Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Preparation - Day 2
Today wasn't as successful as yesterday. I woke up stiff and tired. I had to drag myself out of bed. Today I really wasn't in the mood for unpacking. I was hoping to be finished today, but no such luck. I'm going to try an earlier bedtime tonight (and breakfast tomorrow). Hopefully, I can get the burst of energy I had on Day 1. So, I'm going to end this entry now. Bye for now.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Preparation - Day 1
I'll have to keep this short. I want to be in bed by 11PM. So, how did I do with my "To Do" List? Not very good. In hindsight, I wasn't realistic. In the past, the last minute rush usually involved me returning the following day (and in some instances, that day is a Saturday). So although, I didn't do too well with my list, I'm pleased with what I accomplished:
Day 1 - Results:
I managed to arrived at 7:40AM; I was unpacking by 8AM.
1. Unpack all necessary boxes (about 18 of them) - I unpacked about half.
2. Arrange classroom furniture - 90% Completed
3. Set up classroom library - 90% ompleted
4. Set up (and fill up) the brand new shelving units - Set Up Completed, shelving 40% Completed
5. Set up classroom computers - Not Done
6. Change bulletin board paper - Not Done
Well, that was Day 1. I returned home about 6:30PM. I then had to do my laundry. I also made sure to soak in the tub for about a half an hour. I didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning stiff and too tired to be at school by 8AM.
Well, I'm going to try calling it a night early (for me), so that I can have another productive day. I should be able to finish the unpacking and classroom setup tomorrow. That would give me three days for planning(long-term), and one day for prep work(short-term).
Day 1 - Results:
I managed to arrived at 7:40AM; I was unpacking by 8AM.
1. Unpack all necessary boxes (about 18 of them) - I unpacked about half.
2. Arrange classroom furniture - 90% Completed
3. Set up classroom library - 90% ompleted
4. Set up (and fill up) the brand new shelving units - Set Up Completed, shelving 40% Completed
5. Set up classroom computers - Not Done
6. Change bulletin board paper - Not Done
Well, that was Day 1. I returned home about 6:30PM. I then had to do my laundry. I also made sure to soak in the tub for about a half an hour. I didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning stiff and too tired to be at school by 8AM.
Well, I'm going to try calling it a night early (for me), so that I can have another productive day. I should be able to finish the unpacking and classroom setup tomorrow. That would give me three days for planning(long-term), and one day for prep work(short-term).
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Vacation Ends
My vacation is over. Today, my plan was to see a movie "Dinner for Smucks" and visit my foster father. However, doing the visiting first put the kibosh on the movie. By the time I finished "visiting", it was time to return home.
On my way home, I decided to once and for all try the Shopping Center I see while I'm riding on the Metro-North train. Since I don't have a car, I'm limited by my shopping choices. Weill with A Target, Home Depot, and a BJ's within my travel route, I now have some more options. Especially BJ's. BJ's is a bulk food and supply store.
Well, I better go. Tomorrow is the first (unofficial) day of work. Here in NYC, teachers are required to report back to schools on the day before the students do(this year it is September 7th. Most teachers will probably returned two or three days before. I like having the whole week to slowly adjust to work hours. Also, I really need more time to get organized. Each year I've failed with getting organized and spend the reminder of the school year stressing out. I'm hoping the that this will be the end of my losing streak. My goals for this year are actually the exact same goals as last year. Since I failed so miserable with my goals, there is no need to change them.
So, will this year be any different? Only time will tell. The first real test (I suppose) will come tomorrow. Each year, I've always managed to find something to distract me from unpacking until this last minute. Even though I'm usually the first teacher back, I'm usually the last one finished.
This year (tomorrow), unpacking will be the first thing on my To Do List. If this year is going to be different, I will have mostly finished my Day 1 Goals:
Day 1 "To Do" List*
1. Unpack all necessary boxes (about 18 of them)
2. Arrange classroom furniture
3. Set up classroom library
4. Set up (and fill up) the brand new shelving units
5. Set up classroom computers
6. Change bulletin board paper
*In the past, this has been my Day 5 To Do List. I've been able to get most of it done in Day 5, so I should be able to get it done on Day 1. I hope.
If I can get most (or all) of the above list completed, this would be a good indication that my year just might be different from all of the others.
My next posting will let you know if I succeeded.
To Be Continued...
On my way home, I decided to once and for all try the Shopping Center I see while I'm riding on the Metro-North train. Since I don't have a car, I'm limited by my shopping choices. Weill with A Target, Home Depot, and a BJ's within my travel route, I now have some more options. Especially BJ's. BJ's is a bulk food and supply store.
