Saturday, June 30, 2007

A slow Saturday. The beginning of my vacation started with a long sleeping day. I got out of bed about 10am, ate breakfast, and was back in bed. I woke up again about 3:00pm.

My plan was to go to Target to develop the photos that I will use with my rating appeal. Then, I wanted to buy an air conditioner. I also wanted to get my membership to the local YMCA.

Looking like I'd just fallen out of bed -- no surprise there. I was planning to cut my hair and shave, but I procrastinated until I just did not feel like going out.

For dinner, I baked the box of "Brown n Serve" sausages (8 links), microwaved a cup of precooked rice, and spinach.

Tomorrow, I will try my plan again. Now, I just have to decide which YMCA membership plan to get. I have a couple of ideas:

1. Pay by the month would motivate me to go. Being the cheapskate that I am, I would be more likely to go if I had to pay each month.

2. Basic 1 year Membership ($350). I thought that if I got this, I could also get adult personal fitness training sessions (5 sessions for $100). I am thinking that having a personal trainer would be a good start to really sticking with a fitness program.

4. Premium 1 year Membership ($450). The only difference with this and basic is that Premium includes use of the steam room/ Sauna.

The last time I had a 1 year membership at the Y (Harlem location), I got the Premium. I enjoyed the Sauna. I never tried the steam room. Oh, and Premium includes the use of a permanant locker. I am not sure the value of a permanant locker. I would not leave my sweaty clothes in the locker, so what would be the benefit of having a permanant locker. I am also trying to weigh the benefits of having 5 lessons with a personal trainer with having access to a sauna. That is my main decision, which would be the best use of $100:

A. Starting off a new training program with a personal trainer, or
B. Having access to a sauna during the stressful winter that is sure to come.

Decisions, Decisions...

Post Date - Sunday, July 1, 2007 12:17am.

Friday, June 29, 2007

I finally finished! Today was the last day, and I managed to finish cleaning, packing and moving boxes and classroom furniture. I arrived at school about 9:30am, and I finished about 5:30pm. So yes, I am now on vacation. What now?

Tomorrow, I want to get the photos I took of my classroom, I also want to make some copies of my planbook, and gradebook. With that evidence, I need to write a letter to the appeals department of the Board of Ed. I will also go the the UFT to file a grievance about my rating. I go to the UFT on Monday.

This weekend, I want to join the local YMCA, I just have not decided on the type of membership to get:

1. Basic Membership (1 yr.)= $350
2. Month by Month paym't = $40 per month
3. Premium Membership (1 yr.)= $450

Well, it is getting late and I am yawning, so I'd bettr end this entry now.

Post Date = Friday, June 29, 2007 9:59pm

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Well, my vacation has begun....NOT!!!

While some teachers are relaxing in Las Vegas, or Florida, I spent my first official day on my classroom packing. I've been exhuasted for the last couple of days that I did not even have the strength to lay on the couch. The last two days it has been a soak in the bath, and then bedtime. Since it has been a couple of days from my last posting, I will try to summarize my final days at school.

Monday, June 25th. (with two day til vacation)
Only 12 students arrived (Hypers, whinners, criers, and complainers). AP1 and the principal did a walk around to see that "instruction was still going on". I tried to think about packing, but my kids were starving for attention. In the end, it was just easier for me to keep the regular instruction routine going. Strange, finally, while kids from other classes were running the hallway, my kids were actually paying attention to the lesson. Next year, I will have to definitely change my teaching style. As annoyed as I was to keep hearing it from AP2, she is correct, differentiated instruction is necessary to get through to students. By the afternoon, I risked having the students start cleaning out their desk, and cleaning off the top. I really did not want to spent the last day scrubbing off the desks. That is another thing I will have to change next year. My kids had a field day this year writing to the desks.


I just checked my last blog entry, I already did Monday and Tuesday...Sorry about that.

Wednesday, June 27th THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!
The day started the same as previous days. The night before I fell asleep, so I was up about 2am not being able to sleep. Since I was up, I decided to sign up for another "P" credit course. Since I have 21 Graduate Credits, 9 credits will put me at the "Plus 30" level on the pay scale. I'd already signed up for two classes, I just needed one more. Upon visiting the "P Program" website, I found out one of my classes was cancelled with no notification, and no explanation. I sent an e-mail to the instructor of the class, who forward it to the woman in charge. Strange. So now, I had to try to sign up for two classes. The class that was changed was the computing applications for the classroom. I really wanted that class. I have a very basic understanding about computers. I want to learn spreadsheeting, and graphing. I think it would be very interesting to graph the students grades and show them the visual angle of their grades as opposed to just puting a number in front of them. Unfortunately, most of the good classes were now closed. I got lucky with a second alternative:

Application of Microsoft Office for classroom application.

This class is supposed to teach Excel, webpage designing, and some other things I can't remember at the moment.

With not a lot of choices remaining, I settled for an online course:

Creating and Managing a Successful Classroom.

This will be a real challenge for me. I am the kind of person who lacks interal motivation, I usually do things only when I have to. I really need a brick and mortar classroom, but I wanted to try to change one of my negative traits. Besides, I also did not want to spend my entire summer in a classroom. I like the idea of being able to choose my lesson times. My thing will be to actually finish something I started. I signed up, and technically, I could start, but I am not ready yet. I am planning to start on the first of July. I'll try to keep a running log of ny success, or ...No! Failure is not an option.

We'll see....

Anyway, after finishing signing up for the online course, I was back in bed about 4:30am. I was up again about 6:15, I was tired...duh!!!! but I managed to get out of my apartment, at the usual time....with about 2 minutes before the Metro-North was due to arrive.

After running for the train (as usual), I just managed to make it! I was a bit annoyed that is guy who was running slower that I was (but he was already in front of me) got into the train first, and since he say his homie, he stopped right in the door area, to slap hands, and the half hug while I am on the plateform, trying to get in with my shopping cart (yes, I ran with my shopping cart).

