Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I just finished my reading log, I liked the way it turned out. I just hope it does the trick with monitoring my students' reading. I included new and old ideas. I tried to make it student-user friendly, but at the same time provide all of the information I need at a glance. Since we don't have an official (or consistent) S.S.R. (Sustained Silent Reading) time, I will have to squeeze the SSR time wherever I can in the school day. With the computerized reading assessment program we use, the school has the option of choosing amount of reading time students should have per day during the school day. My school (Admin) has chosen the 30 minute option, which means that if students are (truly) reading for 30 minutes each day, then they should be reading on average about 3 books per week. The school's financial reward for points earned is also a factor.

On the top half of my reading log, students will have to record their start(reading) times and end(reading) times, tally the minutes, and write the total minutes read per day (Monday through Friday). On the bottom half, my students will have to record the book title(s) read, computer quiz number, book level, test (Y/N) and reading response. From now on(I hope), my students will have to do some kind of response to the book they've read in class (a summary, graphic organizer, etc...).

In theory, by Friday afternoon, this one sheet of paper should tell me what reading a student has (or has not)done for the whole week. However, theory and reality are not always compatible.

Post Date - Tuesday, December 18, 2007 4:17AM

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