Well, I better go. Tomorrow is the first (unofficial) day of work. Here in NYC, teachers are required to report back to schools on the day before the students do(this year it is September 7th. Most teachers will probably returned two or three days before. I like having the whole week to slowly adjust to work hours. Also, I really need more time to get organized. Each year I've failed with getting organized and spend the reminder of the school year stressing out. I'm hoping the that this will be the end of my losing streak. My goals for this year are actually the exact same goals as last year. Since I failed so miserable with my goals, there is no need to change them.
So, will this year be any different? Only time will tell. The first real test (I suppose) will come tomorrow. Each year, I've always managed to find something to distract me from unpacking until this last minute. Even though I'm usually the first teacher back, I'm usually the last one finished.
This year (tomorrow), unpacking will be the first thing on my To Do List. If this year is going to be different, I will have mostly finished my Day 1 Goals:
Day 1 "To Do" List*
1. Unpack all necessary boxes (about 18 of them)
2. Arrange classroom furniture
3. Set up classroom library
4. Set up (and fill up) the brand new shelving units
5. Set up classroom computers
6. Change bulletin board paper
*In the past, this has been my Day 5 To Do List. I've been able to get most of it done in Day 5, so I should be able to get it done on Day 1. I hope.
If I can get most (or all) of the above list completed, this would be a good indication that my year just might be different from all of the others.
My next posting will let you know if I succeeded.
To Be Continued...
Back to School Shopping (Part 1)
Well, my vacation is just about over. As usual, I didn't do anything I had planned to do during my time off. A part of me is looking forward to returning to work....a part. : )
Today I finally got around to cleaning my living room floor. I finally swept, washed, and waxed the middle part of the floor. Now, I just have to do the hallway floor. I also have to put up the new shower curtains, then my apartment is as clean as it is going to get until next summer. I am happy that I will be starting the school year with a (relatively) clean apartment.
I was just transferring the photo of my back to school shopping trip purchases when I came across photos of my apartment taken July 5, 2010 (the start of this summer). If I get around to it, I might do a before and after series for the different rooms of my apartment. Now that it's clean, I don't mind. Hopefully, I'll never let it get that bad again. I hope.
Anyway, I went shopping for some back to school materials. Usually, I go to a store in Brooklyn, but I discovered that a larger store is located near me. It turns out the travel time to the teacher supply store near me is about an hour one-way on public transportation (not including waiting time). The store in Brooklyn is about 2 hours one-way on the subway.
I settled on attaching a photo of the books I purchased at the teacher's store. I'll save the "messy room" photos for another time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I felt much, much better today. For one of the few times this summer (or any summer), I was up and out of bed before 7AM. I needed to get some cold medicine. Although I was feeling better, I didn't want to push my luck. I also decided to order a pancake breakfast from a local diner.
After a quick (unplanned) nap, I decided to go find out about the $509 bill my HMO sent me. I wanted to go in person. My thinking was that I get better results if I handle paperwork in person. Well, I was wrong. I was quickly (but politely) informed that they "don't deal will insurance claims...". I had to call a 888 service number. I never got around to it, I'll do it tomorrow.
On my way back home, my plan was to stop at a local downtown store to buy a floor lamp. Since I was downtown, on an impulse, I decided to finally get my driver's license updated. I've lived in my current apartment for about 4 years, and I've never gotten my license changed. I was planning to just pick up a mail-in application. However, the lady was very nice (and polite), I decided to get it over with. The waiting time was not bad (about 15 minutes). Unfortunately, my life wouldn't be mine if there wasn't confusion.
When I completed the application, I filled in the "Change Location for Voting Registration" section. The guy ripped that part off without looking at it. I wasn't thinking about it at the moment. However, when I received my temporary license ($18) it stated that I had elected to not register to vote. I went back to the guy and showed him the mistake. I had filled in the bottom part of the form for relocation of where I wanted to vote. He told me that I didn't need to worry about it. I just needed to go to Customer Service Desk and ask for a mail-in form. So I go to Customer Service (a different lady this time).
Me: Mr. J told me I could just pick up a mail-in form for voter registration.
NL: (New Lady) Who told you that? You have to wait in line.
Me: Mr. J. (as I pointed across the room).
NL: You can't skip the line. Tell him to just cancel the license and issue a new one.
Me: (back to Mr. J.) The lady told me to tell you that I can't get a form. You have to cancel this license and issue me a new one.
Mr. J: (Shouting to NL). "NL, just give the guy the mail-in form it's right there on the left."
NL: (Shouting to Mr. J.) "He can't skip the line (gesturing to the long line of people waiting). Just cancel the license and make the correction".
