Another bust of a weekend. It has taken me a while to figure out, I am a bit slow. My exhaustion on the weekend probably comes from the irregular sleep patterns I've develop over the workweek. Starting tomorrow, I will have to maintain a regular sleep pattern, so that I am not exhausted and sleep away my Saturdays.
Today, I managed to finish two-thirds of my lessons for next week. I started the day shaving my head, then taking a bath. I also did my laundry. I made a quick trip to visit my father's place. I stopped at the Pathmark on 125th street for milk (fat-free), wheat bread, and orange juice. I also bought a couple of Healthy Choice meals. I took the 7:30 train to Yonkers. Round trip, the cost was $11.50. For dinner, I had a Healthy Choice meal. I also needed to make a turkey sandwich to fill me up.
My next doctor's appointment is December 26th at 10am. My goal is to attend the gym at least 5 or 6 days per week (starting tomorrow). Not eating anything after working out at the gym except a little (healthy I hope) snack and green tea. I am going to bring some instant oatmeal and Healthy Choice meals to school. The oatmeal will be my 3pm snack. I am going to try for a 5 or 6pm dinner time. If I am not able to get dinner at home, then I will eat a Healthy Choice meal at school as dinner before I leave the building. I was thinking about bringing my gym bag to school to save time traveling home (and possible avoiding excuses for not going to the gym), but at the moment, I think it would be too much of a hassle.
Well, I think that's it for now.
Post Date - September 30, 2007 11:17pm
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Quick update. No, I did not complete my goal of one month worth of lesson plans. I did go out to get the newspaper. but when I returned, I was not able to focus on lesson planning. I eventually fell asleep. I woke up about 5pm. I started stressing about not getting the lesson plans done. Then I accepted that I would not be able to do the monthly planning...yet. I believe that if I can finish my lesson plans for the whole week (at least), I will be able to start going to the gym next week. To at least try the gym goal, I knew that I needed to get started. So this evening I started lesson planning for next week. I thought about the third grade teacher who was able to do her plan in about an hour. I quickly realized that I just couldn't do that. When I am trying to fill in the boxes, I also have to do a quick mental "run through" of the lesson I am planning. I need to have a sense of flow of the lesson (timing, pacing, materials etc...). It also does not help when I work at a school that seems to want to throw too much into the pot. It looks impressive to say, "oh, look at all of the materials and programs we're using".
In my opinion, quantity is good, but quality is better.
Anyway, I managed about a half of my planning. I've completed Skills Lessons(5), Reading lessons(5), and Writing lessons(5). Aftter this blog entry, I will take a few minutes to write down the aims for math(5). Math should not take that long. Tomorrow, I will complete the math planning. And do the science planning for the new program we will be using. Science is now expected to be taught 4 times per week. Social Studies will be (unofficially) pushed aside, that is until admin receives a reminder (or BOE visitor), then the teachers will receive our "you should have been doing "this, that or the other". Sorry, I'm getting sidetracked. Yes, I know, if I know something coming down the pike, then of course, I should be prepared for it. I will try squeezing social studies in my lesson plan.
Back to lesson planning. The difficulty for me came with trying to intergrate all of the extras/different materials that are not related that admin want included. I was hoping to avoid this confusion and last minute planning. I wanted to have my classroom set up and completed, before teachers were supposed to return. If successful, I would have had a whole week to focus only on lesson planning (long and short term) planning. Unfortunately, the room changing did not get settled until the very last day before students were supposed to return. So, I am back doing what I was doing last (school) year, juggling classroom management, classroom organization, and curriculum management. Being someone who likes things in a particular way, and stresses out too easily when they are not, I think I might be in the wrong profession. I should take a minute to accept some of the blame for my short-comings. I can't put the blame only on admin. I have a lot to do with my situation. And as long as I look for blame instead of dealing with improving situations, I am not going to accomplish much.
Sorry, it's late, and I am starting to ramble. I better call it a night. Until next time...
Post Date - Sunday, September 30, 2007 1:52am
In my opinion, quantity is good, but quality is better.
Anyway, I managed about a half of my planning. I've completed Skills Lessons(5), Reading lessons(5), and Writing lessons(5). Aftter this blog entry, I will take a few minutes to write down the aims for math(5). Math should not take that long. Tomorrow, I will complete the math planning. And do the science planning for the new program we will be using. Science is now expected to be taught 4 times per week. Social Studies will be (unofficially) pushed aside, that is until admin receives a reminder (or BOE visitor), then the teachers will receive our "you should have been doing "this, that or the other". Sorry, I'm getting sidetracked. Yes, I know, if I know something coming down the pike, then of course, I should be prepared for it. I will try squeezing social studies in my lesson plan.
Back to lesson planning. The difficulty for me came with trying to intergrate all of the extras/different materials that are not related that admin want included. I was hoping to avoid this confusion and last minute planning. I wanted to have my classroom set up and completed, before teachers were supposed to return. If successful, I would have had a whole week to focus only on lesson planning (long and short term) planning. Unfortunately, the room changing did not get settled until the very last day before students were supposed to return. So, I am back doing what I was doing last (school) year, juggling classroom management, classroom organization, and curriculum management. Being someone who likes things in a particular way, and stresses out too easily when they are not, I think I might be in the wrong profession. I should take a minute to accept some of the blame for my short-comings. I can't put the blame only on admin. I have a lot to do with my situation. And as long as I look for blame instead of dealing with improving situations, I am not going to accomplish much.
Sorry, it's late, and I am starting to ramble. I better call it a night. Until next time...
Post Date - Sunday, September 30, 2007 1:52am
Saturday, September 29, 2007
If this blog entry is longer than 5 minutes in the making, then this weekend will be a bust. I just got out of bed. I shouldn't even be online now, but I told the other third grade teacher that I would e-mail her a copy of her class' reading test results. The printer in my classroom wasn't working. And she doesn't really know how to do a lot with the computer. While online, I checked my BOE (Board of Education) e-mail. Every BOE employee can have a BOE e-mail address. It really should only be used for school related stuff. The principal has already said that she will know when and if we open any e-mail she sends. She told us that she would be more comfortable with sending e-mails then paper memos because she does a lot of her work at home at night. Considering she was lecturing/scolding me while using her PDA, not to mention the several (paper) copies of memos of her e-mail exchanges with BOE officials on a new policy change, I am beginning to suspect that she might be a Crackberry addict.
Oh, I was surprised by this. Can you believe that my BOE e-mail Inbox already has two pieces of junk mail (one from a flower company and the other from a company I don't remember).
I forgot to mention. I surrendered my new(refurbished) laptop to the tech/computer teacher at my school. Instead of just adding the necessary drivers that were needed for me to use the BOE wireless network (or is it connection?), he added a full copy of Microsoft Office, and a company edition of Norton's security (no expiration -- as long as I am working with BOE), and "some other stuff" that I didn't understand. To be honest, I was annoyed that my computer was "set up" without my permission, but after thinking about it for a while, I realized how stupid I was being. Especially considering that my originally purpose was to have a classroom computer that I would keep in the classroom (except over long vacations). The guy even offered to fix the laptop if I have any problems. That was very nice. The guy did a very nice thing. I will have to send him a thank you note.
Well, I better go. I did not stick to my 10 minute limit. Oh, I think I wrote 5 minute. I'll try to post an entry later this evening on my productivity. My goal for today is lesson planning and test grading. Seeing the other third grade teacher doing her lesson planning yesterday, made me see how extreme I was being. I usually try putting an entire lesson plan into an approx. 2x2 box for each lesson that I teach. The other teacher only put in an aim in the boxes. She was finished planning in about an hour. I don't think I could do only an aim in a box, I need to know what materials, copies, approx. procedure I will follow. I also want the method of assessment for the lesson -- at least for most lessons :) I'm mostly visual, if I don't write it down, I'll usually forget something.
Well, a 30 minute posting. Not good. Hopefully, I will be productive today. I really need to be productive this weekend. I told myself that I would start attending the local Y on Monday. I really want October to be the start of a new me. I really need a new me. The old me is getting...well, is getting old :)
Post Date - September 29, 2007 10:54am
Oh, I was surprised by this. Can you believe that my BOE e-mail Inbox already has two pieces of junk mail (one from a flower company and the other from a company I don't remember).
I forgot to mention. I surrendered my new(refurbished) laptop to the tech/computer teacher at my school. Instead of just adding the necessary drivers that were needed for me to use the BOE wireless network (or is it connection?), he added a full copy of Microsoft Office, and a company edition of Norton's security (no expiration -- as long as I am working with BOE), and "some other stuff" that I didn't understand. To be honest, I was annoyed that my computer was "set up" without my permission, but after thinking about it for a while, I realized how stupid I was being. Especially considering that my originally purpose was to have a classroom computer that I would keep in the classroom (except over long vacations). The guy even offered to fix the laptop if I have any problems. That was very nice. The guy did a very nice thing. I will have to send him a thank you note.
Well, I better go. I did not stick to my 10 minute limit. Oh, I think I wrote 5 minute. I'll try to post an entry later this evening on my productivity. My goal for today is lesson planning and test grading. Seeing the other third grade teacher doing her lesson planning yesterday, made me see how extreme I was being. I usually try putting an entire lesson plan into an approx. 2x2 box for each lesson that I teach. The other teacher only put in an aim in the boxes. She was finished planning in about an hour. I don't think I could do only an aim in a box, I need to know what materials, copies, approx. procedure I will follow. I also want the method of assessment for the lesson -- at least for most lessons :) I'm mostly visual, if I don't write it down, I'll usually forget something.
Well, a 30 minute posting. Not good. Hopefully, I will be productive today. I really need to be productive this weekend. I told myself that I would start attending the local Y on Monday. I really want October to be the start of a new me. I really need a new me. The old me is getting...well, is getting old :)
Post Date - September 29, 2007 10:54am
Friday, September 28, 2007
I'll have to keep this short before the sansman continues his call.
Today, was a bit more stressful than it has been in the past couple of weeks. No, nothing like the past (school) year. But a bit stressful.
