Monday, October 11, 2010

Quick Entry

Quick Entry.  Really nothing to blog about.  Same bad habits carried over from week to week.  This three-day weekend was no different.  However, I'm feeling a bit pleased with myself for finally making a greater effort to stick with my "To Do" List.  I accomplished 7 out of 13 things that I had written down.  If I get off this computer, I could do another 2(possibly 3) items on my list.

Sometimes you do things (or plan to do things) a hundred times and it just doesn't click, but then one day it does.  I'm going to try using one of my extra pocket "anecdotal" notebooks as a daily "To Do" List.  I'm going to try to keep a daily "To Do" List.  Hopefully, if I can fill up one of the mini books with a bunch of lists, I won't need to be such a procrastinator in the future. 

This week(at home), I'm going to try cleaning one thing in my apartment.  And at work, I'm going to try to put 2 or 3 "items" on my list for completion by 5PM.  I'm hoping that if I can feel like I accomplished something, then I will be able to leave work at a normal hour.

Well, I better go and see if I can check off another 2 items on my "To Do" list.


UPDATE - I was only able to check one more thing off my list (homework sheet).  Unfortunately, my computer is a liability.  After answering a couple of emails, and planning a social networking event, I don't have time to do anything else from my list.  The real test will come tomorrow.  Hopefully, I will be able to stick with my new goal.


Jeff said...

I've spent less and less time on the computer over the last few weeks. I completely understand, however, the computer's draw. So many things to "do" (such an action-oriented word for so lackadaisical an activity) online, right? Believe me, I get it.

Jannx said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I haven't been in a blogging mood lately. It is nice to know that at least one person is stopping by. One fan is just as important as having a hundred and one fans. Thanks Jeff. I'll try to blog a little more.