Mr. J. :(Sucks his teeth). Just a minute, I'll get you one. He doesn't go to NL, but to another area to look for the form. He can't find it, so he goes to ask another lady for the form (she sends him to another area).
I get the form. On my way out I see that it asks for me to fill in the same information I just filled in on the other form plus I had to write the correct address for my voting district (which I didn't know). Yep, I had to go back to Mr. J to ask. After that, I decided to fill out the form and mail it off then and there. I was just so annoyed at the lack of service for my $18, I knew I probably wouldn't do it once I left the DMV.
From the DMV, I went to buy my new floor lamp and headed for home. At home, I worked on the right side of my living room. I moved the furniture along the right wall so that I could wash and wax that side of the floor. Tomorrow, I will move the furniture back. I'm going to put everything back the way it was except for the bookcase. I'm going to reposition the bookcase so that I can get another one in that corner. Anyway, the perimeter has been washed and waxed leaving only the middle of the living room floor to be washed and waxed. The last area to clean will be the hallway. My apartment will be finished.
Oh, I also stopped by the post office to pick up my School House of Rock DVD.
I got the cartoon from the internet. It just seemed to fit.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Easy Entry
This will be short and easy. Today, I was too sick to do much of anything but sleep. I got up about noon, and was too tired to fix oatmeal, so I had a cup of milk and ate two $.50 cakes. I spent most of the day in bed. I was going to go out for some cold medicine, but I was too tired. I just had a bowl of Campbell's (low sodium) chicken noodle soup. I'm now boiling some hot water for oatmeal. I don't know what I had, but my appetite is returning. And my nose is no longer dripping like a runaway faucet. I still have a splitting headache. Tomorrow, I will go to get some medicine.
Almost Doesn't Cut It
This shouldn't take long. I started cleaning my living room(he furniture movie kind of cleaning). I think it has been about 3 years since I last cleaned my living room. There was so much dust that I started getting an allergic reaction....And I only got to 1/3 of the living room. I had to wash down the baseboards. I washed then waxed the 1/3 of the living room floor. I used twisty ties to organize the various computer cords. The layout of the living room will stay basically the same, but I did relocate the lights. Hopefully I'll be in a cleaning mood tomorrow. I will need to do the other half of the living room. I also need to wash my blankets (yep, they are still out). I've just been moving my blankets from room to room. Once I finish with the living room, the hallway will be the last area to clean. After I clean the bathtub, my apartment will be officially clean...for the moment. If I follow through with the above plan, it will be the first time in years that my whole apartment will be clean at the same time. I will also try to put my exercise bike together as well as unpack that printer I bought way back in April of 2008(and never opened).
I almost forgot. I play the Mega Millions Lotto. Below are two sets of numbers. The one on top are the numbers I had, the numbers on the bottom were the winning numbers. If the numbers I had were the correct numbers, I would have won $10,000.
My Numbers - 03, 14, 28, 44, 48...34
The Winnings- 04, 13, 29, 20, 48...36
I almost forgot. I play the Mega Millions Lotto. Below are two sets of numbers. The one on top are the numbers I had, the numbers on the bottom were the winning numbers. If the numbers I had were the correct numbers, I would have won $10,000.
My Numbers - 03, 14, 28, 44, 48...34
The Winnings- 04, 13, 29, 20, 48...36
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Bus Ride
Today I scheduled another social networking event for my group. And, as usual, none of the members signed up to attend. So this was a solo excursion. The event was to Rye Playland Amusement Park. Although I went alone, it was a nice trip. Not great or exciting to go to an amusement park alone, but it was still nice to get out of my apartment.
What was the most eventful thing about the excursion?
The hour and 10 minute bus ride there.
This young mother and her son(3 years old approx.) and her friend (with her son [5 or 6 years old approx.]). The kids' behavior and attitudes were atrocious (the 3 year old much more so). The 3yr. old threw an open bag of Doritos in my direction. Yes, the bag hit me (spilling Doritos onto the bus floor). The mother yelled, pinched, and pulled the 3 year old, but he just ignored her. After about 3~4 minutes, the kid finally bends down to pick up the Doritos. The three year old picks up a single chip, and then he picks up the bag. After putting the single chip in the bag, the other young lady snatches the bag. They were speaking in Spanish, but from the body language, I'm guessing she didn't want the dirty clip in the bag. After debating what to do, she balls up the bag...and goes back to the loud conversation the two young ladies were having. The Doritos were left on the floor. The boys went on being loud, and too playful for a city bus. However,...the ladies conversation continued. After about 10 minutes, the mother of the older boy puts a plastic container (about the size of a five pound bag of sugar), filled with cookies and a variety of candy. The kid played with the junk food, picked at the junk food, and of course, he ate the junk food. And then when he finished, he decided to lay across two seats (shoes on[of course]) to rest. About 15 minutes later, the older boy is playfully taunting the little boy, who was from time to time screaming for his mother (who is sitting right next to the two boys). However, the "adult conversation" wasn't interrupted. The ladies kept on talking, and the kid kept on screaming. That is...until the 3yr. old decided to throw a plastic shovel at the 6yr. old (again in my direction). The mother of the 3yr old snatches the shovel, and slaps the boys hand. The boy's reaction?
