Sunday, April 12, 2009

Before Dishonor

Rather than add this book review with the previous blog entry, I decided to separate it.

I finished reading The Star Trek:The Next Generation book, "Before Dishonor". I didn't like the cover, and that should have been a warning. I only got the book because I read online that the book series was trying to do a "continuation" from the TV series. Having been a fan of the TV series, I wanted to read the book.

So, what were some of my reasons for not liking the book:

* starting with the cover. Seven of Nine rarely had her hair down and the expression on the face doesn't fit with the character that was portrayed on the TV show. I'm not sure what the author was going for, but I missed the point.
* Also, a major, I mean "major" character gets killed off as if that character was one of the original Star Trek series minor characters. Remember how in the original show, whenever a minor character went on an away mission, inevitably that character was killed off just to drive the plot forward.
* I also didn't like the borg attack sequences (for lack of a better terminology). Basically, the borg having been cut off from the rest of the collective had to adapt to survive. However, thay were beaten so badly (according to the book), that they had to evolve. Now they can defeat an armada of starships in seconds. They can also "eat" -- yes "eat" planets in seconds. They could also fly in and out of the sun...well, I think you get the idea.
* The primary plot point is that the borg have been beaten by the federation to the point of extinction and will do anything to end the threat of the federation. So being completing unstoppable, and coming within seconds of "eating" planet earth(and dealing an extremely crippling blow to their "enemy"), the borg decide to stop for what I thought was a rather stupid reason. If you're unstoppable, and you have your enemy on his knees. Why stop and wait for...."someone" who can neither stop you nor really add anything of significance.

I did like the feeling that I was reading a continuation of the ST:TNG series, I thought the story was a bit over the top.

Post Date - Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:39AM

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