Anyway, I got in the train, made it to my usual seat, I usually sit in the handicap space with my shopping cart. Well, as I was trying to catch my breath, and search for my wallet, I realized quickly, that I'd left my wallet, next to my computer (remember, I was signing up for courses that morning). I paniced. I had no money, I didn't know what the train conductor might do. Luckily, the Yonkers was only about a minute away. I got off the train, when down stairs, and (again) lucky for me, a taxi was waiting in front of the station. In Yonkers there is usually a taxi waiting in the front, however, the station before and after the Yonkers station don't have taxis waiting. They're small stations. Anyway, I asked the taxi driver if he would drive me home to get my wallet, then drive me to the nearest NYC train station.

I need to shorten this entry, my ice cream is melting. I bought a pint of Haggen Daaz.

I managed to arrived at school with about 2 or 3 minutes to spare.

Last day of school, I had already given out report cards yesterday, so no reason for students to come, but...

14 students arrived, and yes, complaining, and arguing about this or that. In the end, I was in a bad mood that I was not even closed to being finished packing up. And once again, my bad mood motivated the kids to be more productive. I am really going to have to change over the summer. The too, too nice guy is a liability. These kids just don't respect nice.

After the kids left, AP1 called me on the phone, but then quickly put on the principal, who was about to tear into me about complaining about coming in too early at the beginning of this school year. I corrected her, I complained that I did not come in early enough (I missed a couple of preparation days finishing up my license paperwork), she then was about to tear into me about not wanting to come to school on August 28th (the time teachers are required to return). Again, I had to correct her, I did not complain about coming in on August 28th, actually, I mentioned to her that I was planning to come in about a week earlier. There is no way I am going to be ready for the new school year with only two days preperation time. That last comment took the wind out of the queen bee's sails. She mumbled something about "oh, I'll be here". She obviously had some bad "intel". It took me awhile to figure out (I am not the smartest person and a bit slow). Earlier around dismissal time, the new Science guy, who was removed from his second grade class because he could not handle the kids, reminded me about going to the UFT (Teacher's Union) to fight the "D" rating that I received. When I'd mentioned that I wanted to follow proper protacol, AP2 had just walked passed. She heard union...and she heard fight, and decided to put her two plus two together. See, I mentioned she can be quiet, but she does have claws. I also didn't understand at the time, she was giving me the cold shoulder with terse responses to casual comments about summer plans.

Thursday, June 28th should have been my first day to enjoy my vacation, by sleeping late, but I was in my classroom packing. Without the kids, or deadlines, I could think much better. At first I was highly annoyed to be in my classroom, but I then realized that (for me) it was a good idea. My original plan was to come in, spend a couple of hours throwing things in boxes, then go to buy an air-conditioner. But, I started to pack and clean up correctly, meaning to properly label boxes, and group items so that I would be able to find them easily. And most importantly, throw out papers that I did not need.

Unfortunately, I did not finish. So, I will be back again tomorrow to finish up.

Post Date - Thursday, June 28, 2007 9:14pm

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

One more day to go! Today was a bit of clean up/pack up day. Unfortunately, my students were a bit too hyper to really be of much help. For most of the day, I had to be teacher/baby-sitter. A minute away, the cats wanted to go wild.

In the hall on the way to science, an annoucement required me to call the office. in the space of 15 seconds, my students were fighting in the hallway. The phone call? AP1 wanted me to quickly bring my class downstairs, so that I could return to give a parent her child's report card. The rest of the morning, was more anger, arguments, and hostilities between classmates. I also ended up doing a lunch detention because a couple of my students refused to chill out.

For the afternoon, clean up/pack up began. About 1:00pm, the "Spanish" teacher came. He is the out of classroom teacher who was assisted to me during the morning skills period, and the afternoon reading mini block. However, he was oftern late or a no-show. When he did show for the afternoon reading mini block, he took his group to watch DVDs, or to the computer lab, causing my group to complain that I was being unfair for not doing "fun" things during the reading time.

Anyway, the Spanish teacher came to me in the middle of chaos, to give me two boxes of small cakes, asking me to cut and distribute the cake. I just was not in the mood. To begin with, they did not deserve a party, second, I did not like the idea of being dumped with a messy chore and I told a very polite way. He said he would come back. He came back about 2:45 to start cutting up the cakes. He had his back to me the whole time, and never offered my any. But that was okay, I would have said "no thank you".

About three, I gave out report cards with the hope that most if not all would not come tomorrow. Unfortunately, several kids (including Hyper Screamer) told me that they would be coming tomorrow.

Once the kids were gone, I was able to finish up my students' cumulative records (the records that follow the student all the way to high school). I also packed up my copy machine. I don't remember when or where, but I pack up as if I am not coming back. Most likely I will be back.

Oh, I almost forgot, while I was talking to another teacher comparing "wild students" stories. The custodian asked me if I was all packed. He mentioned that a new charter school would be moving in. That much I already knew. He also mentioned that the new charter school would have the 7 rooms at the end of the hall where my classroom is located. According to the custodian, alls the classrooms have to be empty for the new school before August. He was shocked that the other teacher and myself had no idea about the new move. Things at this school tend to operate on a "need to know" basis, meaning lowly teachers are told what Admin "thinks" we need to know. I suspect one of three possible senarios:

1. Tomorrow the very last day, we will be informed that Admin just found out that the rooms will need to be vacated by the end of the day.

2. We will be contacted by telephone during the vacation and told, "oh, we just found out that your room will need to be vacated. If you choose to not come, then the custodians will have to move your things with no guarentee that things will be put where you want them.

3. We won't be told anything until teachers will have to report to school (two days before the students), and will have those two days to relocate.

We'll see.

Finally, about 6:25, I was in front of the school waiting for my taxi. The guy was about 12 minutes late. He called me to tell me that he was only two blocks away. He did not call to say that he was going to be late. The taxi ride was $35 dollars (plus a $10 tip). I was a little disappointed in myself, I should have been completely packed, so that I could take full advantage of the car ride. Unfortunately, when I am stressed out, I don't think straight.