He snatches the shovel back and stares at his mother. The mother mumbles something ....and continues her conversation with her friend. Yep, the boy kept the shovel.
Near the end of the bus ride, both ladies now have their sons in their arms smothering them with kisses and baby talk.
True Story(with details left out). The only thing that kept flashing through my mind was that I would eventually have both boys in my classroom (metaphorically speaking).
What was the most eventful thing about the excursion?
The hour and 10 minute bus ride there.
This young mother and her son(3 years old approx.) and her friend (with her son [5 or 6 years old approx.]). The kids' behavior and attitudes were atrocious (the 3 year old much more so). The 3yr. old threw an open bag of Doritos in my direction. Yes, the bag hit me (spilling Doritos onto the bus floor). The mother yelled, pinched, and pulled the 3 year old, but he just ignored her. After about 3~4 minutes, the kid finally bends down to pick up the Doritos. The three year old picks up a single chip, and then he picks up the bag. After putting the single chip in the bag, the other young lady snatches the bag. They were speaking in Spanish, but from the body language, I'm guessing she didn't want the dirty clip in the bag. After debating what to do, she balls up the bag...and goes back to the loud conversation the two young ladies were having. The Doritos were left on the floor. The boys went on being loud, and too playful for a city bus. However,...the ladies conversation continued. After about 10 minutes, the mother of the older boy puts a plastic container (about the size of a five pound bag of sugar), filled with cookies and a variety of candy. The kid played with the junk food, picked at the junk food, and of course, he ate the junk food. And then when he finished, he decided to lay across two seats (shoes on[of course]) to rest. About 15 minutes later, the older boy is playfully taunting the little boy, who was from time to time screaming for his mother (who is sitting right next to the two boys). However, the "adult conversation" wasn't interrupted. The ladies kept on talking, and the kid kept on screaming. That is...until the 3yr. old decided to throw a plastic shovel at the 6yr. old (again in my direction). The mother of the 3yr old snatches the shovel, and slaps the boys hand. The boy's reaction?
He snatches the shovel back and stares at his mother. The mother mumbles something ....and continues her conversation with her friend. Yep, the boy kept the shovel.
Near the end of the bus ride, both ladies now have their sons in their arms smothering them with kisses and baby talk.
True Story(with details left out). The only thing that kept flashing through my mind was that I would eventually have both boys in my classroom (metaphorically speaking).
Friday, August 20, 2010
Social Networking Event
Today I went to another social networking event. This one was on how to make friends. This was an interesting experience. I'm glad I joined. There were a couple of minor glitches, but considering the cost(free), I thought the event was well-worth it. I enjoyed myself for the experience and I'm looking forward to the next event. I did feel like most spoke to me because they had too, but the experience was a positive one. I got out of my apartment and made the attempt to make friends. No, I didn't make any new friends, but I still enjoyed the experience. I would have liked to have met everyone in the group. Next time, I think a speed round type activity (before or at the end) would be useful for those of us who lack the confidence or experience going up to strangers. I LOVED THE LOCATION!!! The location was in a penthouse apartment that can be rented out for local groups. After the event, I did a bit of walking by myself. I went to the Waverly Diner for dinner. Yes, I'm still on the "I'll start my diet soon" routine. I had a burger with an order of onion rings. For dessert, I had a doubled scoop of vanilla ice cream with a walnut and chocolate syrup topping. I also had a slice of warm cherry pie. After stopping off at Forbidden Planet Comic Shop, I headed for home.
** Oh, after I returned home, I checked my mail and would you believe that there was a bill from my healthcare provider for $509.00. That has to be a mistake. I have HIP health insurance with a 0% copayment. I'll have to call up tomorrow. I hope this is a mistake.