Last night, although I was planning an early bedtime, I fell into my old sleep pattern. After a Healthy Choice frozen meal dinner, I was out like a light about a half hour later. Then up for the night from 2am to about 5am. These last few days, I have not been able to catch my early train. I really started to get used to 45 minute prep time. Hopefully, I wll be able to return to the earlier train. Considering I did not do a proper clean up and set up for Monday, will mean that I will definitely need to make the early train. Unfortunately, the new train schedule goes into affect on Monday (I think).
Yesterday was the "Curriculum Night"(3pm to 6pm). Teachers were asked to do a presentation in the gym about the curriculum and materials that each grade would be using this year. Each grade had a table to put up a display. I think that since I was the only third grade teacher that was willing to participate, and I am fairly organized (in school), admin. did not push for me to decorate a three-panel display. Anyway, I arrived in the gym about 3:30pm. I was finished with dismissal about 3:15, then I needed to dig up some "visual aids" to display(homework sheet, reading log form etc...). I also wanted a bathroom break. Unfortunately, teaching often means planning bathroom breaks around the schedule you are given. That probably was more information than you wanted to know. Sorry, I got sidetracked. Anyway, so, how was the Curriculum Night? I sort of liked the idea (once I got there). I felt like a saleman. In the almost 2 hours I was there, I had two parents come to my table. They were not even parents of any of my students. After the 3pm pick up rush, the place quickly turned into a ghost town. About 5:15pm, I returned to my classroom to clean up and prep for Friday. I was home about 8pm. Dinner was a Healthy Choice frozen meal.
My workday (Friday) started with my usually hot cereal on the Metro North. I think I mentioned the benefit of styrofoam cups form the 99 cent store. For a while now, I have been, making instant oatmeal and cream of wheat. Do to my usually morning rush, I don't have time to sit and eat breakfast, that is until I started making the hot cereal to go. I boiled some water, stired in the instant oatmeal (or cream of wheat), and packed it in my granny cart. I have a hot breakfast that holds me until lunch time.
Today, Admin required that all grades (3rd to 6th) provide students with an assessment test in Math, with all of the City-wide processes in place. The math coach was responsible (I use that term losely). He photocopied the last "end of the year" assessment test. How can you give a test (and group students) based on how they do on a test they only know about 10%. The other 90% has not been taught yet. I was livid watching the frustration on the faces of the students. And those that were not mature to verbalized their difficulty, did it physically. Once the "hyper kids" got started, they did not stop. I ended up keeping in four students for lunchtime detention. After dismissal, one of the other third grade teachers came to visit my classroom. Her room doesn't have airconditioning. We ened up talking for almost 2 hours. As a result, my plans to get organized (class room prep and clean up) didn't get done. Promptly at 6pm, the firedrill went off. That meant it was time to get out. I walked the other third grade teacher to the train station. She did not have an umbrella. I then walked to my train station in the opposite direction.
For dinner, I had Chinese takeout. I was planning to grade some papers, but I ended up on the computer. Fighting sleep. I am now going to call it a night, so that I am not tired tomorrow.
Post Date - Friday, September 28, 2007 10:37pm
Today, was a bit more stressful than it has been in the past couple of weeks. No, nothing like the past (school) year. But a bit stressful.
Last night, although I was planning an early bedtime, I fell into my old sleep pattern. After a Healthy Choice frozen meal dinner, I was out like a light about a half hour later. Then up for the night from 2am to about 5am. These last few days, I have not been able to catch my early train. I really started to get used to 45 minute prep time. Hopefully, I wll be able to return to the earlier train. Considering I did not do a proper clean up and set up for Monday, will mean that I will definitely need to make the early train. Unfortunately, the new train schedule goes into affect on Monday (I think).
Yesterday was the "Curriculum Night"(3pm to 6pm). Teachers were asked to do a presentation in the gym about the curriculum and materials that each grade would be using this year. Each grade had a table to put up a display. I think that since I was the only third grade teacher that was willing to participate, and I am fairly organized (in school), admin. did not push for me to decorate a three-panel display. Anyway, I arrived in the gym about 3:30pm. I was finished with dismissal about 3:15, then I needed to dig up some "visual aids" to display(homework sheet, reading log form etc...). I also wanted a bathroom break. Unfortunately, teaching often means planning bathroom breaks around the schedule you are given. That probably was more information than you wanted to know. Sorry, I got sidetracked. Anyway, so, how was the Curriculum Night? I sort of liked the idea (once I got there). I felt like a saleman. In the almost 2 hours I was there, I had two parents come to my table. They were not even parents of any of my students. After the 3pm pick up rush, the place quickly turned into a ghost town. About 5:15pm, I returned to my classroom to clean up and prep for Friday. I was home about 8pm. Dinner was a Healthy Choice frozen meal.
My workday (Friday) started with my usually hot cereal on the Metro North. I think I mentioned the benefit of styrofoam cups form the 99 cent store. For a while now, I have been, making instant oatmeal and cream of wheat. Do to my usually morning rush, I don't have time to sit and eat breakfast, that is until I started making the hot cereal to go. I boiled some water, stired in the instant oatmeal (or cream of wheat), and packed it in my granny cart. I have a hot breakfast that holds me until lunch time.
Today, Admin required that all grades (3rd to 6th) provide students with an assessment test in Math, with all of the City-wide processes in place. The math coach was responsible (I use that term losely). He photocopied the last "end of the year" assessment test. How can you give a test (and group students) based on how they do on a test they only know about 10%. The other 90% has not been taught yet. I was livid watching the frustration on the faces of the students. And those that were not mature to verbalized their difficulty, did it physically. Once the "hyper kids" got started, they did not stop. I ended up keeping in four students for lunchtime detention. After dismissal, one of the other third grade teachers came to visit my classroom. Her room doesn't have airconditioning. We ened up talking for almost 2 hours. As a result, my plans to get organized (class room prep and clean up) didn't get done. Promptly at 6pm, the firedrill went off. That meant it was time to get out. I walked the other third grade teacher to the train station. She did not have an umbrella. I then walked to my train station in the opposite direction.
For dinner, I had Chinese takeout. I was planning to grade some papers, but I ended up on the computer. Fighting sleep. I am now going to call it a night, so that I am not tired tomorrow.
Post Date - Friday, September 28, 2007 10:37pm
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Another bit of a relapse. This week was suppose to be me getting organized, but from the posting time, you can see that I have fallen into my old habit. This week, I have been falling asleep within about an hour of arriving home, only to be up at 2 or 3 in the morning. This morning (or would that be yesterday's morning), I was up until about 5am, then slept for about an hour. I missed my early train, so I had to take the later train to work.
As for work, the stress is the same, but much less. Same nonsense, but much less. I hate to admit (because it could change at any time), I have a much better group of kids this year. My problem is that I am not enjoying the benefit as much as I could. I am really going to have to get out of this negative sleep pattern.
On Friday, I agreed to participate in the admin's "curriculum night". Teachers set up displays in the gym and parents come to listen to a presentation about what is being taught. The other two third grade teachers didn't want to participate. Actually, neither did I. I really don't like the micromanaged style of this admin. In other schools (I've been to), "Open House" is where parents are invited to come in and look around. Here, "Open House" is at assigned hours for assigned grades, where the parents come in and sit in the back of the room during the lesson. Now, another day has been created for what could have been done in a single day.
About 4:30pm, an office staffer stopped by my classroom to give me a sign and a blank presentation board. If I was smart, I would not have even been in the building at that time. I just left the board there. I wasn't about to do any display decorating that evening. When I get to school, I won't have any time during the day to do decorating, and this "curriculum night" will be from 3pm to 5pm.
Enough about school. I still have not gotten around to setting up my laptop for grading and classroom administration organization. The tech guy/computer teacher has volunteered to set up my laptop for wireless connection, but I haven't gotten around to sending it to him. He clearly knows computer stuff, but at the same time, he seems to fumble through things from time to time. He told me that he has to download drivers. The couple of times I've turned on the laptop, there is an annoying flashing message that wireless is available. One time, I did click and there were a lists of wireless connections (about 6 "secured" and one free). A part of me doesn't care because the laptop will only be used in my classroom for classroom stuff, but at the same time, I am a bit (just a bit) particular about my things.
Wrap up. I finished school about 3:15. I am usually a few minutes early dismissing my students. Dismissal time is a madhouse. Basically only the front two main entrances can be used. Actually that is a major improvement. When I first started working at this school a couple of years ago, only one exit (the main entrance to the building could me used (rain or shine). Now, that was a mad house in the extreme. Sorry, I got sidetracked.
I will usually wait until about 10 or 15 minutes after 3pm before I leave the "non pick ups" at the security guards area. After dismissal, I chatted/vented with the other 3rd grade teacher. We are now exactly across the hall from each other. When I call her (on the phone), I can see her getting up to answer the phone. My door is in the front of my room, her door is at the back of her room. And no, I don't call often.
After chatting, and resting. I finally got the energy to get up and start getting my room in order for tomorrow. I wash the board and put up the morning do now on the board. I also clean off my desk at the end of each day. If I don't clean off my desk, my desk would look like my apartment (piles and piles of well organized messes). Usually, I like having everything layed out that I will need for the next day. Anyway, about 6pm, the Firedrill bell began to ring. That is the custodians' way of saying "get out" now. I stopped off at the store to buy snack for my good students. This year, I want to move away from food rewards, but at the moment, it is too convenient to give up. Hopefully, I will be starting at the gym next week, so I will need to change the reward to avoid "temptation".
I got home about 7:30pm. I was too tired to fit dinner. Actually, I was too tired to even microwave dinner. I ended up eating a couple of bowls of cold cereal. I fell asleep about 8:30pm. I was up again about 2am. I will try to shower and and lay down for a couple of hours. I will try to be in bed by 4:20am. These last couple weeks, I have been able to take the earlier train, which allows me a relaxing 45 minutes in the morning to get organized in my classroom. However, yesterday (and today), I will have to take the later train, which only gives me 15 or 10 minutes set up time.
Well, I better go. Long day today.
Post Date - Thursday, September 27, 2007 3:59am
As for work, the stress is the same, but much less. Same nonsense, but much less. I hate to admit (because it could change at any time), I have a much better group of kids this year. My problem is that I am not enjoying the benefit as much as I could. I am really going to have to get out of this negative sleep pattern.