Post Date - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 9:10pm

Monday, June 25, 2007

Another lazy weekend. Saturday, I slept the day away...I barely remember having a Saturday. Today (Sunday), it took me awhile to get started. Knowing that my paperwork (students' report cards reports etc...) did not motivate me. Right now, my mind is on cruse control. I can't focus on anything. I get that way when I am over-whelmed. My only hope is a fresh start.

The same with college. I went from undergraduate straight to graduate school, but my mind started shutting down, as the paperwork piled higher, and higher. So then, I did what I usually do, I ran from the responsibility. In other words, I quit. Looking for proof of my past (Satisfactory) employment history, I came across my college transcript. It turns out I am 21 credits towards my Master's Degree. I think I need about 4 more classes to complete my Master's Degree. I think my plan will be to finish this Master's Degree(I don't even remember what the Master's Degree was in). Then start a taking classes for a Master's Degree in School Leadership. A lot of people have a couple of Master's Degree. It will look nice on my resume.

After the second Master's, then I want to try for a PhD. Although, if I do get a PhD, I won't like it go to my head...I hope not. One school I subbed at last year, there was a teacher who insisted his students call him "doctor so and so". He was just a regular classroom teacher, not even an administrator. Why go through the hassle of PhD work, and stay a classroom teacher? Strange.

Anyway, another boring day. I worked on report cards for most of this afternoon, then about 5:30pm, I took the Metro-North one station ride to Yonkers. I went to the bank, then my plan was to go to the 99 cent store, to buy a few items for classroom clean up starting tomorrow. I was suppose to have gone to the bank yesterday, but as I wrote, I slept Saturday away. I need to get single dollar bills for the conversion of "funny money to real money for the few well behaved kids that I feel bad for since I am not letting my students have a year-end party. From the bank, I walked to the 99 cent store, but the store was closed. I went to the imitation 5 and Dime store; I bought a few items there. After that, I walked over to Shop rite, to buy a few food items. Then, back to the Metro-North for a return trip home. After taking my shopping cart upstairs, I went back out to buy a broiled 1/2 chicken from the local Chinese takeout restaurant. I did not feel like cooking. I already had leftover rice in the refrigerator. I microwaved the leftover rice and frozen vegetables. Then I went back to my paperwork. I am on the computer now, to take a break from the paperwork, I was starting to fall asleep.

That's about it.

Post Date - Monday, June 25, 2007 12:25am

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Just a quick posting. Today, I will need to finish up all "paperwork" for my students. I have a feeling that Monday will be a very demanding day. Since Admin. has not asked for report cards, nor have they provided approval of next year's students' classes. Teachers were not given the class names of the classes we were grouping the students, we were just told to group the students into three groups, "Class A, Class B, and Class C". I was also told by a couple of teachers that even though the teachers will make the groupings, the Admin. will "make changes".

Well, that's it for now. I will relax in the bath for a while, then do some paperwork. This weekend will have to be productive, it will be the last one of this school year. Oh, I hope next (school) year will be better.

Post Date - Saturday, June 23, 2007 10:32pm

Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday. A bit chilly today in terms of the weather, but I have to admit that today was a minimally stressful day.

12 (out of 23) of my students showed up. Today was also stepping-up day for Pre-K and Kindergarten. Not taking chances, I planned and acted as if today was nothing special, but that did not last. A couple of students went to the stepping-up ceremony, and the drama teacher actual asked if I could do without Motor Mouth Milly for a few hours. This is a girl who can carry on a conversation with a wall. Having about 10 students made them less talkative. Then, my 9:15 prep called to ask if I could change to 1:20. About 9:20, the Art in Education teacher arrived, even though I had called her yesterday evening to let her know that I had science at 9:15. I was annoyed that she did not remember, or was confused, but then, I had to slap myself for being so anal. Her timing was actually perfect. Originally, I had to schedule her art lessons with the lunch period sandwiched in the middle. Now, I had the morning to give her to get her project finished. This art teacher is apart of a nonprofit program that brings art into the classroom. Another stroke of luck was having only about 9 or 10 students to manage a lot of down time. Since the art teacher was really pressed for time, she squeezed my class and another 3rd grade class together. She got my class set up, then moved between my class and the other class. I liked that! I was able to set a better tone of discipline. Also, I was able to guide the students a bit better with the materials. The art teacher's method seemed to have been "here are the materials, we need to finish". One shoving match broke out while the art teacher was gone; I gave both participates a time out. Next year I am going to have to toughen up a heck of a lot. The participates were Chipmunk and Holdover Hanna (the only one to fail in my class). In the end, the shields were finished, and they actually came out nice. The students finished right before lunch. The art teacher stayed in the classroom to do "touch ups" to the shields. At Lunch, I did my own personal lunch detention for a couple of kids (Chipmunk and Pouty Pete). At the last minute, Sneaky Sam was being....well, sneaky, so he joined the other two.

After lunch, the art teacher was just finishing up her "touch ups". She seemed really pleased with the shields. She kept asking the students to come look and see if the shields needed anything. I've been very lucky, I had to admit, I didn't want to lose it. I gave the kids drawing paper, told anyone who got out of their seat would not be able to "help" the art teacher. By the time the art teacher left, it was just about time for my preparation period. And after that, it was just about dismissal time.

Ohhhhhhhh. I almost forgot about my teacher rating saga. I returned to the main office to sign my rating report. Yep, I received the "D" rating with the following handwritten comment:

Keep making a difference!
Have a wonderful summer.

Not exactly the comment that would seem to go with someone who has doubt. What I did notice that put me in a good mood, the appeals process. I just have to write a letter (within three weeks [not counting summer vacation]) to the Office of Appeals and Reviews. After the kids left, I took some photos that will be included in my appeal. Doubtful my a**!!!

If you've seen a teacher's report card (Annual Professional Performance Review and Report), they are not asking for the world. The report has about 23 "check offs" (checking the Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory box) in 4 categories:

A. Professional Qualities
I've never been late (officially) or absent.
I've worn a white button down shirt(with tie), black slacks, and casual dress shoes.