** Oh, after I returned home, I checked my mail and would you believe that there was a bill from my healthcare provider for $509.00. That has to be a mistake. I have HIP health insurance with a 0% copayment. I'll have to call up tomorrow. I hope this is a mistake.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Quick Entry
Today I received a call from my AP. I ordered a few items that I'm hoping will help me get organized this year($475). She suggested that I come to move my boxes from the office to my room. It wasn't until I arrived that I realized that the 4-draw file cabinet wasn't among the boxes. My AP told me that she would ask the delivery person to deliver the file cabinet to my room. The four boxes were easy to move, but a 4-draw file cabinet wouldn't be easy to move by myself up to the second floor. So what did I buy? I bought a couple of shelving units, a storage cabinet, and a file cabinet.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Bill Paying Day
Not much to write here. I woke up tired, so I didn't do any cleaning today. I finally got up and out to pay some bills. Most importantly, I submitted my rent renewal lease. My rent will now be $1,090.00 per month. I signed for a two-year lease. I'm really going to try to put some money aside each month so that I'll have enough money to move when my lease is up. I really like where I live, but I don't like paying so much money for rent. Hopefully, I will be able to save some money each pay period for the next couple of years.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Cleaning - Part 1
Today, I finally got around to doing a some serious cleaning of my apartment(furniture moving, wall washing type of cleaning). I tackled my bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. The last room to clean will be the living room and the hallway. Once the living room is done, I will be able to put my exercise bike together.
Yep, that's the blog for today.
Yep, that's the blog for today.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Salem's Lot

Anyway,now that I've finished the book, I'm going to watch the 1979 movie on YouTube. There was also a 2004 movie, but my online search has told me that main parts have been changed.
My next summer read will be the novelization of the DC comic series "Infinite Crisis".
Post Date - Monday, August 9, 2010 6:00PM
Salem's Lot,
Stephen King
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Brunch & Another Black Bag

After the brunch, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so I walked around the area a bit. On an impulse, I bought yet another little black bag(see attached photo). I liked it because it it small and has several small pockets. Right now, my messenger bag doesn't have a pocket for my cell phone, so it is kept in the main section, but when it rings, I have to stop, dig, and search for the phone. Doctor Oz mentioned on his TV show that men shouldn't kept their cell phones on their waist to limit the radiation. That's only a minor reason for me, mainly I don't feel comfortable with it out. I worry about it getting stolen, but mainly I worry about losing it.
After walking around 14th street, I decided to walk down to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal at the tip of Manhattan Island (about 3 miles according to Google Maps). I took the bus back uptown.
Post Date - Sunday, August 8, 2010 10:26PM
Friday, August 06, 2010
Doctor's Visit

* The results of the groin complaint yielded nothing. The test showed no damaged or any warning signs. My doctor suggested that it must have been a pulled muscle.
* I'm being put back on water pills to try lowering my blood pressure. It was also suggested that I start taking one aspirin per day to lower my BP. I'm still on the border. My BP was about 122/80.
* I gained about 5lbs. since my last visit (3 weeks ago). I was doing okay with the liquid diet, but after my doctor said to modify my liquid diet, I quit the liquid diet, but I've been lazy about resuming. Each week, I've been "going to start soon".
After the medical checkup, I went to visit my foster father. After the visit, I decided to go for a bus ride downtown. Since my air-conditioner isn't hooked up(it has been sitting in my closet unused for the past 3 years), and I didn't feel like sitting under a fan. I decided to take a ride on the city bus. Since I got on the bus near the beginning of the route, I was able to get a good seat. The air-condition was at a good temperature(not too cold). From about 125th street to 23rd street(the bus went out of service for some reason), it took about an hour due to traffic. But since my goal was just to sit in the air-conditioning, I didn't mind the pace. I was reading Stephen King's "Salem's Lot".
Salem's Lot.

** I did take a sneak peak at a couple of clips from the 1979 movie on YouTube. I love YouTube!!! I resisted reading the summary on Wikipedia. I have a bad habit of jumping to the back of a book and reading the last chapter, or reading the summary on Wikipedia. And of course, losing interest after I know how it ends. I now know who the boy is traveling with the main character (mentioned briefly at the beginning of the book, then not mentioned [directly] again...at least not to the halfway point). I also know how the "love story" aspect will probably end. It is strange that a horror book that (to me) isn't scary; it is somewhat boring(to me), it seems way over my head in terms of readability, and knowing key parts of the story (from YouTube), hasn't caused me to want to stop reading the book. Strange.
It is also strange that I still want to read King's "Under the Dome". I've already decided to use my Christmas Club money to buy myself an upgraded cell phone with a touch screen. I'm also thinking about getting an E-Reader. I've had a Christmas Club account for the past couple of years, but each year the funds are automatically rolled over into my regular account and just seems to disappear. This year (October 1st), I either go Christmas shopping for myself early, or I withdraw the funds so it doesn't disappear. For those of you who might be wondering, why is he thinking of himself for Christmas presents? Because, I've always been more of a giver on Christmas, and my "returns" are usually much, much less than the amount I've spent on others. The exchange doesn't bother me too much (it is the season for giving). However, now that I'm getting older, I think it is time that I added myself to my own Christmas List. Last year, I spend about $300 on gifts. Last year, I don't remember, but I think I received $60(cash) and a cover for a weekly (or monthly) planner I didn't have. I did eventually buy a planner for the cover, but I haven't used it once. The year before, I think I got $100 (cash) and a thermo-shirt. This year, I want I gift that I will like, use, and remember.
