Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Hobbit

Not much to write about.  I finished reading the prelude to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, "The Hobbit".  I really enjoyed the story.  I thought the story was very well written.  I'm looking forward to the planned movie.

Other than the Hobbit, there isn't much to write about.  I lose my student teacher in about 3 weeks.  Wow, I'm going to miss having that extra support in the classroom.  I think she will make a nice teacher.  She was reliable, eager, and personable.  She will be missed.

One of my blog readers Jeff made a comment on his blog about doing a 3 week improvement plan.  I liked the idea, so once again, I will  try to jump-start my "get it together" goals with a 3-week time limit.  According to Jeff, some bad habits need about 3 weeks to be broken.  I believe that's what he said.  Well, I'll see.


A Paperback Writer said...

Ah, the Hobbit. Very enjoyable. I have it on my 7th grade reading list. I was HUGELY into the Lord of the Rings as a teenager, and I still love the books. The movies are okay, but they changed too much.
Glad you enjoyed the book.

Jeff said...

I'm having an okay time with the "no exaggeration" thing, but I'm ready for it to be done, I'll admit. I guess that's not a good sign, huh?

I'm actually looking forward to the next one: No sarcasm. This will be a rough one, but I'm looking forward to the challenge. Fully expecting people to ask me what's wrong.

Jannx said...

Hello Jeff. Thanks for reminding me that I have readers to my blog. No, that may not have been your intention, but that was the result. Oh and thanks to Paperback as well (Max too).

Jeff, I'm glad you are doing okay with your 3 week improvement plan. Me? No, not so good. I'll try again to start on Monday.