B. Pupil Guidance and instruction (evidence of academic growth)
22 (out of 23) students passed both NYS standardized tests (Math and ELA)

C. Classroom Management (room appearance, routines, and record keeping)
My photos include: student mailbox and sign-out book, class jobs, process charts, portfolio shelves, and bulletin boards.

D. Participation in School and Community Activities
Other than attending PTA meetings, I haven't done much in this area. All school activities are mandatory

Once I saw the categories, I felt better. I am sure I'll win an appeal of the "D" grade.

After a bit of clean up, and set up for next week, I left school. Oh, I almost forgot. A parent stopped by hoping to pick up her daughters report card, but I won't be allowed to hand out report cards until Wednesday, maybe Tuesday.

Oh, another thing. (School)Year-End Party. Everyone was expecting one, but after months of putting up with disrespect, I decided to not have one. I was trying to think of a way to reward those that deserved a party, without giving the others one. I came up with an idea. At my school, we have "funny money" we use as an incentive. Basically, it is play money that teachers can reward the students with, and a couple of times per year, the students can spend the money at the school store. I actually like the idea. Although, there are a few teachers that don't really get the idea. I saw one teacher (who had waited until the day of the school store to open to start handing out the funny money. The kids were practically crawling all over her to get the money.

Anyway, my idea is the convert the funny money into real money (25 cents to the dollar). There are only few who will receive the conversion.

Well, back to my boring evening...

I had MacDonald's for dinner. Since the train was close to arriving, I saved my apple pies. On the way to the Metro-North station, I bought a pint of Haagen Dazs Butter Pecan ice cream. I arrived home about 7:40pm. Just before writing this blog entry, I searched the Internet for a car service.

In the past, I would usually take my stuff home on the trains, a little bit at a time, usually the last couple of days. I learned a long time ago to always back in June as if you are not coming back, you never know. This year, I told myself that I would have everything home, by the second to the last day. On the finally day, I want to be able to walk out the building with nothing in my hands. Well, that idea got squished fairly quickly. Now, I am aiming for a stress-free pack-up. I'm going to call a car service, pack everything (overhead, copy machine, books, my supplies, students' portfolio binders and supplied (I bought), and make one trip. I'm aiming for a Tuesday 6:30pm pickup.

Post Date - Friday, June 22, 2007 9:38pm

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A bee in the queen bee's bonnet. Last night, after stressing over my "D" rating, and dozing off, I woke up about 2am and decided to write a letter to my principal explain why I thought I did not deserve a "D" rating. I also started looking for my evaluations from my 3 years of teaching before I moved to Japan. In end, I did not return to sleep. I've been up since about 2 this morning. I managed to write the letter. Basically, it was basically the previous blog entry. My plan was to give copies to the two assistant principals and the UFT rep. the first thing in the morning. Would you believe that the #1 train took this morning to have train difficulty. I was stressing that here I was showing a little bit of backbone (a rarity for me), and would be arriving late to school. Kind of deflates the message when your first point of contention is that I have perfect attendance. When the train finally arrived at the 125th station, I took a cab to the school only about a 7 walk. It cost me $6. However, I managed to punch in at 7:59. Technically not late.

I photocopied my letter. Unfortunately, today was Graduation Day for the 6th graders. So, I had to hold off giving the letters until lunch time. At lunch, I gave the APs the letter, and the Principal's secretary. About 45 minutes later, I was asked to come to the queen bee's office...immediately.

She started off telling me that she would not address the points 17 in all. What she did scold me on was breaking administrative protocol. I made the mistake of sending copies of the letter to the APs. She felt I was trying to get the APs to tell her what to do. That was not even my intention. My intention was letting everyone have a clear picture of what was going on. A phone call today, can become a "I didn't say that". Just a quick review:

I was told that the reason for the "D" rating was the students' portfolios and my refusal to attend professional development even though newly-appointed teachers are not required to attend the after hours sessions because we are on a different lesser pay scale.

Back to the office scolding. As the principal continued to lecture me, the AP1 jumped in to support the principal (just think "Yes Man" in low heels). I was told that AP1 likes her job too much to ever be anything more than an AP. AP1 has been an AP for about 8 years...I think. AP2 is relatively new only just appointed. She was a 5th grade teacher a couple of years ago at this school. AP2 was in the main office, but she did not participate in the emasculation of me. AP2 once mentioned that she was low on the totem pole. She is basically a secretary, in the admin circle, she has her claws, so she is by no means helpless. However, I suspect she was against the "D" rating. As the other two admin grilled me, she just came in picked up her cup of (whatever), and her copy of my letter and left the office. I don't know why, but it sort of felt good when I saw her quietly take her copy of my letter and leave the office without saying anything. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. I believe that when AP2 is in agreement, she is right there in the thick of things. However, I also have the impression that she would not open her mouth to say anything negative about the principal even if her life depended on it. AP1 on the other hand, seems a little too eager to be the hatch woman/yes woman. Sorry, sidetracked.

Back to the scolding. Basically, I can't send copies to the subordinates, if the principal is in anyway involved, but I can send a copy of an issue that does not relate to the principal (to the principal) because she is in charge.

After the scolding about sending copies about her personal conversation with me, then it was about getting the union rep involved. Blah, blah.....she (the principal) is responsible, and her job is on the line...blah, blah......decision have to be decisive..blah, blah, blah. Then...

The principal told me that she did not think my work was unsatisfactory. She also said that she is not disputing the points I made on my list. She recognize that I work hard, and I work long hours. But as a new teacher, it is expected that a "D" grade will be given. Although the grade label is doubtful, it does not mean that she is doubting my abilities. It was suggested that the principal give new teachers the "D" rating to cover her back. Because if she doesn't give a "D" rating now, "if something happens in the future, then the opportunity will have past to do anything". Then...

My rating was that I was not a team player. She is trying to build community, and she is not sure I am community material. I spend too much time in my room alone not getting involved in school activities. Like the wine and cheese celebration for the higher math scores this year, or the Father Daughter Dance, etc...Oh, and me attending the PTA meetings doesn't count.

I could write more, but it is late. I think the gist has been given.