Oh, and I need to put that exercise bike together. Yep, it is still sitting by the door (unopened).
Post Date - Friday, August 6, 2010 3:08PM
Book Review,
Doctor's Appointment,
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Dental Visit
Today I had a dental appointment. I wasn't too pleased with the experience. Although I haven't had an appointment in about 5 years, I've never had an experience that was painful or uncomfortable....until now. I chose this dentist because I received a postcard a couple of years ago (yep, I still had it after two years.) I also liked the location of the practice (a nice office complex near my home).
Anyway, the visit started off nicely. I had to stand in a room with a lead bib under a machine that rotated around my head. That was cool. Then, I was escorted to the back room to the more familiar dental room. After the dental assistant had me prepped and ready for another x-ray???(including the lead bib). She informs me that the dentist wouldn't be able to start until I paid the $125 for the appointment. So yes, I had to get up and have the lead bib removed so that I could pay. Then everything was put back on. I do have insurance, but not all the paperwork is filled out, so I decided to pay now and be reimbursed later.
The cleaning.
In the past, I remember a white straw-like vacuum being hooked to the corner of my mouth while the dentist did the cleaning. Today, the dental assistant had a silver hose what looked like a dime in diameter (holding the silver part with both hands with the tubing coming from over her shoulder. It looked like she had dragged in a household vacuum slung over her shoulder. Question? Has dental surgery really progressed in the past five years where a simple hooked-typed vacuum is replaced by the need for a human being doing nothing but hold a vacuum? The problem? She wasn't really doing a good job. Occasionally she would dab the vac, but most of the time, she just stood there holding the vacuum. The saliva bubbled up and out of my mouth but she just stood there holding the vacuum in place. The dentist? He was digging and scrapping with the drill like a carpenter digging for termites. I guess basically, I felt he didn't have nice bedside manners. It seemed like my mouth was just a thing he was working on. I've never had that experience before. I felt the dentist was being too heavy-handed. Shouldn't the dentist have let the drill do the work? I don't think force was required to remove plaque or tartar, when you have a drill.
When the dentist finished, he told me that my wisdom tooth might need to come out because "food was collecting back there." He also told me that I have serious abrasions on several teeth. I told him it was due to me brushing my teeth too hard. Every dentist I've ever been too were the ones to tell me that. I was alway told to brush with less force. What did this dentist say?
After the dental visit, I should have returned home and cleaned my apartment, but here in New York, the weather report was predicting another HOT day. I felt the heat waiting at the bus stop, so after stopping off at the post office (the property owner of the apartment I live in sent the new lease by certified mail). Anyway, after the post office, on an impulse, I decided to go to the mall to beat the heat. This time, I went to a mall I hadn't been to before. I went to the Galleria in White Plains. The plan was to walk around (in the air conditioning), and maybe see a movie.
The first thing I liked was that the bus ride was only an hour. The other malls mentioned here take about 2 hours (usually two trains, or a train and a bus) when factoring wait times. The second thing I liked was that it had China Max (formally Panda Express).
Unfortunately, this location is more "Americanized". There was a lot more grease in the food than the other locations. Even the green beans which were practically raw, still were dripping in grease. This meal didn't taste as good as the others. Also, I discovered that this mall didn't have a movie theater. The movie theater was actually located in another mall. I say another mall because
1. the place had a different name
2. it was located about two city blocks away with no connecting tunnel or bridge.
From a shoppers point of view, this is a great shopping place. I think all of the big names are in this area. I also think there are actually three (yes, three different malls) right near each other. There is also a transit hub nearby, so it is a nice place. I should have been wowed by the sight of the three malls. But, when it is over 90-something degrees, and one purposely goes out of his way to get out of the heat, one does not want to walk two blocks in blistering heat to hop from one mall to another. Well, that's just first impression disappointment. Instead of getting love at first sight, I'll have to learn to love this location.
I didn't event get a chance to explore. I get caught up in Barnes and Nobles (first in the hobby section, then in the teacher's section). I was really trying to not spend money I don't have, but in the end, I caved. So, some of my bills will be late again this month. Although I am please that I did put some things back.
