Thursday, June 28, 2007

Well, my vacation has begun....NOT!!!

While some teachers are relaxing in Las Vegas, or Florida, I spent my first official day on my classroom packing. I've been exhuasted for the last couple of days that I did not even have the strength to lay on the couch. The last two days it has been a soak in the bath, and then bedtime. Since it has been a couple of days from my last posting, I will try to summarize my final days at school.

Monday, June 25th. (with two day til vacation)
Only 12 students arrived (Hypers, whinners, criers, and complainers). AP1 and the principal did a walk around to see that "instruction was still going on". I tried to think about packing, but my kids were starving for attention. In the end, it was just easier for me to keep the regular instruction routine going. Strange, finally, while kids from other classes were running the hallway, my kids were actually paying attention to the lesson. Next year, I will have to definitely change my teaching style. As annoyed as I was to keep hearing it from AP2, she is correct, differentiated instruction is necessary to get through to students. By the afternoon, I risked having the students start cleaning out their desk, and cleaning off the top. I really did not want to spent the last day scrubbing off the desks. That is another thing I will have to change next year. My kids had a field day this year writing to the desks.


I just checked my last blog entry, I already did Monday and Tuesday...Sorry about that.

Wednesday, June 27th THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!
The day started the same as previous days. The night before I fell asleep, so I was up about 2am not being able to sleep. Since I was up, I decided to sign up for another "P" credit course. Since I have 21 Graduate Credits, 9 credits will put me at the "Plus 30" level on the pay scale. I'd already signed up for two classes, I just needed one more. Upon visiting the "P Program" website, I found out one of my classes was cancelled with no notification, and no explanation. I sent an e-mail to the instructor of the class, who forward it to the woman in charge. Strange. So now, I had to try to sign up for two classes. The class that was changed was the computing applications for the classroom. I really wanted that class. I have a very basic understanding about computers. I want to learn spreadsheeting, and graphing. I think it would be very interesting to graph the students grades and show them the visual angle of their grades as opposed to just puting a number in front of them. Unfortunately, most of the good classes were now closed. I got lucky with a second alternative:

Application of Microsoft Office for classroom application.

This class is supposed to teach Excel, webpage designing, and some other things I can't remember at the moment.

With not a lot of choices remaining, I settled for an online course:

Creating and Managing a Successful Classroom.

This will be a real challenge for me. I am the kind of person who lacks interal motivation, I usually do things only when I have to. I really need a brick and mortar classroom, but I wanted to try to change one of my negative traits. Besides, I also did not want to spend my entire summer in a classroom. I like the idea of being able to choose my lesson times. My thing will be to actually finish something I started. I signed up, and technically, I could start, but I am not ready yet. I am planning to start on the first of July. I'll try to keep a running log of ny success, or ...No! Failure is not an option.

We'll see....

Anyway, after finishing signing up for the online course, I was back in bed about 4:30am. I was up again about 6:15, I was tired...duh!!!! but I managed to get out of my apartment, at the usual time....with about 2 minutes before the Metro-North was due to arrive.

After running for the train (as usual), I just managed to make it! I was a bit annoyed that is guy who was running slower that I was (but he was already in front of me) got into the train first, and since he say his homie, he stopped right in the door area, to slap hands, and the half hug while I am on the plateform, trying to get in with my shopping cart (yes, I ran with my shopping cart).

Anyway, I got in the train, made it to my usual seat, I usually sit in the handicap space with my shopping cart. Well, as I was trying to catch my breath, and search for my wallet, I realized quickly, that I'd left my wallet, next to my computer (remember, I was signing up for courses that morning). I paniced. I had no money, I didn't know what the train conductor might do. Luckily, the Yonkers was only about a minute away. I got off the train, when down stairs, and (again) lucky for me, a taxi was waiting in front of the station. In Yonkers there is usually a taxi waiting in the front, however, the station before and after the Yonkers station don't have taxis waiting. They're small stations. Anyway, I asked the taxi driver if he would drive me home to get my wallet, then drive me to the nearest NYC train station.

I need to shorten this entry, my ice cream is melting. I bought a pint of Haggen Daaz.

I managed to arrived at school with about 2 or 3 minutes to spare.

Last day of school, I had already given out report cards yesterday, so no reason for students to come, but...

14 students arrived, and yes, complaining, and arguing about this or that. In the end, I was in a bad mood that I was not even closed to being finished packing up. And once again, my bad mood motivated the kids to be more productive. I am really going to have to change over the summer. The too, too nice guy is a liability. These kids just don't respect nice.

After the kids left, AP1 called me on the phone, but then quickly put on the principal, who was about to tear into me about complaining about coming in too early at the beginning of this school year. I corrected her, I complained that I did not come in early enough (I missed a couple of preparation days finishing up my license paperwork), she then was about to tear into me about not wanting to come to school on August 28th (the time teachers are required to return). Again, I had to correct her, I did not complain about coming in on August 28th, actually, I mentioned to her that I was planning to come in about a week earlier. There is no way I am going to be ready for the new school year with only two days preperation time. That last comment took the wind out of the queen bee's sails. She mumbled something about "oh, I'll be here". She obviously had some bad "intel". It took me awhile to figure out (I am not the smartest person and a bit slow). Earlier around dismissal time, the new Science guy, who was removed from his second grade class because he could not handle the kids, reminded me about going to the UFT (Teacher's Union) to fight the "D" rating that I received. When I'd mentioned that I wanted to follow proper protacol, AP2 had just walked passed. She heard union...and she heard fight, and decided to put her two plus two together. See, I mentioned she can be quiet, but she does have claws. I also didn't understand at the time, she was giving me the cold shoulder with terse responses to casual comments about summer plans.

Thursday, June 28th should have been my first day to enjoy my vacation, by sleeping late, but I was in my classroom packing. Without the kids, or deadlines, I could think much better. At first I was highly annoyed to be in my classroom, but I then realized that (for me) it was a good idea. My original plan was to come in, spend a couple of hours throwing things in boxes, then go to buy an air-conditioner. But, I started to pack and clean up correctly, meaning to properly label boxes, and group items so that I would be able to find them easily. And most importantly, throw out papers that I did not need.

Unfortunately, I did not finish. So, I will be back again tomorrow to finish up.

Post Date - Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:14pm

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