Oh, one last thing. While digging for supporting documentation, I came across my college transcript. If I read my transcript correctly, I have 21 credits already towards my Master's Degree. Wha????

Long story short. When I got my undergraduate degree, I continued onto get my Master's degree without a break. Unfortunately, I got feed up with being a professional student. I wanted to start working, so I dropped out of college. It is good to know that I have a good headstart.

Post Date - Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:20pm

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

History repeated itself yet again!!! Today, I received my teacher rating. Think of it as a teacher's report card given by Principal's to teachers. A teacher can received one of three grades:

S = Satisfactory
D = Doubtful
U = Unsatisfactory

My rating is - D

I was not happy. The form was blank except for a generic comment in the comment box. The "D" rating was written over a whited-out mistake. I don't pretend that I am perfect, because I am not. I just did not like the situation. At the very least, if I am not satisfactory, it would have been nice to have been told before that moment. Also, up until that moment, most of the vibes I was getting was that I would be satisfactory. I was observed 4 times this year, each of the 3 times AP 1 ended with the, "you have a great teacher speech to the students". In the hallway over the months, there have been several times, AP 1 has commented about how the students had better not be messing with this good teacher. The observations that I've received were always generic strengths with a weakness comment with the strength to balance things out.

I came to get my rating this morning during my preparation period. The secretary puts the papers at the end of her desk. She said this (sheet) is your rating for this year sign here (without even the suggestion that I should look it over). Once she sees that I am looking at the sheet front and back, then she said, "this is the rating that all first year teachers receive". I told her that I wasn't signing it. She said that that was my choice and took the papers. After speaking with a couple of teachers and trying to calm down. I spoke to one of the APs who suggested that I make an appointment to speak to the principal. As I was making the appointment, the secretary asked if I would have the union rep. in the meeting. She told me that she could not make the appointment until she knew if the union rep. would be attending the meeting or not. After letting the secretary know that the union rep. would be attending, she said that she would make the appointment and let me know when the appointment would be. About an half an hour later, the principal called me on the class phone to tell me the reason for the "D" rating was that the students' portfolio were not satisfactory when she last visited last month. Actually, it was two or three months ago that she last checked the portfolios. What is bothering me is that my positives outweigh my negatives (in no particular order):

1. I have near perfect attendance. Two unofficial latenesses(about 5 minutes) that were not recorded.
2. I have never missed a day of work.
3. I have dressed professionally every single day (white button-down shirt, black slacks, and a tie)
4. I have a fairly neat classroom. However, I have an extremely well organized teacher area. On day one, I cleaned out every closet and cabinet (not locked), grouped and organized the materials according their purpose.
5. Hallway bulletin boards always has most (if not all) of my students' work samples, not just a few samples of my top students.
6. I have a well-planned out plan book, color-coded boxes. Each box is usually filled-in even if the activity is repeat from day to day. I don't draw arrows symbolizing repeating activities, I write the activity out. Observed by the AP on 3 or 4 occasions throughout the school year.
7. I have a grade book packed-full of grades to support any grade written on any report card.
8. Students' Standardized test scores. 22 (out of 23) students passed both the Math and the ELA (English Language Arts) New York State Tests. That includes the 5 limited English speaking students, and it also includes the 2 IEP (learning difficulty students receiving "special" services).
9. I've invested over $1500 out of my own pocket this year on materials for my students and my classroom.
10. I've received 4 observations from the APs. Nothing verbal or written expressing doubts about me, my students, my teaching ability, or my classroom management.
11. Since the Math Coach reviewed a few of my students' portfolios, I've been working with my students improving their portfolios.
12. About 1/3 of the school year, I've eaten lunch with my students in the student cafeteria when the school aids complained about my students behavior. More that a few times, I've been the one to wipe down the tables when I arrived to pick up my students, and the tables were a mess, but most of the students had already been allowed to go outside.
13. I got about 12 students to type their personal poems on the classroom computers, the rest did it at home. In total, I had 22 third grade students submit a typed assignment.

Does the above list give doubts about my ability to teach and/or manage my students?

And what was the reason for the principal giving me a "D" rating:

1. The students' portfolios were not satisfactory.
2. I refused to attend in-house professional development even though, I was not required to attend due to being on a first-year teacher's pay scale. I won't even waste a minute explaining most of the "professional development" that has been offered.

Needless to say, this ruined my day. And almost as if on cue, my kids turned super hyper, my name-sign fell off my door, Hyper Screamer forgot to take his medicine, he was out of control.

Another incident that annoyed me.
Hyper Kid 1's mother came to pick him up (about 2:20pm -- yes, school ends at 3:00). Since he wanted the gum that his uncle had given him (I took it this morning after I told him I would if he started chewing it), he kept his mom waiting about 15 minutes in the hallway. I explained to the mom why her son was keeping her waiting, and....

...she continued to wait. I gave the gum to the mom, then Hyper Kid 1's uncle came in the room. HK1's 13 year old uncle! The uncle came in wanting HK to point out who was "bothering him". I told HK to tell his uncle of the kids, he has, kicked, hit, stolen from unprovoked. HK smiles. Uncle smacks him in the back of the head. And mom said nothing.

Earlier, the science teacher stopped by my classroom to drop off some certificates, and read Hyper Kid 1's personal poem on the bulletin board. She commented about the strangeness of a line "I'm afraid of tigers, bugs, and my uncle's darkroom at night". Since his uncle did not live with him, I really didn't think much of the line. The science teacher commented that some that hyper might have some issues that need to be addressed. I been putting off filling out the initial forms for months now. By the end of today, I was feeling like a total loser.

I could write more, but it is late.

Post Date - Wednesday, June 20, 2007 9:06pm

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Field Trip to RiverBank State Park. Today most of the school (grades 2nd through 6th) went to RiverBank State Park. Despite a last minute distribution of permission slips, most of the students were able to attend. I ended up leaving 3 students behind in school. Luckily, Admin made it easier this time. Usually, teachers are required to find a teacher in the building that will take our "no goes". This time, we just had to send the names to the office. So who did not go:

1. Hyper Kid 1 (for obvious reasons - see the name)
2. Mr. Near suspended (or Mr. I don't care) see previous blog entries a few days ago.
3. Potty Mouth (a girl who suggested a [male]classmate perform oral sex on another boy) Sorry, I cleaned it up a bit.
* I would have left Hyper Screamer behind, but he didn't act up at the time I was making the list. And since he took his medicine, he was okay.

