Saturday, October 13, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Rainy morning. Again, I missed my "early" train. This morning the "new" reading program started. The new learning groups were in the teacher's mailboxes this morning. We found out then and there that we would not have any of our regular kids. My group? I would have a group of 4th and 5th graders. My reading level group? 2.2 Yes, that is a second grade reading level. There was more than a few "WTF"s including me. The announcement was that we would be having our "new groups" for a full 90 minutes. I have to be honest. I am responsible for a part of the confusion and lack of preparation. I knew that eventually the "new" program would start. With no official start date, and weeks of "the program will start soon". I got comfortable with not thinking about the program. I tried to be as professional as possible, I had a "do now" activity, that gave me 5 to 10 minute prep time. I found the training book for the program and the teacher's guide. I skimmed them quickly, then photocopied a few pages(about 12) about getting started with the program. I made copies for "Across the Hall"(third grade teacher and a second grade teacher (also across the hall). Problem? The training manual and the teacher's guide mentioned the first couple of weeks are "getting along" cooperative building activities, but without the activities.

So with some teachers seemingly a bit lost, I managed to quickly put my students on task and productive (while I organized the program materials that I did have), and I assisted a couple of other teachers. While the kids are doing a third grade reading comprehension activity, the principal walks in, " that's not the program materials", and walks out.

After the 90 minute "new" literacy block, I gave my regular students the math unit one test. Today was also the start of the "spider making" art project. For one reason or another, the felt material wasn't accepting the glue and would not stick. After school, I reglued each of the students' 16 spiders using a hot glue gun.

There was a PTA meeting that I'd forgotten about. I stayed for the meeting (one of 3 teachers with about 6 or 7 parents attending) I was out about 6:30pm. In the Bronx, I went to Target to buy more glue and Weight Watchers Smart Meals (on sale 3 for $5). For dinner, I had a smart meal with a couple of slices of plain wheat bread.

Post Date - Saturday, October 13, 2007 11:18pm

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