Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday, February 29th.
Rain of confusion. Picture Day. At the last minute the literacy block was cancelled. Literally at the time the kids were all lined up and ready to move to their 90 minute location, an announcement was made that the literacy block was cancelled.

Due to picture taking moving slow, lunch periods were switched. the confusion came from there being two schedules (lunch periods are on a 50 minute schedule and and the prep schedule is on a 45 minute schedule). About 11 o'clock, AP1 made an announcement that the first and the second(my lunch period) would be switched. Being a bit slow, I just assumed that she meant that my lunch period would begin in 5 minutes when the current period was finished. Even as I watched teachers rushing to take their kids to the cafeteria to get their full lunch period, I thought I had plenty of time. However, after much confusion, it was finally explained about the two schedules. Once I had gotten used to this schedule, I had forgotten about the two schedules. And it only cost me about 15 or 20 minutes of my lunch period.

Picture taking was a slow process, and a noisy affair. On the way to the auditorium, one of my girls gets accidentally kicked by a boy doing a batman swing in the stairwell. Picture day (unfortunately) meant to dress down...way down. tight fitting jeans, tight fitting shirts(girls), loose fitting jeans and loose fitting shirts(boys). I also had to deal with complaints from a couple of girls who wanted to take off their uniform blouse wearing just their undershirts.

I was out of the building at 7:30PM

Post Date - Saturday, March 8, 2008 11:00AM

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