On Friday, I agreed to participate in the admin's "curriculum night". Teachers set up displays in the gym and parents come to listen to a presentation about what is being taught. The other two third grade teachers didn't want to participate. Actually, neither did I. I really don't like the micromanaged style of this admin. In other schools (I've been to), "Open House" is where parents are invited to come in and look around. Here, "Open House" is at assigned hours for assigned grades, where the parents come in and sit in the back of the room during the lesson. Now, another day has been created for what could have been done in a single day.
About 4:30pm, an office staffer stopped by my classroom to give me a sign and a blank presentation board. If I was smart, I would not have even been in the building at that time. I just left the board there. I wasn't about to do any display decorating that evening. When I get to school, I won't have any time during the day to do decorating, and this "curriculum night" will be from 3pm to 5pm.
Enough about school. I still have not gotten around to setting up my laptop for grading and classroom administration organization. The tech guy/computer teacher has volunteered to set up my laptop for wireless connection, but I haven't gotten around to sending it to him. He clearly knows computer stuff, but at the same time, he seems to fumble through things from time to time. He told me that he has to download drivers. The couple of times I've turned on the laptop, there is an annoying flashing message that wireless is available. One time, I did click and there were a lists of wireless connections (about 6 "secured" and one free). A part of me doesn't care because the laptop will only be used in my classroom for classroom stuff, but at the same time, I am a bit (just a bit) particular about my things.
Wrap up. I finished school about 3:15. I am usually a few minutes early dismissing my students. Dismissal time is a madhouse. Basically only the front two main entrances can be used. Actually that is a major improvement. When I first started working at this school a couple of years ago, only one exit (the main entrance to the building could me used (rain or shine). Now, that was a mad house in the extreme. Sorry, I got sidetracked.
I will usually wait until about 10 or 15 minutes after 3pm before I leave the "non pick ups" at the security guards area. After dismissal, I chatted/vented with the other 3rd grade teacher. We are now exactly across the hall from each other. When I call her (on the phone), I can see her getting up to answer the phone. My door is in the front of my room, her door is at the back of her room. And no, I don't call often.
After chatting, and resting. I finally got the energy to get up and start getting my room in order for tomorrow. I wash the board and put up the morning do now on the board. I also clean off my desk at the end of each day. If I don't clean off my desk, my desk would look like my apartment (piles and piles of well organized messes). Usually, I like having everything layed out that I will need for the next day. Anyway, about 6pm, the Firedrill bell began to ring. That is the custodians' way of saying "get out" now. I stopped off at the store to buy snack for my good students. This year, I want to move away from food rewards, but at the moment, it is too convenient to give up. Hopefully, I will be starting at the gym next week, so I will need to change the reward to avoid "temptation".
I got home about 7:30pm. I was too tired to fit dinner. Actually, I was too tired to even microwave dinner. I ended up eating a couple of bowls of cold cereal. I fell asleep about 8:30pm. I was up again about 2am. I will try to shower and and lay down for a couple of hours. I will try to be in bed by 4:20am. These last couple weeks, I have been able to take the earlier train, which allows me a relaxing 45 minutes in the morning to get organized in my classroom. However, yesterday (and today), I will have to take the later train, which only gives me 15 or 10 minutes set up time.
Well, I better go. Long day today.
Post Date - Thursday, September 27, 2007 3:59am
Monday, September 24, 2007
The results are in.
Today was an okay day. Everything just seemed to click nicely. Yes, I guess that would be the best definition...Everything just seemed to click nicely. There was stress and annoying aggravation, but relatively speaking, the day just seemed to click nicely.
Today, my day ended at about 3:15pm (after the kids were picked up). Even the one boy whose 15 and 16 year old brothers never pick up on time, today picked up their brother on time. Nice. I returned to my room about 3:20pm not exhausted, annoyed or stressed. I had my doctor's appointment at 5:30pm. Today, I felt comfortable with leaving the building at 4:00pm (even though I eventually left about 4:30pm). I was able to wash my chalkboard, up up the "DO Now", Aims, etc... on the board. And I got to clean off my desk. It was a nice feeling.
I arrived at the medical center about 5:03pm. I graded papers while I waited for the doctor. After about a 15 minute wait, I went in a got the results of my tests. Basically, everything was normal. The way the doctor was reading the results, I wasn't sure that he was talking about me. I remember the last visit, I had the feeling I was nearing a major attack. The look of shock at my blood pressure then was making me nervous about leaving the office. Anyway, the results came back normal in everything but blood pressure. Although BP was lower this time. I also asked for a printed copy of my results. I like the idea of having a paper copy of the doctor's report. I will now bore you with details of the results. Feel free to skim or change the channel.
Below are the results of a few of the numerous tests I took. Since I wasn't paying, I asked for all of the tests available. The first number is mine, the numbers within the parenthesis are the normal ranges.
Cholesterol - 162 (norm. 50-199)
HDL (good Cholesterol) - 45 (35-100)
LDL (bad Cholesterol) - 99 (0-99)
Sodium - 141 (133-145)
Blood Urea Nitrogen - 12 (6-22)
Hep. B. - 0.00 (0.00-7.99)
I also took tests for HIV, Hepatitis and Syphilis(all negative). At the time, I did not realize I had taken as many tests as I did. Oh, according the the tests results, I haven't taken a vaccine for Hep. B. The doctor asked me, but I don't know if I did or not. According to the doctor, my results show that I haven't be vaccinated against Hep. B. So, When I have to return in 3 months, I will probably have the vaccine.
Oh, x-ray results:
Chest - Hyperinflation noted. The rest, I didn't understand. The doctor said that there were typos, but nothing worth reporting.
Knees - Beginning of some arthritis behind the kneecaps. And tibial spine spurs around the kneecaps. Again, nothing to worry about. So, the doctor said. I guess I will have to take his word for it.
Well, that is it. I am tired. I want to try finishing grading my students quizzes. Soak in the bath, then call it a night. I know it is a long shot, but maybe I can get a double=dose of nice days.
Well, now I have no excuses. Starting next week, I will start attending the local Y here in Yonkers.
Post Date - Monday, September 24, 2007 8:57pm
Today was an okay day. Everything just seemed to click nicely. Yes, I guess that would be the best definition...Everything just seemed to click nicely. There was stress and annoying aggravation, but relatively speaking, the day just seemed to click nicely.
Today, my day ended at about 3:15pm (after the kids were picked up). Even the one boy whose 15 and 16 year old brothers never pick up on time, today picked up their brother on time. Nice. I returned to my room about 3:20pm not exhausted, annoyed or stressed. I had my doctor's appointment at 5:30pm. Today, I felt comfortable with leaving the building at 4:00pm (even though I eventually left about 4:30pm). I was able to wash my chalkboard, up up the "DO Now", Aims, etc... on the board. And I got to clean off my desk. It was a nice feeling.
I arrived at the medical center about 5:03pm. I graded papers while I waited for the doctor. After about a 15 minute wait, I went in a got the results of my tests. Basically, everything was normal. The way the doctor was reading the results, I wasn't sure that he was talking about me. I remember the last visit, I had the feeling I was nearing a major attack. The look of shock at my blood pressure then was making me nervous about leaving the office. Anyway, the results came back normal in everything but blood pressure. Although BP was lower this time. I also asked for a printed copy of my results. I like the idea of having a paper copy of the doctor's report. I will now bore you with details of the results. Feel free to skim or change the channel.
Below are the results of a few of the numerous tests I took. Since I wasn't paying, I asked for all of the tests available. The first number is mine, the numbers within the parenthesis are the normal ranges.
Cholesterol - 162 (norm. 50-199)
HDL (good Cholesterol) - 45 (35-100)
LDL (bad Cholesterol) - 99 (0-99)
Sodium - 141 (133-145)
Blood Urea Nitrogen - 12 (6-22)
Hep. B. - 0.00 (0.00-7.99)
I also took tests for HIV, Hepatitis and Syphilis(all negative). At the time, I did not realize I had taken as many tests as I did. Oh, according the the tests results, I haven't taken a vaccine for Hep. B. The doctor asked me, but I don't know if I did or not. According to the doctor, my results show that I haven't be vaccinated against Hep. B. So, When I have to return in 3 months, I will probably have the vaccine.
Oh, x-ray results:
Chest - Hyperinflation noted. The rest, I didn't understand. The doctor said that there were typos, but nothing worth reporting.
Knees - Beginning of some arthritis behind the kneecaps. And tibial spine spurs around the kneecaps. Again, nothing to worry about. So, the doctor said. I guess I will have to take his word for it.
Well, that is it. I am tired. I want to try finishing grading my students quizzes. Soak in the bath, then call it a night. I know it is a long shot, but maybe I can get a double=dose of nice days.
Well, now I have no excuses. Starting next week, I will start attending the local Y here in Yonkers.
Post Date - Monday, September 24, 2007 8:57pm
Strange!?! All weekend long, I have been feeling like I was on my last leg. I was feeling tired and worn out all weekend. Well, this evening (after a can of low sodium chicken noodle soup and a couple of slices of wheat toast for dinner), I soaked in the bath for about 25 minutes. I also ironed my work clothes for Monday morning. I packed my granny cart for the morning hike through mass transit. I was in bed about 11:15pm, and... I was wide awake. It is now 12:08am, and I am...
I was about to say wide awake, but a couple of yawns just came. I guess my body is now ready for bed. Well, I better go. The yawns are now coming fast and furious.
Post Date - Monday, September 24, 2007 12:14am.
I was about to say wide awake, but a couple of yawns just came. I guess my body is now ready for bed. Well, I better go. The yawns are now coming fast and furious.
Post Date - Monday, September 24, 2007 12:14am.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I am not in the best of moods. Today, my plan was to finish up my lesson plans for next week. I assumed that with most of the planning done, it wouldn't take long. I was wrong. I finish planning and typing up my homework sheet about 6:30pm. I started about 1pm. Oh, correction. I stopped at 6:30pm, but I did not finish. I didn't bring the skills book home, so the skills lessons are blank. My granny cart was heavy. I thought if I left one book, my cart would at least be a little bit lighter.
As for Science, after a couple of hours, I gave up. I was annoyed and disgusted. What I eventually figured out is that my school will be following the new NYC science program. There is the kit component that requires the students to do hands on experimenting. Nothing wrong with that (assuming the kids are not bouncing off the wall). Anyway, I think the idea is good one. I actually have a better class than I had last year. Shhh, I have to remember that I don't like to say that out loud. With this group, I think I could do hands on activities as well as art projects.