The field trip was nice. It was nice to get out of the building. Despite it being only about a 15 or 20 minute walk (third graders already walked there a few months ago for another science related trip) all the classes took school buses there. I shared my bus with a fifth grade class. It was basically a giant picnic. The kids amused themselves with various kid games.

Nice day. Nice place (relatively speaking - sitting on top of a garbage treatment plant). Nice behavior...for the most part. Of course, what would an inner-city outing be without a little bit of ghetto behavior. One of the other third grade teacher had a problem with her kids playing a game called "booty tag". Sorry, I have no idea what that means, but apparently, the game is just what the name implies. My kids were not involved the "tag" game, but they were not without their own ghetto behavior. At the end of the trip, a few of my girls for some reason or another decided to get into an argument with girls from another school because "they were bothering us".

My class arrived at the bus about 5 minutes early, unfortunately, the fifth graders were already on the bus (with the teacher), I arrived just in time to hear the teacher trying to find out which of his students threw my student's lunch (he forgot it) out the bus window.

Back at school, since everyone had a good time. How do they show their appreciation? A couple of arguments, and a near fight in my class.

I was planning to be out of the building about 4:30, but I ran into one of the teachers who was "left of the reorganization sheet for the 2007-2008 school year. He is currently a six grade teacher who due to allowing his license to expire, and "some issues with the principal" might not be returning next year. I have strange feeling that I might actually be bumped up to the 6th grade, just a feeling. It was very interesting...very interesting the conversation I had with this 6th grade teacher, and a couple of other teachers about the "workings" of the Admin. However, since this blog isn't meant to be about Admin directly, I am going to have to pass on mentioning the things that I was told.

I arrived in the Bronx about 5:50, I was planning to buy some beef with broccoli at the nearby Chinese Take-Out Restaurant, but there were too many people there, so I had to head to the Metro-North station so that I would not miss my train. I arrived in Yonkers, but I did not feel like walking up the hill, so I decided to cook dinner again. I made baked fish, and white rice -- I didn't have the microwavable cups of rice, so I had to do it the old-fashioned way, I boiled a pot of rice. I also had spinach. Two days in a row. I managed to cook and wash my dishes for two days in a row. I also took out the pork chops to defrost. Could it be three days in a row...

Post Date - Tuesday, June 19, 2007 11:51pm

Monday, June 18, 2007

Lazy weekend as usual, so there was not need to post an entry.

Saturday = sleep, surf, eat, surf/chat, sleep
I started the day with an online chat. I started to get lazy, but at the last minute, I finally got out to do my laundry. I took the 4:30pm Metro-North Train to NYC. My plan was to visit my foster father for Father's Day. When I got to the Bronx, I made a quick run to Target store. Although, I had a $40 gift card, I wanted to have something to be physically touched, opened etc...I love gift cards, but I don't like giving only the gift card. When I got to Target, my plan was to buy one of those folding "captain's chair". I imagined that having the foldable chair while my foster father was hanging out playing the "Lottery", he would have a place to sit; he also enjoys barbecues in the park. Unfortunately, by the time I'd gotten to Target, the shelves were bare.

After wandering the aisles for awhile, I finally decided on one of those tornado floor fans. The fan turned out to be a better choice. As I walked in, my foster father and his lady friend were "discussin" how the fix the old fan. My foster father is one of those people who won't throw away something that can be fixed a million times.


Today was a strange day. The students were basically their same noisy, disrespectful selves, but they seemed to be a bit more reserved than usually. Strange, they seem calmer than usually. I did lunch time detention for the 3 kids who did not take my silent lunchtime detention seriously. I got a little bit of "what about...", but then they accepted the punishment nicely.

Oh, today was the awards assembly. Teachers had to give awards in the areas of citizenship, scholarship, and attendance. Although we were given 4 of each to used, I did not use all. I only had to good citizens, and that is all I gave for citizens. I also gave only two certificates for scholarship. I noticed a lot of teachers gave out all of their certificates. The awards assembly lasted almost 2 hours. It was a little disappointing to see the AP in slippers, and many kids in summer clothes (ratty T-shirs, and baggy ghetto jean-shorts). A couple of my students told me that since school is almost over, they don't have to wear uniforms, not that they seriously wore one during the school year. For most, the idea of a school uniform is a dirty white dress shirt worn (untucked) till it turns brown, no tie, and navy blue slacks (or jeans).

Today, we received the official confirmation of the single lined mention in the daily school bulletin first appearing on Friday. Grades 2nd to 6th would be going to River Bank State Park (the one built over a sewer treatment plant). We received the permission slips (today at 2:30pm) for the trip that will be tomorrow.

I was out of the building about 5pm. I went to Target to buy some black jeans. That is my "casual" for the fieldtrip (black jeans, sneakers, but white button-down (casual) dress shirt and tie).

When I got home, I actually cook dinner for a change. It has been awhile since I cooked dinner. I had steak, Macaroni & Cheese from a box, and frozen vegetables.

The last time I weighed myself, I weighed 204lbs. (not wearing clothes). I've gained about 10lbs these last couple of months. Next week, I will sign up for a month by month membership at the local YMCA ($40 per month). I want the premium membership so that I can use the sauna and steamroom, but at $450, I don't want to pay that, knowing that I will probably only go a few times. Basically, the only extra for the premium is the sauna/steam room. This summer, my goal is try losing 20 or 30 pounds. Or, at least changing the fat to muscle. If I suddenly become a gym junkie over the summer, then I would be willing to pay for the premium membership. Right now (for the months of July and August), I will focus on paying the month by month more expensive in the long run, that is if I can stay for the long run. I also might sign up for the spinning classes. At $3 for 15 tickets, that might be worth the investment. I need a cardio workout for my weak knees. Now that I am thinking about it, I might also just buy a stationary bike and use it here at home in front of the TV. I don't know, I'll have to think about it. The last thing I need is another clothes rack.