Instead of listing the items, I'll just attach a photo.
After B&N, I wandered around Target Store. I did eventually find the movie theater. I was going to see Cats and Dogs, but I liked their movie prices. In Manhattan, I would pay $18 for 3D, but at this Mall (City Center), the price was $12 for a matinee(the price of 2D in Manhattan).

Post Date - Thursday, August 5, 2010 12:43AM
Anyway, the visit started off nicely. I had to stand in a room with a lead bib under a machine that rotated around my head. That was cool. Then, I was escorted to the back room to the more familiar dental room. After the dental assistant had me prepped and ready for another x-ray???(including the lead bib). She informs me that the dentist wouldn't be able to start until I paid the $125 for the appointment. So yes, I had to get up and have the lead bib removed so that I could pay. Then everything was put back on. I do have insurance, but not all the paperwork is filled out, so I decided to pay now and be reimbursed later.
The cleaning.
In the past, I remember a white straw-like vacuum being hooked to the corner of my mouth while the dentist did the cleaning. Today, the dental assistant had a silver hose what looked like a dime in diameter (holding the silver part with both hands with the tubing coming from over her shoulder. It looked like she had dragged in a household vacuum slung over her shoulder. Question? Has dental surgery really progressed in the past five years where a simple hooked-typed vacuum is replaced by the need for a human being doing nothing but hold a vacuum? The problem? She wasn't really doing a good job. Occasionally she would dab the vac, but most of the time, she just stood there holding the vacuum. The saliva bubbled up and out of my mouth but she just stood there holding the vacuum in place. The dentist? He was digging and scrapping with the drill like a carpenter digging for termites. I guess basically, I felt he didn't have nice bedside manners. It seemed like my mouth was just a thing he was working on. I've never had that experience before. I felt the dentist was being too heavy-handed. Shouldn't the dentist have let the drill do the work? I don't think force was required to remove plaque or tartar, when you have a drill.
When the dentist finished, he told me that my wisdom tooth might need to come out because "food was collecting back there." He also told me that I have serious abrasions on several teeth. I told him it was due to me brushing my teeth too hard. Every dentist I've ever been too were the ones to tell me that. I was alway told to brush with less force. What did this dentist say?
"Do you want me to bond them? That looks serious. It could get worse. I'll charge you $50 per tooth. I normally charge $75 per tooth".I said no thank you, maybe next time. When I got to the receptionist, she told me she didn't have change and could I go to the store a few doors down to get change". When I returned, she was finished typing a letter for me. Yep a letter. When I arrived I had mentioned that since I didn't have insurance at the moment, I would need a receipt so that I could put in a request at a later time. Well, what I got was a receipt on one of the slip from the cheap receipt booklets you can find at some $.99 shops. I know because I bought a receipt booklet from a 99 shop a few years ago. Anyway, I was given the none descript receipt along with the letter stating that I had received dental services. A business card was enclosed in the letter "just in case you have to send in more proof". The receptionist asked if I wanted to make an appointment for my next visit, but I said no, I had the check my schedule. I will make another appointment in 6 months, but I will try another dentist.
After the dental visit, I should have returned home and cleaned my apartment, but here in New York, the weather report was predicting another HOT day. I felt the heat waiting at the bus stop, so after stopping off at the post office (the property owner of the apartment I live in sent the new lease by certified mail). Anyway, after the post office, on an impulse, I decided to go to the mall to beat the heat. This time, I went to a mall I hadn't been to before. I went to the Galleria in White Plains. The plan was to walk around (in the air conditioning), and maybe see a movie.
The first thing I liked was that the bus ride was only an hour. The other malls mentioned here take about 2 hours (usually two trains, or a train and a bus) when factoring wait times. The second thing I liked was that it had China Max (formally Panda Express).
Unfortunately, this location is more "Americanized". There was a lot more grease in the food than the other locations. Even the green beans which were practically raw, still were dripping in grease. This meal didn't taste as good as the others. Also, I discovered that this mall didn't have a movie theater. The movie theater was actually located in another mall. I say another mall because
1. the place had a different name
2. it was located about two city blocks away with no connecting tunnel or bridge.
From a shoppers point of view, this is a great shopping place. I think all of the big names are in this area. I also think there are actually three (yes, three different malls) right near each other. There is also a transit hub nearby, so it is a nice place. I should have been wowed by the sight of the three malls. But, when it is over 90-something degrees, and one purposely goes out of his way to get out of the heat, one does not want to walk two blocks in blistering heat to hop from one mall to another. Well, that's just first impression disappointment. Instead of getting love at first sight, I'll have to learn to love this location.
