Well, I managed two days before the the inevitable relapse. I managed to get on my rowing machine for two days in a row. Yesterday, I barely managed it but I did about 40 minutes. Today, I just was not in the mood. I think I am catching a cold. I had a lot of sneezing, and a bit of a runny nose. That usually means that a cold is on the way. I was trying to maintain a consistency with leaving school and getting home to jump on the rower. Today about 2:45PM, Cackler was pushing my last nerve. Finally, I had enough. I told her that I would pay a home visit. I did go to the building (right across the street), but the name was not listed and the front door was locked. They recently moved (another floor in the same building), but I was not given the information at this time. Cackler also told me that the phone was not connected (the last time I had tried to call). I thought that a home visit would have an impact that a phone call wouldn't. Anyway, long story short. It turns out the mother was actually in the building for most of the morning yesterday, but no one felt it was necessary to let me know. It turns out the mother completed the change of address information yesterday. I could have avoided a trip to the building. I did get a phone number and I spoke to the mother. She told me that since Cackler has been yelling at her younger sibling at home, she (the mother) believes me. She said that she punish Cackler and take away fun activities like going to after school(???). She also said that she will make a surprise visit tomorrow. The mother actually seems very nice. I even gave her my cell phone number just in case she had any questions or concerns later. Now, I have that visit to look forward to. Also, it just so happens that Beady Betty's -- she is no longer wearing beads in her hair, so I might have to change her name. Maybe Whiny Wanda? Anyway, after my phone call to BB's mother about BB's disruptive behavior. Up until then, I've always spoken to BB's father. Anyway, I was ready with a list of disruptive things BB had done that day alone, but no sooner did I make the first statement, the mother mentioned that she was concerned that her daughter was not getting fair treatment and that other students were bothering BB about her hair. Sooo, mom is making a trip to discuss her daughter. How is daughter's behavior now? She is like princess chaos. It's her way, or no way!!! She is a door monitor, doesn't want to get the door, but no one can get the door. If she doesn't get her way, then she throws a temper tantrum. This morning she spent the first period chatting with the very girl (or girls) that she complained teases her about her air. Then, she spent the remainder of the period doing the assignment that I had given yesterday it was a quiz. She either took the extra sheets off my desk, or she grabbed a couple yesterday. Then, when she was finished, she wanted me to explain today's assignment. First of all, she should not have been doing the quiz. Second she wasted about 15 minutes socializing with the very girls she complains about. Third, she has a bad habit of blindly saying "I need help" without looking at the activity...not even putting her name on the paper. Sorry, I am not a servant. I should not have to jump when a child snaps his or her fingers. However, that seems the be idea. Ask for help, if the teacher does not response (never mind the when, where, or how help was asked), the child can go home and say, "I asked for help, but the teacher did not do anything.
I better stop here. I wanted to write more, but it is late. I managed to take the early train for the last couple of days, I want that to continue. It is nice having about 30 minutes to get ready as oppose to arrived minutes before it is time to pick up the kids.
Post Date - Wednesday, December 12, 2007 11:15M
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
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