Time for me to go...

Post Date - Monday, June 18, 2007 10:45pm

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Late night ramblings. I was planning to skip a blog entry tonight, but at the last minute, I changed my mind. I am going to try to keep this brief, so I might start rambling a bit.

1. I am almost finished reading the book "Red Lighting", it was okay. I think I am more of a fantasy fan. I did like the author's writing style. I also liked the fact basis of a lot of the space stuff. However, the story really did not grab we in the "I can't put it down" way.

2. Today, the kids were hyper to the max. I did have a bit of good news this morning on my way walking to school from the trainstation. Hyper kid 1's mother was returning from dropping of Hyper 1, she told me that he would not be in school today.

3. Today I had a meeting with the parent of the student who resisted me when I tried to stop him from fighting a girl classmate. Long story short, I wanted to hit the AP with a brick.

At the meeting, the AP explained the reason for the meeting was that the child (Chatter Box - CB) would have a superintendant's suspension, whenever the paperwork went through. She said that in all likelihood, the suspension from school would occur sometime next year. But that is not what upset me.

As a rule, I have tried very hard with what very little power I have, to keep my students from getting to comfortable with being wild and disruptive. One of the ways I do this is by not allowing them the luxury of know if they will pass or fail until the very last minute. Once kids "know the answer", they tend to lose all interest (or effort) in working.

CB has been one of the worst students this year. He does almost zero classwork, zero homework, and seems to be as spoiled as the day is long. This is a kid who throws temper tantrums when he does not get his way. When all was said and done about the incident, the parent was primarily concerned with whether or not CB would be going to the next grade. Without consulting me, the AP just blurted out that CB would most likely be going to the next grade.

I've spent the last few months putting the fear of failure into my students, and in a seemingly eager desire to please the parent the AP did not consider for even a minute the impact of telling a wild child, talkative child, excessively playful child, and an almost "no working" child that he would be going to the next grade. This is a kid that I would have betted (and I am not really a grambling man) that this kid would have to repeat the 3rd grade. The last thing I wanted was for this kid to in one of his usually "so I don't care" moments, to add "so, I don't have to do work, I'm graduating. Luckily, I was able to recover my "authority standing" later in the day. During workfolder review and portfolio preparations, CB called out, "my portfolio is empty. I didn't get any work returned to me". I called back, "that is because you don't do any work". Then it hit me. I continued...The principal said what she said because she was an administrator. Her job is the keep who (parents or students) happy? CB fell for it. I continued with the AP has not seen your work, do you really think the AP would promote you to the next grade. It worked, from chatting, playing, and not working, I got CB to rethink (a little bit) his disruptive ways.

3. My copy machine. This morning I carried my old copy machine down to the main office for FedEx pickup. I unpacked my new(but refurbished) copy machine. And I am embarassed to admit the problem (I think). The drum that was recently bought had shipping protection tabs that I'd did not know needed to be removed. I think that was what the problem was.

Time to go....

Post Date - Friday, June 15, 2007 12:25pm

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The math scores were given out today...sort of. Teachers were only given the level equivalent of the score. Again, a quick recap of the scoring system:

Level 4 = Above grade level
Level 3 = On grade level
Level 2 = approaching grade level
Level 1 = far below grade level

My class results:

Level 4 = 1 student
Level 3 = 16 students
Level 2 = 4 students
Level 1 = 1 Student

So what does this mean? Here, only students that have a test grade equivalent of 1 will be held over, summer school will be manditory. I was told that if the child does pass summer school then the child will in all likelyhood go on to the next grade.

Anything else?

Oh yes, one of my students was suspended....I think. Out of sight, out of mind. Background info?

After spending days eating lunch with my students with the fear that they would run wild, I decided the risk eating lunch in my room alone. Why don't I learn? I arrived early to pick up my students. After going through a couple of "he hit me", she pushed me", so and so made me scrape my knee". Immature talking timmy, is fighting the girl who is boarderline obsessed with him. He is slapping, scratching and hair other words, he was fighting like a girl. I think I've written about this child in previous blog entries. No, not Chipmunk. The one who crawled under the table and cried when I would not let him go to the bathroom when he wanted to go (the boy's bathroom pass was out), the one who often threw temper tantrums when he did not get his way. Anyway...

While the fight was going on, and the school aids were standing on the side not wanting in get involved. I grabbed Talking Timmy's wrist, and he decided that he did not want me touching him. He wanted to keep hitting the girl who often acts like she is in love with him. He could spit on her and she would probably return to him.

As I grabbed Timmy's wrist, he starts fighting me. The easiest reaction would have been a knee to the stomach, I think he would have dropped like a stone, however, I was limited in my options to not end up on the evening news, "teacher assaults student". And the morning papers would probable show a hurt looking sad child who had no idea why his teacher brutally assaulted him.

This was not the first time I've had a physical encounter with a student. My thing is that I will let the student go when he (or she) has calmed down. However, the school aids had already called for the security guard. And again, after I subdued the student the security guard comes to drag the student off.

The security guard spoke to the AP, who asked my side of the story, and minutes later, a student monitor came to collect Timmy's things. I have no idea how long, and I actually don't care, it is just one less headache for me.

Since Timmy was believed to be suspended, the resulting afternoon was actually okay. My class was less disruptive than usual.

After school, I repacked my broken copy machine, and called FedEx for ground pick up. They'll come tomorrow. I did not put up my replacement copier. I was planning to keep the machine in the box, we only have about a week and a half left, but I realized that even though time is less, after the books are collected, copies would become even more important, or is that just my imagination.

Dinner was an order of beef with broccoli.

That is about it for today... Until next time...

Post Date - Wednesday, June 13, 2007 9:34pm.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I forgot to mention that a replacement copier arrived today.
Half-Day. I was supposed to have a prep this morning, that would have made my half day better, but no, I did not get a prep period today.