Anyway, back to the science planning. The planning is a nightmare. There are bits and pieces on this sheet and that. And there is a new science textbook that is suppose to supplement the program, but nowhere is there a guide to know what chapters, or units. Yes, I did figure out the basic match. However, there is more....The first unit is measuring. Yes, measuring (not included in any chapters of the supplemental text). The first few weeks is supposed to be devoted to measuring, and developing the rationale for standard units of measuring. Sounds like math doesn't it. Third graders are expected to cut glue or tape (they don't say which) their own tape measure. Yes, there is more. So far, my school has the some of the kit components, and .....Let me stop.
I forgot, this blog is about my boring life, not this job related stuff. Basically, I like things nice and organized, and I get annoyed when they aren't.
So, my day was spent mostly in front of my computer planning lessons for next week. I have most of it done. I planned science up to Wednesday, when I realized that I will probably have to bounce back and forth between the old and new textbook. I don't have the Test Prep Skills done, but the book layout is very easy to follow. It shouldn't take long to fill in the lessons in my planbook.
Next week, my plan is to start trying to gather materials, ideas, and resources that will let me spend next weekend doing enough lessons for the month of October. I would really like to have a month of lesson ideas. These last couple of weeks were minimally stress free having a relatively clear idea of the lessons that I wanted to teach.
Tomorrow, I have my doctor's appointment to find out the results of my tests. I was planning to go to the laundry, but it is now too late. Hopefully, I will be able to go tomorrow evening after I return from the doctor. With the doctor's report. I will have no excuses for not going to the gym. It has been almost two months since I paid for a preminum membership (private section of the locker room with sauna and steam room) to the local Y, and I have yet to step foot to begin working out. I hope I will be able to start October 1st.
Well, it is almost 8pm. I guess I'll zap something for dinner, pack my granny cart for tomorrow. I will also iron my clothes for tomorrow. It would be nice to relax in the bath.
Oh, speaking of zap. I had to change my halogen bulb. I love my halogen light. It is very bright, and it acts like a bug zapper. I must have shaken out 15 or 20 dead bugs from the light. Bees, flies and even a cricket (or was it a grasshopper), have all ran, jumped, or flew "into the light". I always thought that seeing a bright light before you die was a good thing. I guess that applies to people not insects.
Post Date - Sunday, September 23, 2007 8:17pm
As for Science, after a couple of hours, I gave up. I was annoyed and disgusted. What I eventually figured out is that my school will be following the new NYC science program. There is the kit component that requires the students to do hands on experimenting. Nothing wrong with that (assuming the kids are not bouncing off the wall). Anyway, I think the idea is good one. I actually have a better class than I had last year. Shhh, I have to remember that I don't like to say that out loud. With this group, I think I could do hands on activities as well as art projects.
Anyway, back to the science planning. The planning is a nightmare. There are bits and pieces on this sheet and that. And there is a new science textbook that is suppose to supplement the program, but nowhere is there a guide to know what chapters, or units. Yes, I did figure out the basic match. However, there is more....The first unit is measuring. Yes, measuring (not included in any chapters of the supplemental text). The first few weeks is supposed to be devoted to measuring, and developing the rationale for standard units of measuring. Sounds like math doesn't it. Third graders are expected to cut glue or tape (they don't say which) their own tape measure. Yes, there is more. So far, my school has the some of the kit components, and .....Let me stop.
I forgot, this blog is about my boring life, not this job related stuff. Basically, I like things nice and organized, and I get annoyed when they aren't.
So, my day was spent mostly in front of my computer planning lessons for next week. I have most of it done. I planned science up to Wednesday, when I realized that I will probably have to bounce back and forth between the old and new textbook. I don't have the Test Prep Skills done, but the book layout is very easy to follow. It shouldn't take long to fill in the lessons in my planbook.
Next week, my plan is to start trying to gather materials, ideas, and resources that will let me spend next weekend doing enough lessons for the month of October. I would really like to have a month of lesson ideas. These last couple of weeks were minimally stress free having a relatively clear idea of the lessons that I wanted to teach.
Tomorrow, I have my doctor's appointment to find out the results of my tests. I was planning to go to the laundry, but it is now too late. Hopefully, I will be able to go tomorrow evening after I return from the doctor. With the doctor's report. I will have no excuses for not going to the gym. It has been almost two months since I paid for a preminum membership (private section of the locker room with sauna and steam room) to the local Y, and I have yet to step foot to begin working out. I hope I will be able to start October 1st.
Well, it is almost 8pm. I guess I'll zap something for dinner, pack my granny cart for tomorrow. I will also iron my clothes for tomorrow. It would be nice to relax in the bath.
Oh, speaking of zap. I had to change my halogen bulb. I love my halogen light. It is very bright, and it acts like a bug zapper. I must have shaken out 15 or 20 dead bugs from the light. Bees, flies and even a cricket (or was it a grasshopper), have all ran, jumped, or flew "into the light". I always thought that seeing a bright light before you die was a good thing. I guess that applies to people not insects.
Post Date - Sunday, September 23, 2007 8:17pm
Saturday, September 22, 2007
This will be an easy entry. SLEEP. I just described my Saturday. I had various plans (all minor), but today, I just slept. I was up about 10am. I had cold cereal and a sandwich, soaked in the tub for about 45 minutes, and went back to sleep. I woke up again about 4pm, still feeling tired. I signed my new lease (one year). My rent will be going up in November...Lucky me. I dropped off my lease and walked up the hill to the nearest corner bodega for a newspaper. I was planning to buy some broiled chicken from the Chinese takeout place, but I wasn't in the mood for the welcome (from the customers). Some kid (mid to late teens) was standing at the counter as if he was waiting to order. When the young lady behind the counter ask the kid if he is ready to order, he tells her he is waiting for his food. After practically breathing on the kids neck (for a minute maybe two [wondering why he is not moving]) and politely saying "excuse" me, I get the annoyed look as if I was doing something wrong. Next, just as I was about to order, the young lady behind the counter calls out an old guy's order of beef with broccoli, but the guy is not happy. They put his order into the little paper containers, instead of the foam takeout tray. If you get the tray you get more food, at least I think so...and apparently so does the old guy. The young lady behind the counter didn't want to give the guy his money back, she would only offer to put the food into a foam tray but still charge the same amount. This "customer welcome" gave me a bit of a flashback from last night. Last night, when I came to the same place, some customers were blocking the door. And somehow, a big goofy looking guy with a granny cart (filled with books)was inconveniencing the people blocking the door. Today, and last night's flashback turned me off to ordering anything. I guess that is good, I really shouldn't be ordering greasy fried food anyway.
Well, it is dinner time, I will microwave some frozen precooked chicken and rice, or maybe I'll zap a Healthy Choice meal. What I should be doing is filling in the gaps (in my planbook) for next week's lesson plans. I also need to look over the new science materials that I have to now teach from. And like most of the other curriculum programs, they (the material developers) felt that putting everything into one book was not necessary. To get an idea of what I will have to teach in science next week, I had to bring 2 textbooks, 3 workbooks, and 2 CDs. And no, I didn't bring all of the components home.
I better get off this computer, as you can see, I just spent about an hour online that I should have been doing lesson planning.
Post Date - Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:21pm
Well, it is dinner time, I will microwave some frozen precooked chicken and rice, or maybe I'll zap a Healthy Choice meal. What I should be doing is filling in the gaps (in my planbook) for next week's lesson plans. I also need to look over the new science materials that I have to now teach from. And like most of the other curriculum programs, they (the material developers) felt that putting everything into one book was not necessary. To get an idea of what I will have to teach in science next week, I had to bring 2 textbooks, 3 workbooks, and 2 CDs. And no, I didn't bring all of the components home.
I better get off this computer, as you can see, I just spent about an hour online that I should have been doing lesson planning.
Post Date - Saturday, September 22, 2007 6:21pm
Friday, September 21, 2007
TGIF. I made it to another weekend. I will have to keep this entry short. I can already feel the pull of sleep taking over. I am sure the next doze will put me out for the night. Quick cap before the sandman calls.
Kids were a bit hyper today (nothing compared to last year). I kept 4 students in for lunchtime detention for not finishing their work. My workday ended at 2:20. After about an hour of aimless wandering and chatting with colleagues, I finally buckled down and tackled my classroom. I finally connected my four computers from summer storage. It took me about an hour to unpack the parts and cables and to connect everything. I thought it would have taken less time, but no. I finished about 5pm. I then went to work on cleaning up my teacher's area. Oh, I forgot to take pictures. For the first time this (school) year, my desk is cleared. I like having a cleared surface. I don't like clutter. If things don't have a place, then I will usually end up creating piles, until the piles become mounds, then mounds become messes where I can't find anything.
I don't think I like the new layout of my classroom, I've been forced to split my teacher's area into two. Last (school) year, I had the back corner as my teacher's corner (the sink didn't work, so I just had my things collected in that corner. However, this year, I could not use the corner because the sink not only works, but the water fountain shoots water about 4ft. into the air. Since the sink is accessible to the students, I did not want my things in that corner. I ended up moving my desk and shelving space near the window. I was planning to move my copier to the area, but recently I notice the heat and sunlight from the windows. Also, in the winter the heat from the radiators will be on, it really isn't a good place for a copy machine. Since I rarely (if ever) sit at my desk during the school day (except when the kids are not in the room), having my desk by the window didn't bother me (other than having my space divided). Today, while cleaning up, I finally decided to keep my copier in the corner near the sink, but not where water can get on it...I hope. I also moved my reproducibles to that corner as well. For the past couple of weeks, I have had to hike back and forth across the room each time I needed to make copies. Now that I have the basic layout of my classroom worked out, I now have to work on the minor (but numerous) loose ends.
My goals now? I hope I will be able to complete my lesson plans for next week. Monday, I have to go to the doctor to get the results of my tests. However, I want to use the rest of the week, to do preliminary planning that will allow me to plan my lessons for the whole month of October. If I can plan lessons for the whole month in advance, I will be stress free and able to attend the gym. That means that I will have to get out of the school building at a decent hour. With my laptop in the classroom, I can do put the students grades into a grading program, and keep up with the loads of paperwork that is now expected.
