one during the school year. For most, the idea of a school uniform is a dirty white dress shirt worn (untucked) till it turns brown, no tie, and navy blue slacks (or jeans).

Today, we received the official confirmation of the single lined mention in the daily school bulletin first appearing on Friday. Grades 2nd to 6th would be going to River Bank State Park (the one built over a sewer treatment plant). We received the permission slips (today at 2:30pm) for the trip that will be tomorrow.

I was out of the building about 5pm. I went to Target to buy some black jeans. That is my "casual" for the fieldtrip (black jeans, sneakers, but white button-down (casual) dress shirt and tie).

When I got home, I actually cook dinner for a change. It has been awhile since I cooked dinner. I had steak, Macaroni & Cheese from a box, and frozen vegetables.

The last time I weighed myself, I weighed 204lbs. (not wearing clothes). I've gained about 10lbs these last couple of months. Next week, I will sign up for a month by month membership at the local YMCA ($40 per month). I want the premium membership so that I can use the sauna and steamroom, but at $450, I don't want to pay that, knowing that I will probably only go a few times. Basically, the only extra for the premium is the sauna/steam room. This summer, my goal is try losing 20 or 30 pounds. Or, at least changing the fat to muscle. If I suddenly become a gym junkie over the summer, then I would be willing to pay for the premium membership. Right now (for the months of July and August), I will focus on paying the month by month more expensive in the long run, that is if I can stay for the long run. I also might sign up for the spinning classes. At $3 for 15 tickets, that might be worth the investment. I need a cardio workout for my weak knees. Now that I am thinking about it, I might also just buy a stationary bike and use it here at home in front of the TV. I don't know, I'll have to think about it. The last thing I need is another clothes rack.

Time for me to go...

Post Date - Monday, June 18, 2007 10:45pm

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