I didn't event get a chance to explore. I get caught up in Barnes and Nobles (first in the hobby section, then in the teacher's section). I was really trying to not spend money I don't have, but in the end, I caved. So, some of my bills will be late again this month. Although I am please that I did put some things back.
Instead of listing the items, I'll just attach a photo.
After B&N, I wandered around Target Store. I did eventually find the movie theater. I was going to see Cats and Dogs, but I liked their movie prices. In Manhattan, I would pay $18 for 3D, but at this Mall (City Center), the price was $12 for a matinee(the price of 2D in Manhattan).

Post Date - Thursday, August 5, 2010 12:43AM
Dental Visit,
Mall walk and shopping,
Lazy Summary
I've been in my lazy summer mode. I'll try to recollect the past couple of days:
After sleeping most of the morning away. I decided to go for a walk downtown. I took the Metro-North express train into Grand Central Station (42nd. Street). I walked to 14th Street and Union Square. I went to see the movie "Despicable Me". Although I paid for the ticket, I did use points on my movie card to order a small popcorn($6) and a small box of candy($3). Yep, those two items combined would have cost $9.00. A single hot dog would have cost $6. Normally, I don't buy food at the theater.
Back to the movie. I really liked that movie. It was very entertaining. I liked how they threw in the occasional adult humor. Adults were laughing just as much as the kids.
After the movie, I walked back to 42nd Street, and went to visit my foster father.
**I forgot to mention the drunks who rode the trains. The subway had a single drunk who talked to himself and other passsengers, and cursed God. Asking passengers if they wanted to fight him. Finally, he decided that he didn't want the train to move, so he stood between the doors so that the train doors wouldn't close. Finally, the guy got off the train expecting to be arrested, because he told the the train conductor (who came to see why the guy wouldn't move), "You're gonna arrest me". The good news was the train went express to make up for lost time. From the subway, I got on the Metro-North train, and....I got on the train that had a group of drunk guys coming from a baseball game. One guy kept getting up to check what station he was at. Another guy kept going on about how he was going to fight the conductor if he (the conductor) asked for a ticket. Both guys were very loud.
Another lazy morning. Today I have a social networking event that I planned. Only one person signed up for the panel discussion at the Museum of the City of New York. The panel discussion was nice. Not great, but nice. It lasted about 2 hours. One of the panelist seem to have some interesting stories to share, but it was difficult to hear him. Near the end, the audience had to remind the guy to speak up. Overall, the event was okay. At 2 hours, I was expecting something a bit more substantial. It seemed to just be a presentation of a group of individuals who seemed to be sharing a bit of past recollections. Although the stories were nice, there wasn't much substance to them. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures.

Back to the movie. I really liked that movie. It was very entertaining. I liked how they threw in the occasional adult humor. Adults were laughing just as much as the kids.
After the movie, I walked back to 42nd Street, and went to visit my foster father.
**I forgot to mention the drunks who rode the trains. The subway had a single drunk who talked to himself and other passsengers, and cursed God. Asking passengers if they wanted to fight him. Finally, he decided that he didn't want the train to move, so he stood between the doors so that the train doors wouldn't close. Finally, the guy got off the train expecting to be arrested, because he told the the train conductor (who came to see why the guy wouldn't move), "You're gonna arrest me". The good news was the train went express to make up for lost time. From the subway, I got on the Metro-North train, and....I got on the train that had a group of drunk guys coming from a baseball game. One guy kept getting up to check what station he was at. Another guy kept going on about how he was going to fight the conductor if he (the conductor) asked for a ticket. Both guys were very loud.

Sunday, August 01, 2010
Slideshow - Maritime Aquarium
Below is a slideshow of the photos I took at the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk Connecticut.
Maritime Aquarium
Hello All. I'm tired. I didn't finish the captions for the new photos, so I'll have to do the slideshow another time. To save time, I'm going to cut and paste the my review of the event.
I forgot to mention that this isn't the NYC aquarium but the one in Norwalk, CT.
A whole day isn't needed to see the aquarium, but with all of the exhibits (except for the very small African Penguins) in an airconditioned facility, it was a very nice experience. I didn't feel like I had to rush to "see as much as I could". It was nice stooling through the aquarium. The Metro-North ($24) ticket covered the admission into the aquarium(included the Classic IMAX show but not the 3D ride). I paid for the 3D ride, it was nice, but not worth $5.50. I was surprise at the $11 ticket price for the Shrek IMAX movie. All in all, it was a nice experience. The train ride at 47 minutes each way was also nice. I wouldn't mind going back again next summer. However (having seen everything), it won't be an all-day event. The NYC aquarium can be done in 30 minutes. This aquarium can be done in about 2~3 hours.
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