Starting next week, yes, (once again), I will be trying to start exercising again. I will also be buying more Healthy Choices meals and oatmeal. I like the HC meals, but the portions are soooo small. I am hoping I can use the oatmeal as a midday snack after 3pm. For the past couple of years, I've been eating oatmeal (alternating with cream of wheat) for breakfast (Monday through Friday).
Quick wrap up. I packed a few textbooks in my granny cart. My school is using a new hands on science program and a new reading program, which means new materials to learn. I was out of the school about 6:30pm. Today was the first time since school started that the custodians didn't use the fire drill alarms as a "get out now" message. After stopping for some beef lo mein to go, I was back home about 8pm. After eating, I am posting.
Post Date - September 21, 2007 10:00pm
Kids were a bit hyper today (nothing compared to last year). I kept 4 students in for lunchtime detention for not finishing their work. My workday ended at 2:20. After about an hour of aimless wandering and chatting with colleagues, I finally buckled down and tackled my classroom. I finally connected my four computers from summer storage. It took me about an hour to unpack the parts and cables and to connect everything. I thought it would have taken less time, but no. I finished about 5pm. I then went to work on cleaning up my teacher's area. Oh, I forgot to take pictures. For the first time this (school) year, my desk is cleared. I like having a cleared surface. I don't like clutter. If things don't have a place, then I will usually end up creating piles, until the piles become mounds, then mounds become messes where I can't find anything.
I don't think I like the new layout of my classroom, I've been forced to split my teacher's area into two. Last (school) year, I had the back corner as my teacher's corner (the sink didn't work, so I just had my things collected in that corner. However, this year, I could not use the corner because the sink not only works, but the water fountain shoots water about 4ft. into the air. Since the sink is accessible to the students, I did not want my things in that corner. I ended up moving my desk and shelving space near the window. I was planning to move my copier to the area, but recently I notice the heat and sunlight from the windows. Also, in the winter the heat from the radiators will be on, it really isn't a good place for a copy machine. Since I rarely (if ever) sit at my desk during the school day (except when the kids are not in the room), having my desk by the window didn't bother me (other than having my space divided). Today, while cleaning up, I finally decided to keep my copier in the corner near the sink, but not where water can get on it...I hope. I also moved my reproducibles to that corner as well. For the past couple of weeks, I have had to hike back and forth across the room each time I needed to make copies. Now that I have the basic layout of my classroom worked out, I now have to work on the minor (but numerous) loose ends.
My goals now? I hope I will be able to complete my lesson plans for next week. Monday, I have to go to the doctor to get the results of my tests. However, I want to use the rest of the week, to do preliminary planning that will allow me to plan my lessons for the whole month of October. If I can plan lessons for the whole month in advance, I will be stress free and able to attend the gym. That means that I will have to get out of the school building at a decent hour. With my laptop in the classroom, I can do put the students grades into a grading program, and keep up with the loads of paperwork that is now expected.
Starting next week, yes, (once again), I will be trying to start exercising again. I will also be buying more Healthy Choices meals and oatmeal. I like the HC meals, but the portions are soooo small. I am hoping I can use the oatmeal as a midday snack after 3pm. For the past couple of years, I've been eating oatmeal (alternating with cream of wheat) for breakfast (Monday through Friday).
Quick wrap up. I packed a few textbooks in my granny cart. My school is using a new hands on science program and a new reading program, which means new materials to learn. I was out of the school about 6:30pm. Today was the first time since school started that the custodians didn't use the fire drill alarms as a "get out now" message. After stopping for some beef lo mein to go, I was back home about 8pm. After eating, I am posting.
Post Date - September 21, 2007 10:00pm
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Another week almost at an end. Other than the annoying antics of a few students (one of my students put Funtac in another girl's hair) my week has been okay. I was anything but productive, but it still was an okay week. I have a better group this year (not to mention a smaller group -- so far). The week started on Monday with AP1 asking for the report card of a student of mine from last (school) year. I actually had it. I was sure I'd thrown it away, but when I came home, I found it.
For most of the week, I have been procrastinating with getting my classroom together, and completing my lesson plans. At first my plan was to complete my lesson plans for the two weeks, but one thing or another stopped me. Each day this weekend, I've felt the need to stay at school until about 6pm (when the custodians use the fire drill bell as a way of saying get out). By the time, I get home, I am so exhausted, that I ended up falling asleep soon after arriving. I've been dragging 20 or 30 pounds of textbooks back and forth for school to home, in and out of public transit, only to have them sit at the door untouched, only to have to drag them back the next day.
One of the positives this week, is that I've managed to catch the earlier train, so I've been arriving at school about 7:15am each morning. I is nice to be able to have a few minutes to get mentally (and physically) ready for the day. Before this week, I was arriving about 5 minutes before the start of school, just time to run in the building, dropping off my jacket and cart, then sweating as I go to pick up my students. Now, I feel a bit more relax arriving when it is nice and quiet.
Another positive is that I've started buying "Healthy Choice" frozen meals. When the school has something like grilled cheese sandwiches, I like having the Healthy Choice alternative. The only downside is the extremely small portions.
Today, my refurbished laptop arrived, it looks very nice for a secondhand computer. It has DVD and wireless capability. The cost was $402 (including the teacher's discount). My plan is to have the computer in school so that I can update the students grades and write up reports in class. To often, I've told myself that I will take the work home, only to have it sit in untouched piles. I do have computers in my classroom, but the students get to them, and I have not really felt comfortable using the student computers. I like having my own space, that is off-limits to the kids. Another benefit (I almost didn't think about at the time) was being able to play DVDs on my computer. I think I might be able to borrow the computer lab's projector that will allow me to have a movie house showing in my room. If I do show DVD, it will only be on the 2nd or last day of school.
Tomorrow is Friday, early dismissal (2:20). Unfortunately, I won't be leaving early. I will really try to buckle down and get some organization done. I need to get my classroom computers connected. At my school, the classroom teachers are the ones responsible for disconnecting the computers for summer storage, and reconnecting them. Actually, the classroom teachers are also responsible for teaching computer lessons in the computer lab with the computer teacher busy doing something. Last year, I got annoyed with making lesson plans for myself, and them making computer lessons with my limited computer knowledge. Last year, the computer teacher closed the computer lab about 2 weeks before the end of school, that was also highly annoying.
Anyway, tomorrow, I will really try to get organized. Objectives:
1. Connect classroom computers
2. Clean up my teacher's area and put my teaching books and materials in order
For the weekend, I want my lesson plans for the week completed. I want next week for planning for the month of October. I also need to return to Brooklyn to the teacher's supply store to buy a few (I hope) art supplies. I want my students to do an art project for the hall bulletin board.
Well, I better go, it would be nice to get in bed once this week, rather than falling asleep from exhaustion.
Post Date - Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:49pm
For most of the week, I have been procrastinating with getting my classroom together, and completing my lesson plans. At first my plan was to complete my lesson plans for the two weeks, but one thing or another stopped me. Each day this weekend, I've felt the need to stay at school until about 6pm (when the custodians use the fire drill bell as a way of saying get out). By the time, I get home, I am so exhausted, that I ended up falling asleep soon after arriving. I've been dragging 20 or 30 pounds of textbooks back and forth for school to home, in and out of public transit, only to have them sit at the door untouched, only to have to drag them back the next day.
One of the positives this week, is that I've managed to catch the earlier train, so I've been arriving at school about 7:15am each morning. I is nice to be able to have a few minutes to get mentally (and physically) ready for the day. Before this week, I was arriving about 5 minutes before the start of school, just time to run in the building, dropping off my jacket and cart, then sweating as I go to pick up my students. Now, I feel a bit more relax arriving when it is nice and quiet.
Another positive is that I've started buying "Healthy Choice" frozen meals. When the school has something like grilled cheese sandwiches, I like having the Healthy Choice alternative. The only downside is the extremely small portions.
Today, my refurbished laptop arrived, it looks very nice for a secondhand computer. It has DVD and wireless capability. The cost was $402 (including the teacher's discount). My plan is to have the computer in school so that I can update the students grades and write up reports in class. To often, I've told myself that I will take the work home, only to have it sit in untouched piles. I do have computers in my classroom, but the students get to them, and I have not really felt comfortable using the student computers. I like having my own space, that is off-limits to the kids. Another benefit (I almost didn't think about at the time) was being able to play DVDs on my computer. I think I might be able to borrow the computer lab's projector that will allow me to have a movie house showing in my room. If I do show DVD, it will only be on the 2nd or last day of school.
Tomorrow is Friday, early dismissal (2:20). Unfortunately, I won't be leaving early. I will really try to buckle down and get some organization done. I need to get my classroom computers connected. At my school, the classroom teachers are the ones responsible for disconnecting the computers for summer storage, and reconnecting them. Actually, the classroom teachers are also responsible for teaching computer lessons in the computer lab with the computer teacher busy doing something. Last year, I got annoyed with making lesson plans for myself, and them making computer lessons with my limited computer knowledge. Last year, the computer teacher closed the computer lab about 2 weeks before the end of school, that was also highly annoying.
Anyway, tomorrow, I will really try to get organized. Objectives:
1. Connect classroom computers
2. Clean up my teacher's area and put my teaching books and materials in order
For the weekend, I want my lesson plans for the week completed. I want next week for planning for the month of October. I also need to return to Brooklyn to the teacher's supply store to buy a few (I hope) art supplies. I want my students to do an art project for the hall bulletin board.
Well, I better go, it would be nice to get in bed once this week, rather than falling asleep from exhaustion.
Post Date - Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:49pm
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I am sitting here procrastinating. Lesson plans for the next two weeks half done. I wonder if it is better to have a completed week of lesson plans, or two weeks of incomplete. Well, after surfing the net for Emmy news, I think it is time to type my homework sheet and call it a night.
Oh, a couple of you are probably wondering why I have not been chatting for a while. Since I have my new computer, I have not downloaded any messenger programs. Until I get a handle on my life (or at least my job), I don't want to do any online chatting. As you can see, if given the opportunity, I will procrastinate like there is no tomorrow. In the past, I've been chatting online for several hours at a time. Having difficulty just staying away from the Internet, chatting at this time would only add to my procrastinating. Hopefully, I will be able to start attending the gym in October, and getting my lesson plans done in a timely manner. Once those two goals are done (consistently for a few weeks), then I will download a messenger program and resume chatting around the world.
