Today, I was not in a very good mood, the result was that the kids did not push my buttons as usual. When I'm in an evil mood, they kids seem to know...somewhat. Also, Cackler was absent. The day was okay. My plan was to really get out of the building by 4 or 4:30PM. However, you know me. Something always seems to throw me off. Today, it was the request for the Mid-Winter recess homework packet. Due tomorrow. This time, AP1 wants Math, Math, Math. Oh, and AP2 also made an annoucement, "effective immediately, Math is to be taught for three hours per day. Science and Social Studies lessons, must be (temporarily) replaced with Math.
Anyway, I spent about a half an hour going through my materials to find suitable math related assignments. Although AP1 asked for test prep material, I was in no mood to follow her advice to go online to search for Math Test Prep materials. I'm going to leave the Test Prep component to one of the other 3rd grade teachers.
I left the building about 5:10PM. I ended up arriving in the Bronx in enough time to see the MN train arrive at the MN station, just as my train was going over the bridge into the Bronx. I made a quick stop in the local drug store. I thought it would have been faster than going to Target, but I was wrong. This slow kid was moving slower than a slow turtle. He was moving very slow with a couple people on line, then, the kid just walked away. No annoucement, no nothing. I almost missed my MN train.
When I arrived home, I reheated leftover sphagetti. I also cooked a piece of defrosted steak. I was going to cook some Minute Rice, but I saw a receipe on the box that I would like to try. Sweet and Sour Chicken. The receipe stated that it only takes about 20 minutes to make. I'll post my results when I attempt to make it.
Well, I better go. I have another long day tomorrow. This morning, I almost caught an earlier train, but I missed it by about 1 minute. I will try again tomorrow. It is nice when I can arrived about 30 early. Until next time...
Post Date - Monday, February 11, 2008 9:15PM
1 comment:
Ha! When I'm in a bad mood, my kids certainly know it, and they act better, but then I feel bad that they're just being good out of fear instead of respect. Sometimes I try to counteract this by being nice, but sometimes I know I just milk it for what it's worth and take advantage of it while I can.
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