Friday, December 21, 2007

I fell in the trap again. A different trap, but a trap nonetheless. I was believing that the 3 kids who didn't show up on Wednesday was the parents way of helping give me a needed mental holiday, thoughts of "oh, the parents must have kept so-and-so home because I called complaining. Unfortunately, it turned out that it was a Muslim holiday. It really is amazing the power of individuals. I'll just leave it at that. Today my three headaches returned to school -- Drama Queen (the fourth no show) already told me weeks ago that she was going to DR (Dominican Republic) early, so she would not be in school these last few days.

Sticky Fingers arrived late in usual loud form. When I asked her about her lack of uniform, she gives me the rude response about not asking her about her uniform because her mother said that she was observing her holiday. When I pointed out that the other two Muslim students had their uniforms on she just laughed.

Yesterday (Wednesday)was very nice!!!

Today AP1 came through with the pizza. Being the sap that I am, after spending about $30 on my kids (most of who didn't really deserve it), I decided to "add" to the pizza AP1 provided. I went out on my lunch break and spent another $35.24 on junk food. Mostly, I wanted my "headaches" to really see what they were missing. Most of the time, I get "I don't care". I served the (relatively) good kids, and just skipped the "headaches"; it is amazing how they think the can be disrespectful for weeks on end, then be "good" for a couple of hours and think they deserve "rewards".

Ms. Across the Hall and I decided to let both classes "visit" each other. Since she is more laid back than I am, most of the students wanted to go to her room. She had them drawing on her board, playing online games on the computers, tossing a football around, etc... My room was the (relatively) quiet room. The only drawing was pencil on paper, and the computers could only be used for reading tests. Ms. ATH and I decided to end at 2:20pm (the regular extended group time. Since Ms. ATH had my students for almost an hour, I offered to take her kids for the extended time, so she could clean up her classroom. I went over the Holiday Homework Packet teachers are required to make for their respective grades. I was responsible for Science and Social Studies. Ms. DTH (Down the Hall) was responsible for Reading, and Ms. ATH was responsible for Math. I could add some details about "the packet" or lack thereof, but it is late, so I am going to pass. Oh, and luckily for us the kids were not running wild, because that was the time the Principal and AP2 did a surprise visit. I had two classes sitting quietly while moments before, they were running amok.

I left the building about 6:30pm. I was tired and and it was late, but I went to Target to buy some manila envelopes for my students "gifts"s. Would you believe a couple of my students had the nerve to ask (or mention) that Ms. ATH had bought gifts for her class, and "are we getting gifts?". I wanted to say that Ms. ATH didn't just spent $30 on ungrateful @$$?#, but I didn't say anything close. Ms. ATH didn't have a party, she served some leftover snacks from a previous party. Anyway, I went to Target to buy envelopes as "wrappings" for my gifts. I got on the (relatively) short 10 items or less line, and it moved slower than molasses. The line right next to mine was much, much longer, but moved much faster. It amazes me how people chose a serving job, but don't like serving or want to serve. I had about 4 "guests" ahead of me on line. The other line served about 7 or 8 "guest" in the same amount of time.

I took the MN to Yonkers, for some strange reason, I got off the train to go shopping for macaroni for the next bulletin board project. I really wanted to have the bulletin board done, but my organization isn't where it needs to be. I want my students to make macaroni frames for their character sketches. I thought it would be nice if my students actually tried sketching the characters they wrote about.

Anyway, since I'd gotten off the train, I decided to take the bus the reminder of the way home. At home, I had a quick Smart Ones oriental rice (much, much better tasting than the local Chinese food places). I mixed in a cup of (now more salted) microwavable rice to make the meal more filling. Then, I was asleep at this computer in minutes. Now, I will quickly "wrap" my gifts for the ingrates and call it a night.

Post Date - Friday, December 21, 2007 4:01AM

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