Oh, quick summary of today. Oh, that is another thing I will have to work on. I should not be spending hours blogging online for the same reasons mentioned above.
Today having went to bed about 6am, started off slow. I took a bath around 12 midday. I did lesson planning for a couple of hours, then left of Target about 4:30pm. While in the Bronx, I went food shopping until the local train arrived. When I returned home, I did my laundry. Continue lesson planning. For dinner, I ate my leftover pasta and turkey meat sauce.
Now, I need to type up my homework sheet, and then call it a night.
Post Date - Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:45pm
Oh, a couple of you are probably wondering why I have not been chatting for a while. Since I have my new computer, I have not downloaded any messenger programs. Until I get a handle on my life (or at least my job), I don't want to do any online chatting. As you can see, if given the opportunity, I will procrastinate like there is no tomorrow. In the past, I've been chatting online for several hours at a time. Having difficulty just staying away from the Internet, chatting at this time would only add to my procrastinating. Hopefully, I will be able to start attending the gym in October, and getting my lesson plans done in a timely manner. Once those two goals are done (consistently for a few weeks), then I will download a messenger program and resume chatting around the world.
Oh, quick summary of today. Oh, that is another thing I will have to work on. I should not be spending hours blogging online for the same reasons mentioned above.
Today having went to bed about 6am, started off slow. I took a bath around 12 midday. I did lesson planning for a couple of hours, then left of Target about 4:30pm. While in the Bronx, I went food shopping until the local train arrived. When I returned home, I did my laundry. Continue lesson planning. For dinner, I ate my leftover pasta and turkey meat sauce.
Now, I need to type up my homework sheet, and then call it a night.
Post Date - Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:45pm
Same old story. I fell asleep on the couch, now I am up. I just bought a used laptop (for my classroom) online. I thought I would take a couple of minutes to blog.
Last week was basically the same old story. Stress and disorganization. Yes, I still have boxes unpacked. On Monday, I missed my regular train, so I took the next train. Since I did not want to be late, I took a cab from the Bronx ($20 including tip). I arrived with 8 minutes to spare. I didn't eat lunch because they were serving leftover ravioli (the third day I think). I left school about 6pm. I went to Target to have the student photos developed. Would you believe I had to wait about 30 minutes. There were about 3 clerks talking up a storm. When the guy behind me complained. The clerks all seemed to agree that there was only one working machine. About 20 minutes later, another guy came to pick up his photos, and after complaining that one of the clerks had promised that his photos would be ready, the clerk walked over to another machine and "appeared to" just turn it on. The clerk said that he wasn't sure the machine would really work. I ended up using that "just working machine". In other words, I would not have had to wait (and miss my MN train), if even one other machine was "working". I ended up arriving home about 8pm. I ate Chinese take out for dinner.
Tuesday, I returned to Target in the Bronx to pick up my photos. I had to wait about 10 minutes because no one was at the kiosk area. After the line grew by about 4 or 5 people, then 2 or 3 clerks arrived (at the same time). In school, after posting on the daily bulletin for several days that bulletin boards were due to be finished on Wednesday, Tuesday (due to visitors arriving) bulletin boards had to be finished by Tuesday. No, I did not get the hallway bulletin board finished by the new (or old) due date. Sorry. I should at least say thank you to admin for not harassing me for not making the deadline. The end result, I will have one of the only correct bulletin boards (including task card, standards, work samples from each student etc...)
Four-day weekend, was going to be my work weekend. Unfortunately, old habits die hard. I took a couple of days to recover from the stress and disorganization. Trying to set up my classroom, and continue to follow the micro-managed schedule, with incomplete textbook sets, and incomprehensible units that few if anyone seems to know where the complete kits are and what should be started, all stressed me out. I have to be honest, a lot of the stress is internal. I have to learn to find my comfort zone, and until I do, I will be unnecessarily stressed. When I can see other teachers out the door by 4 and still accomplish the same (and in some cases more) than I can, then I have to face facts, I am to blame for a lot of my own mess.
Well anyway, Most of my 4-day weekend was spent sleeping. Finally, today (Saturday), I decided to go to the mall in Nyack (New York). I told myself that I should stay home and finish my lesson plans, but I knew I would probably do nothing but sleep. Since I don't have a car, I have to depend on the public transportation system. To get to Nyack, I have to take the Tappan Zee Bridge Express bus that doesn't operate on Sundays.
This morning (Saturday), I was up and out by about 9am. I took the MN to Tarrytown($3.25). The express bus was about a 10 minute wait. It was a nice coach bus($1.50). I arrived at the mall about 10am (just as stores were opening up). The mall was very nice. That place is now my "travel to" mall. The mall in Jersey City used to be "my mall", but the traveling was a bit much (even when I lived in Manhattan). It used to take me about 90 minutes to 2 hours to get to Jersey City by public transportation. Now, Nyack is only about an hour away. And it has a Panda Express restaurant. The only downside of the Nyack mall is the tight fit of the coach bus (not built for for major shopping trips). I would not even be able to bring my granny cart along. Also, I have to worry about the infrequent buses. A missed bus can be a one or 2 hour wait (which stops about 10pm)...and doesn't operate on Sundays...and a taxi ride is about $20 one-way.
Anyway, I walked the four levels of the Palisades Mall(about 90 minutes). I stopped at Gamestop to buy a memory card for my Playstation 2. I also ended up buying a couple of games and study guide:
God of War 1 (with study guide)
Outrun 2006 - Coast to coast
Resident Evil 4
Next stop Target:
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Children of Hurin
stick on hooks
Cutting mat
Then Staples:
Portable file container
Banker's box
Chart pad
2 Trashbins
Quick summary. Tolkien - I just wanted to have a next book ready when I finish the Spearwielder's Tale. File container (similar to the metal containers teachers use for keeping students' cumulative records). Now, with all of the new assessment standards, and record-keeping, I wanted to keep everything together. Banker's box, a small box with 8 compartments for organizing papers. Chart pad for making some charts at home, so I don't have to stay at school to make them. Trash bins for the classroom. The custodians removed the 2 I had. I think they got tired of searching the room for the trash bins. I would often forget to move the trash bins to the front of the room at the end of the day. But they also did not return the blue recycling bins. Teachers never seemed to use the recycling bins, in most classrooms I've walked in, the blue recycle bin was used as a regular trash bin. When I had one, I always kept it hidden, because I knew my students would not use it correctly. Having one trash bin in a classroom is an annoying hassle (for teacher as well as students). The stick on hooks is are for my interactive reading bulletin board.
About 12pm, I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on IMAX in 3D. Very Nice!!! In a couple of weekends, they will be showing Transformers on IMAX. After the movie, I went to Panda Express. Since I had to catch my bus, I had to take it to go. The bus arrival time was 2:58pm the next bus was 4:58pm. My plan was to only stay at the mall for a couple of hours, then return home to complete my lesson plans, but having stressed out for the last couple of weeks, and not having done much except be angry (with myself mostly), I wanted the I went to the movie. Some people take drugs to escape, I use Science-Fiction. I wanted to stay longer, but I didn't want to miss my bus. I didn't get to visit everyplace, (BJ's wholesale and Barnes & Nobles just a couple of places). I will have to save those until next time.
I caught the 3pm bus, and arrived at the MN station in Tarrytown to catch the 3:42 train. Since the Zee Bus left about 4 minutes late, I thought I would miss the 3:42 train. I arrived at the train station ontime. However, I still missed the 3:42 train... It turned out to be an express train. I had to wait for the 4:12 local. I ate my now cold Panda Lunch on the platform. It was still good! I arrived home about 4:30pm. I wanted to go food shopping and have another student photo developed. One of my "no shows" finally showed on Tuesday...a week after school started. I caught the MN to the Bronx, made a quick run for Target. I also needed ink for my printer. I forgot the type while I was in Nyack and didn't want to buy ink that might be incorrect. Anyway, I was in and out of Target (in the Bronx) in time to catch the express train to Yonkers. I went food shopping, then I headed for home.
For dinner, I had a can of low sodium chicken soup. However, I missed it up by eating a pint of ice cream. The ice cream was supposed to have been my reward for completing my lesson plans for two weeks. I finished the ice cream, but I didn't finish the lesson plans. I told myself that I would really try to start rowing on Monday and continue until October, when I would start attending the gym.
Hopefully, things are about to change for the better. If I can finish my lesson plans for two weeks, then I would have some breathing space to get my classroom together, which would allow me to comfortably (without stress or worry) leave school at a good hour. I guest the proof will be in the next blog posting.
Until then...
Post Date - Sunday, September 16, 2007 5:36am
Last week was basically the same old story. Stress and disorganization. Yes, I still have boxes unpacked. On Monday, I missed my regular train, so I took the next train. Since I did not want to be late, I took a cab from the Bronx ($20 including tip). I arrived with 8 minutes to spare. I didn't eat lunch because they were serving leftover ravioli (the third day I think). I left school about 6pm. I went to Target to have the student photos developed. Would you believe I had to wait about 30 minutes. There were about 3 clerks talking up a storm. When the guy behind me complained. The clerks all seemed to agree that there was only one working machine. About 20 minutes later, another guy came to pick up his photos, and after complaining that one of the clerks had promised that his photos would be ready, the clerk walked over to another machine and "appeared to" just turn it on. The clerk said that he wasn't sure the machine would really work. I ended up using that "just working machine". In other words, I would not have had to wait (and miss my MN train), if even one other machine was "working". I ended up arriving home about 8pm. I ate Chinese take out for dinner.
Tuesday, I returned to Target in the Bronx to pick up my photos. I had to wait about 10 minutes because no one was at the kiosk area. After the line grew by about 4 or 5 people, then 2 or 3 clerks arrived (at the same time). In school, after posting on the daily bulletin for several days that bulletin boards were due to be finished on Wednesday, Tuesday (due to visitors arriving) bulletin boards had to be finished by Tuesday. No, I did not get the hallway bulletin board finished by the new (or old) due date. Sorry. I should at least say thank you to admin for not harassing me for not making the deadline. The end result, I will have one of the only correct bulletin boards (including task card, standards, work samples from each student etc...)
