Thursday, April 09, 2009

Spring Break - Day 1

Spring Break is in full-swing. Day 1? I mostly slept it away. After my usually procrastination to exhaustion routine, I told myself that I was entitled to sleep the day away (after a few false starts). So, what's the plan for the 11-day vacation? I am the plan-maker?....I'm also the dreamer.

My plan is to not turn on my computer (or the TV) until after 5pm. Most of you regular readers know that I tend to vegout when either comes on. Other plans. For the next (now 3 days) I want to try to clean up my living room. The other rooms at one point or another have been cleaned (the most recent being the bedroom and bathroom). I've been stepping over, around and on various piles. It would be nice to have my apartment cleaned for once, especially at the beginning of the vacation, not the (usual) end. I also want to set up my new printer/copier/scanner machine. I think I bought the machine a couple of months ago. Yep, it is still sitting unopened on the floor.....

I just checked the receipt. I bought the printer January 2, 2009. Since my living room is such a mess, I told myself that the best place to keep the receipt was on the box until I opened it, just in case I needed to return the machine. The 90 return policy expired a few days ago. I also have my Iron Gym unopened on the floor as well. The Iron Gym has been on the floor (unopened) longer than the printer.

Anyway, I want to clean my living room. I want to do (at least) a week of lesson plans for my return to work. I also want to grade some of the piles of papers that have been cluttering up my living room for months. I would like to do some (or all) of this by this coming Sunday. Before "vacation mood" sets in. Usually as you "regulars" know, I tend to do things at the last minute. I also tend to go comatose during vacations. Lastly, I want to join the gym on Monday. Hopefully, I can start a routine with the gym that I will be able to continue when I return to work.

Well, it is getting late. I also want to try to get into a regular sleep routine. Being in bed before midnight on non-work days and before 11:30pm during work days. I'm tired of the irregular (regular) sleep routine. Next week, I would also like to see at least 2 or 3 movies - I want to see Watchmen before it leaves the theater. I also want to do at least 2 or 3 touristy things like visit the Empire State Buiding's Observation Deck. Lately, I've missed several movies that I wanted to see, but was too stressed out from work to bother. And I rarely (if ever) do anything touristy. Hopefully, this vacation will be different.

Well, Day one is over. Let's see if I can improve myself this vacation.

Oh, I almost forgot. I need to apply to College to finish my Master's Degree.

Post Date - Thursday, April 9, 2009 11:18PM

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