Four-day weekend, was going to be my work weekend. Unfortunately, old habits die hard. I took a couple of days to recover from the stress and disorganization. Trying to set up my classroom, and continue to follow the micro-managed schedule, with incomplete textbook sets, and incomprehensible units that few if anyone seems to know where the complete kits are and what should be started, all stressed me out. I have to be honest, a lot of the stress is internal. I have to learn to find my comfort zone, and until I do, I will be unnecessarily stressed. When I can see other teachers out the door by 4 and still accomplish the same (and in some cases more) than I can, then I have to face facts, I am to blame for a lot of my own mess.
Well anyway, Most of my 4-day weekend was spent sleeping. Finally, today (Saturday), I decided to go to the mall in Nyack (New York). I told myself that I should stay home and finish my lesson plans, but I knew I would probably do nothing but sleep. Since I don't have a car, I have to depend on the public transportation system. To get to Nyack, I have to take the Tappan Zee Bridge Express bus that doesn't operate on Sundays.
This morning (Saturday), I was up and out by about 9am. I took the MN to Tarrytown($3.25). The express bus was about a 10 minute wait. It was a nice coach bus($1.50). I arrived at the mall about 10am (just as stores were opening up). The mall was very nice. That place is now my "travel to" mall. The mall in Jersey City used to be "my mall", but the traveling was a bit much (even when I lived in Manhattan). It used to take me about 90 minutes to 2 hours to get to Jersey City by public transportation. Now, Nyack is only about an hour away. And it has a Panda Express restaurant. The only downside of the Nyack mall is the tight fit of the coach bus (not built for for major shopping trips). I would not even be able to bring my granny cart along. Also, I have to worry about the infrequent buses. A missed bus can be a one or 2 hour wait (which stops about 10pm)...and doesn't operate on Sundays...and a taxi ride is about $20 one-way.
Anyway, I walked the four levels of the Palisades Mall(about 90 minutes). I stopped at Gamestop to buy a memory card for my Playstation 2. I also ended up buying a couple of games and study guide:
God of War 1 (with study guide)
Outrun 2006 - Coast to coast
Resident Evil 4
Next stop Target:
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Children of Hurin
stick on hooks
Cutting mat
Then Staples:
Portable file container
Banker's box
Chart pad
2 Trashbins
Quick summary. Tolkien - I just wanted to have a next book ready when I finish the Spearwielder's Tale. File container (similar to the metal containers teachers use for keeping students' cumulative records). Now, with all of the new assessment standards, and record-keeping, I wanted to keep everything together. Banker's box, a small box with 8 compartments for organizing papers. Chart pad for making some charts at home, so I don't have to stay at school to make them. Trash bins for the classroom. The custodians removed the 2 I had. I think they got tired of searching the room for the trash bins. I would often forget to move the trash bins to the front of the room at the end of the day. But they also did not return the blue recycling bins. Teachers never seemed to use the recycling bins, in most classrooms I've walked in, the blue recycle bin was used as a regular trash bin. When I had one, I always kept it hidden, because I knew my students would not use it correctly. Having one trash bin in a classroom is an annoying hassle (for teacher as well as students). The stick on hooks is are for my interactive reading bulletin board.
About 12pm, I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on IMAX in 3D. Very Nice!!! In a couple of weekends, they will be showing Transformers on IMAX. After the movie, I went to Panda Express. Since I had to catch my bus, I had to take it to go. The bus arrival time was 2:58pm the next bus was 4:58pm. My plan was to only stay at the mall for a couple of hours, then return home to complete my lesson plans, but having stressed out for the last couple of weeks, and not having done much except be angry (with myself mostly), I wanted the I went to the movie. Some people take drugs to escape, I use Science-Fiction. I wanted to stay longer, but I didn't want to miss my bus. I didn't get to visit everyplace, (BJ's wholesale and Barnes & Nobles just a couple of places). I will have to save those until next time.
I caught the 3pm bus, and arrived at the MN station in Tarrytown to catch the 3:42 train. Since the Zee Bus left about 4 minutes late, I thought I would miss the 3:42 train. I arrived at the train station ontime. However, I still missed the 3:42 train... It turned out to be an express train. I had to wait for the 4:12 local. I ate my now cold Panda Lunch on the platform. It was still good! I arrived home about 4:30pm. I wanted to go food shopping and have another student photo developed. One of my "no shows" finally showed on Tuesday...a week after school started. I caught the MN to the Bronx, made a quick run for Target. I also needed ink for my printer. I forgot the type while I was in Nyack and didn't want to buy ink that might be incorrect. Anyway, I was in and out of Target (in the Bronx) in time to catch the express train to Yonkers. I went food shopping, then I headed for home.
For dinner, I had a can of low sodium chicken soup. However, I missed it up by eating a pint of ice cream. The ice cream was supposed to have been my reward for completing my lesson plans for two weeks. I finished the ice cream, but I didn't finish the lesson plans. I told myself that I would really try to start rowing on Monday and continue until October, when I would start attending the gym.
Hopefully, things are about to change for the better. If I can finish my lesson plans for two weeks, then I would have some breathing space to get my classroom together, which would allow me to comfortably (without stress or worry) leave school at a good hour. I guest the proof will be in the next blog posting.
Until then...
Post Date - Sunday, September 16, 2007 5:36am
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm back. Last week, I was too angry and stressed out to blog. I was angry with my situation, and with myself. All last week, I would work myself to exhaustion, then come home about 8pm, collapse from exhaustion, then wake up about 2am and stress out about the next day until 3 or 4am, and then repeat the same thing. On Friday, I didn't even get to return to sleep when I woke up at 2am. I had boxes unpacked, classroom library undone, and new books that seemed thrown at me.
When I made it to the weekend, I avoided my computer, too many times I got into the habit of falling back to using my computer to procrastinate. As a result of avoiding my computer, I managed to do my lesson plans for the 3 days next week. NYC schools are closed for the Rosh Hashanah holiday. I won't embarrass myself by writing the time it took me to write lesson ideas for 3 days. Saturday evening, I even played on my PS2 for a little while.
Today, not having the stress of lesson planning over my head, put me in a good mood. I decided to go to the teacher's supply store in Brooklyn to buy a number line. This morning, I did my laundry. Even though next week is only a three-day work week, I felt that I should not be lazy about letting my laundry pile up. After doing my laundry, I took the MN into the city. First stop was Target. I wanted to develop my photos of my new students. Each year, I take digital photos of my students to incorporate their photos into their written work. I was planning to have the students type up their self-introductions, but Open-House is on Tuesday, so I won't have time to do the typed written assignment. I decided that I would print the student photos and attach them to their hand-written stories. Anyway, I arrived at Target to develop the photos...Oh, and I needed to get a refill of my blood pressure medicine. Anyway, when I arrived at the photo center, there was a lady scanning photos. I did not want to wait, so I put in my refill subscription, and left. I stopped at the Subway's restaurant for lunch. I had a pastrami 6in. It looks like someone else has the shop now, this is about the 3rd owner within the last year...I think.
I arrived at the teacher's supply store with the plan of only buying a number line, but I ended up spending $124. I found some great reproducible skills workbooks in each of the core curriculum content areas. I also found a few other items. For example, I want to do an interactive bulletin board that will allow my students (and myself)to keep track of the books they read. It just requires plastic hooks, binder rings, and index cards. I saw the idea in a classroom a couple of years ago, I will modify it for my personal style and for the reading program we use at my school.
After Brooklyn, I went to Staples on 125th street. I wanted to buy some color index cards, and price the plastic hooks. Target had some okay looking hooks, but not really the style I wanted. Anyway, I took one look at the line in Staples and turned right around and left the building, the line went 3/4 of the way around the perimeter of the entire floor. The line started at the front, went to the back of the store, passed three or four aisle, then back up to the front. Add to the mix, kids running unsupervised, and daydreaming strollers, and clueless shopping cart shoppers, I couldn't take it.
I visited my father's place, then I had dinner at the Korean owned soul food restaurant. I told myself that I would start exercising tomorrow. I went back to Target, but the photo center was just closing, and the shelves were bare. I took the express train to Yonkers. I had about 30 minutes to got to the shop rite store for some milk and shower spray to be back to catch the local train home. The walk is about 10 minutes (6 if you walk fast) from station to store -- one way. If I missed the local train, the next local was an hour wait. I caught the train.
The first thing I did home was to shower, with the plan of trying to print out my homework sheet in blue ink (I ran out of black ink). After showering, I layed down for a minute, but I ended up out like a light in seconds.
Well, I think that is it for now. Hopefully next week (I should say this week since it is now after midnight), I will be back on track. Goals for the week
1. Start rowing on Monday.
2. Make a doctor's appointment to find out the results of my tests.
3. For the Jewish holiday (Rosh Hashanah), I want to do my lesson planning and homework sheets for the month of October. It has long been my dream to be able to plan my lessons a month in advance. An assistant principal mentioned that onetime several years ago, I've thought of it as a fantasy for years, but recently, I started having the desire to make that fantasy a reality.
Oh, I almost forgot. I forgot to mention the small world meeting last week. On my way to work, I met a teacher who was on his way to teach at the junior high school I attended many years ago. The principal at the junior high used to be used to be an English teacher there. About a year ago, I met an e-pal online who also worked at the same junior high school. Small World. :)
Post Date - Monday, September 10, 2007 1:03am
When I made it to the weekend, I avoided my computer, too many times I got into the habit of falling back to using my computer to procrastinate. As a result of avoiding my computer, I managed to do my lesson plans for the 3 days next week. NYC schools are closed for the Rosh Hashanah holiday. I won't embarrass myself by writing the time it took me to write lesson ideas for 3 days. Saturday evening, I even played on my PS2 for a little while.
Today, not having the stress of lesson planning over my head, put me in a good mood. I decided to go to the teacher's supply store in Brooklyn to buy a number line. This morning, I did my laundry. Even though next week is only a three-day work week, I felt that I should not be lazy about letting my laundry pile up. After doing my laundry, I took the MN into the city. First stop was Target. I wanted to develop my photos of my new students. Each year, I take digital photos of my students to incorporate their photos into their written work. I was planning to have the students type up their self-introductions, but Open-House is on Tuesday, so I won't have time to do the typed written assignment. I decided that I would print the student photos and attach them to their hand-written stories. Anyway, I arrived at Target to develop the photos...Oh, and I needed to get a refill of my blood pressure medicine. Anyway, when I arrived at the photo center, there was a lady scanning photos. I did not want to wait, so I put in my refill subscription, and left. I stopped at the Subway's restaurant for lunch. I had a pastrami 6in. It looks like someone else has the shop now, this is about the 3rd owner within the last year...I think.
I arrived at the teacher's supply store with the plan of only buying a number line, but I ended up spending $124. I found some great reproducible skills workbooks in each of the core curriculum content areas. I also found a few other items. For example, I want to do an interactive bulletin board that will allow my students (and myself)to keep track of the books they read. It just requires plastic hooks, binder rings, and index cards. I saw the idea in a classroom a couple of years ago, I will modify it for my personal style and for the reading program we use at my school.
After Brooklyn, I went to Staples on 125th street. I wanted to buy some color index cards, and price the plastic hooks. Target had some okay looking hooks, but not really the style I wanted. Anyway, I took one look at the line in Staples and turned right around and left the building, the line went 3/4 of the way around the perimeter of the entire floor. The line started at the front, went to the back of the store, passed three or four aisle, then back up to the front. Add to the mix, kids running unsupervised, and daydreaming strollers, and clueless shopping cart shoppers, I couldn't take it.
I visited my father's place, then I had dinner at the Korean owned soul food restaurant. I told myself that I would start exercising tomorrow. I went back to Target, but the photo center was just closing, and the shelves were bare. I took the express train to Yonkers. I had about 30 minutes to got to the shop rite store for some milk and shower spray to be back to catch the local train home. The walk is about 10 minutes (6 if you walk fast) from station to store -- one way. If I missed the local train, the next local was an hour wait. I caught the train.
The first thing I did home was to shower, with the plan of trying to print out my homework sheet in blue ink (I ran out of black ink). After showering, I layed down for a minute, but I ended up out like a light in seconds.
Well, I think that is it for now. Hopefully next week (I should say this week since it is now after midnight), I will be back on track. Goals for the week
1. Start rowing on Monday.
2. Make a doctor's appointment to find out the results of my tests.
3. For the Jewish holiday (Rosh Hashanah), I want to do my lesson planning and homework sheets for the month of October. It has long been my dream to be able to plan my lessons a month in advance. An assistant principal mentioned that onetime several years ago, I've thought of it as a fantasy for years, but recently, I started having the desire to make that fantasy a reality.
Oh, I almost forgot. I forgot to mention the small world meeting last week. On my way to work, I met a teacher who was on his way to teach at the junior high school I attended many years ago. The principal at the junior high used to be used to be an English teacher there. About a year ago, I met an e-pal online who also worked at the same junior high school. Small World. :)
Post Date - Monday, September 10, 2007 1:03am
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Today was relatively nice day. I wanted to get up about 5:30 to catch the the second train around my time. I usually catch the 6:53am, as long as that train runs on time, I will arrive at work on time. The next earliest train is the 6:26am. However, since I went to bed at 1:15am last night, getting up at 5:30 was a long shot.
I arrived at work at about 7:45am. I really didn't have much time to do anymore classroom set up. I managed to set up my copy machine.
I started with 5 students, it was very nice having a small class size, but I knew it would not last. I received 3 new students. My class register is now up to 20 students. Everyone was fairly nice (relatively speaking), however, I can already see the "handfuls".
I finished at 3pm. However, I decided to finish carrying the textbooks from the old classroom that AP2 originally told me to just forget them. It took about 15 minutes for me to move the textbooks. I wanted to leave school at 4:30 at the latest, but as you know, "old habits die hard". One, I was just too tired to move. Then, I wanted to do a bit more classroom prep. I managed to clear off my desk. When I don't have a place for things, I quickly get overwhelmed and start leaving things everywhere and forgetting where I put things.
I left school about 6:10pm. Since I had time before the next MN train, I was planning to eat dinner at Subway's restaurant, but the clerk was moving slow chatting with another customer, and there was another guy in the back talking on the phone. I was standing at the counter waiting for about 2 or 3 minutes, but the clerk didn't say anything like, "I'll be with you in just a moment", so I left. I ended up going to MacDonald's next door. I bought the Big Mac meal.
I am going to really try to be in bed between 10 and 10:30pm. Tomorrow, I will tackle the back table in my classroom. My plan is to tackle one corner each day until my classroom is put together(hopefully, without spending a lot of extra hours after hours). The other two third grade teachers had the right idea, they were both out of the building at about 3:30pm. I need to start following their lead.
Post Date - Tuesday, September 5, 2007 8:28pm
I arrived at work at about 7:45am. I really didn't have much time to do anymore classroom set up. I managed to set up my copy machine.
I started with 5 students, it was very nice having a small class size, but I knew it would not last. I received 3 new students. My class register is now up to 20 students. Everyone was fairly nice (relatively speaking), however, I can already see the "handfuls".
I finished at 3pm. However, I decided to finish carrying the textbooks from the old classroom that AP2 originally told me to just forget them. It took about 15 minutes for me to move the textbooks. I wanted to leave school at 4:30 at the latest, but as you know, "old habits die hard". One, I was just too tired to move. Then, I wanted to do a bit more classroom prep. I managed to clear off my desk. When I don't have a place for things, I quickly get overwhelmed and start leaving things everywhere and forgetting where I put things.
I left school about 6:10pm. Since I had time before the next MN train, I was planning to eat dinner at Subway's restaurant, but the clerk was moving slow chatting with another customer, and there was another guy in the back talking on the phone. I was standing at the counter waiting for about 2 or 3 minutes, but the clerk didn't say anything like, "I'll be with you in just a moment", so I left. I ended up going to MacDonald's next door. I bought the Big Mac meal.
I am going to really try to be in bed between 10 and 10:30pm. Tomorrow, I will tackle the back table in my classroom. My plan is to tackle one corner each day until my classroom is put together(hopefully, without spending a lot of extra hours after hours). The other two third grade teachers had the right idea, they were both out of the building at about 3:30pm. I need to start following their lead.
Post Date - Tuesday, September 5, 2007 8:28pm
Monday, September 03, 2007
Old habits die hard. Here I am, stressed out about the first day of school with about 7 or 8 things still left on my "Things to Do" List. Today was basically a day of procrastination. I continued to go through the piles of photocopiables that I collected last year to finally find the couple of worksheets that I wanted to use. I did manage to do my lesson plans for tomorrow (only). Now, I am about to type up my homework sheet for this week. Upside. This will be the first school year that I will arrive with a lesson plan for the first day of school. Also, the first year I will have a typed homework sheet for the first week of school.
While I was procrastinating with the papers, I decided to bake half the pack of turkey legs(mentioned in a recent blog entry). For dinner, I had the last of the mac & cheese, turkey leg, and spinach.
Well, I better go. Time is wasting.
Post Date - Monday, September 3, 2007 10:15pm
While I was procrastinating with the papers, I decided to bake half the pack of turkey legs(mentioned in a recent blog entry). For dinner, I had the last of the mac & cheese, turkey leg, and spinach.
Well, I better go. Time is wasting.
Post Date - Monday, September 3, 2007 10:15pm
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Quick entry before calling it a night. After believing I had beaten the blahs, they started creeping up on me today. Up until today, I did not really feel any stress about school starting. Stress with the nonsense going on getting ready for school, yes, but not much stress about the new students or the new year in general, that is, until today. Looking at my empty (brand new) plan book, my mind started to freeze up.
Long story short, I did not do much of anything that I wanted to do. I napped, then organized the huge pile of photocopies that have been sitting on my living room floor since June. After a while, I decided to do my laundry, then I cleaned my bedroom. I cut my hair and shaved my head. I showered, and now I am blogging.
I really wanted to go to the mall tomorrow, but I know if I leave, I will be up at a crazy hour getting ready for school the next morning.
Post Date - Sunday, September 02, 2007 11:50pm
Long story short, I did not do much of anything that I wanted to do. I napped, then organized the huge pile of photocopies that have been sitting on my living room floor since June. After a while, I decided to do my laundry, then I cleaned my bedroom. I cut my hair and shaved my head. I showered, and now I am blogging.
I really wanted to go to the mall tomorrow, but I know if I leave, I will be up at a crazy hour getting ready for school the next morning.
Post Date - Sunday, September 02, 2007 11:50pm

Today was the beginning of the three-day Labor Day Weekend, however, it was a workday for me. I was up and on the Metro-North by 7:30am. I was at the school by 8:30am. By 3pm (the time teachers were told to leave the building), I managed to put the classroom in relative preparation. For having only about a day and a half to unpack and rearrange furniture and about 30 boxes (with no help), I think I did an okay job. The other two teachers had help with moving their things and unpacking. Here out of classroom cluster teachers, are assigned pack mule duties. Since, I was resistant about moving my things from the old to new room, I was not offered any assistance. Since I can be a bit anal about doing things a certain way, I guess that worked out for me. I did have help with covering the hallway bulletin board by one of the teacher's assistant. She was the one who "politely and with all due respect" told me the "get off my ass, stop being lazy and start moving my things" from the old room to the new room. If you disagree with her for any reason, she will go into a "that piece of paper ( teacher's license) doesn't make you better than anybody" speech. Since the "lazy" comment, she has been a bit too nice.
At (about)three, I was out of the building, with my granny cart full on my way home. I arrived home about 5pm. I decided to go shopping for food, so that I am not doing it at the last minute. I took the MN one stop to Yonkers. I got on the checkout line at about 3:30, but it moved (as usual) slower than molasses. With only two customers in front (one was finishing up), I waited on line for about 15 minutes. By the time I got out of the store, I knew that I would not reach the MN in time to ride back, so I walked back home with a full granny cart and carrying an extra shopping bag. My total was about $90. After dinner (fried chicken and zucchini), I fell asleep. I just woke up. Now, I will shower then go back to sleep.
My plan tomorrow is to do my lesson planning for next week (including a homework sheet), the laundry, and cut my hair...things I would do the day before school starts. I told myself that if I finished my "To Do" list, then I would go to the Palisades Mall on Monday (Labor Day).
Post Date - Sunday, September 1, 2007 1:57am
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