Today was the half day for making the new classes for the next school year. I was expecting to get a better idea of the admin's plans for teacher placement. I mean, part of the logic is to try to balance out the high, mediums, and lows of the students. But also, it is a good idea to try to match students to teachers. So, how were the classes decided? One of the assistant principals came into the student caferteria to put down post-its on various tables. Teachers had to make classes according to groups "A", "B", and "C". We have no idea who will teach which groups. A "very, very tentative faculty placement sheet was distributed (about 4 or 5 only). The tentative sheet was basically the same with only one change. The UFT rep. (currently a kindergarten teacher) after being in kindergarten level for about 4 or 5 years, will "tentatively" be placed in the special ed 6th grade class...ouch!!! Oh, and a vacancy for a first grade class will be going to a stranger. I think the principal is trying to say something. Hmmm....

Oh, and the annoucement that the "very, very tentative faculty placement sheet is just a rough draft. "There might be more changes at a later date". Since that "there might be changes" statement was made several times, we can expect the new sheet will look very different.

After the reorganization, I returned to my room to put up the hall bulletin board. Why, with only about 2 weeks left? My students wrote their own poems, and I had them type it up. I thought that was worth putting up, even if for a few days.

I was out of the building about 6:30pm. There was a bit of a thunderstorm, but not much. Since I had missed the 7:47pm train, I decided to go shopping.I made a quick stop at Target to buy a bulk pack of soap. I then went to buy some milk and bread.

At home, I had Campbell's low sodium soap, and a couple of slices of wheat toast.

Time for me to end this for now...

Post Date - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:18pm

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday recap. Not much to write about. I had an invitation to go to the Puerto Rican Day Parade, but with the end of the school year nearly here (yippie!!!), I told myself, I should be productive. So, instead,....

I just layed around my apartment.

I decided to take a hot bath. The planned 30 minutes turned into about 2 hours. Long, but relaxing. After the bath, I dozed off for a few minutes. I then did my laundry. I read the Sunday Daily News. I had to go to the bank to deposit my tax refund. I've been trying to delay depositing my refund for a long as possible. I know the money will just disappear. However, I needed to pay my rent. I wrote a personal check for the rent. I needed to deposit my refund check to cover the rent. I think I mentioned that I paid for a couple of summer courses. If I had not deposited my refund, my rent check would have bouced sky high.

Dinner was microwavable rice, chicken, and vegetables.

I typed up my homework sheet, and now I am trying to do short blog entry.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the headache I went through to try to get my copy machine fixed. After about 3 or 4 attempts to call, the 4th operator finally, decided that my machine was broken, and he (probably a kid in his early 20s) gave my a code that I could fax to the company. They will send me a replacement machine (my machine is under warrentee) in 2 or 3 business days. I will have to have FEDEX pick up my machine.

Time for me to go...

Post Date - Sunday, June 10, 2007 10:33pm

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Saturday Morning continuation....

Last night, I was so tired. I was in bed about 9:37pm. I just reread what I had written last night. Usually, I delete the hand on keys "running letters" when I realize that I need to call it a night, but lately, I've been leaving it in the entry. I notice that the last two times, it has been on the letter k that I lean on as I doze off. Sorry, I'm getting sidetracked.

I'll try to finish up my ramblings about yesterday.

Friday morning, Hyper Kid 1 was telling me all of the fun things he did on Thursday (the No Student Day). And, I was getting angry about this running monolog. Speaking to him several times about doing his work...nothing. Ignoring him...nothing. I try to not yell too much (yes that is hard to believe those that know me in school). Yelling too much, or too early will tend to set the kids off. Sorry, I'm drifting.

I was angry with the student for a couple of reasons:

1. He should have been doing his work, not socializing...especially with me...the teacher!
2. I had just spoken to his mother on Wednesday. And the last thing I remember her saying was that he was already being punished and everything that could be done (or taken away) has already been done, or taken away. If that was true, why was he rambling on about what a great day he had.

I seemed to remember when I was younger "being on punishment" meant that I did not have fun. If visitors came, I could talk to them, but I couldn't play with them. Punishment meant I had to sit with a book and that was it. This kid (who already told me he does not listen to his mother) is going on and on about the adventure he had in the park, junk food he ate, and the things his parents will buy him. According to him, he will soon have a pair of heelys (sneakers with wheels). His (nearly equally hyper) brother already has a pair for his birthday. I'm sorry, HYPER KIDS DON'T NEED SHOES WITH WHEELS!!!!!!

Friday continuation...

The regular prep schedule was changed. I had my prep period at 8:30am. Normally, I would not like a prep period that early, but since I had not written up my lesson plans (and my copy machine was not working), I did not mind. Actually, I was fighting what I'll call the "School Year-End Wall". The official test are done (and results are in), textbooks are about to be collected, teachers have mountains of --

...Okay maybe just a high mole hill of papers and reports to get done. And finally, summer vacation is only a couple of weeks away. Oh, and, classroom materials have to be packed (in the event you are sent to another room). The problem? Once the students have the idea that school is over, they (and some teachers do as well) shut down. Work seems pointless. In the past (when I first started teaching), I pretended nothing had changed. I let my students know that as long as they keep coming to school, I would have work for them to do. The year before I went to Japan, I had lesson plans and materials for the students for the second to the last day, but then realized I had pushed enough and it was pointless.

Anyway, with the stress this year (more then I was expecting), I am a little too eager to be finished. This whole school year, I've been marching on a left foot start playing catch up all year. It was bad enough to mentally focus on lesson plans with the "what will get thrown in at the last minutes/detailed lesson plan needs to be thrown out" mental block. Now, I am faced with the eagerness for finality..of the year, not life. I haven't gone that far. Sorry, rambling again.

Back to Friday.

Friday, after first period, one of the APs (just when I was about to give a spelling test) called to invite my class to a short concert in the auditorium. Although, I was happy to kill time, I did not let my students see my joy. Since the spelling test papers were already given out, and the students also were not eager to be working, I told them that if they acted up in the slightest way, we would stay in class...Oh, our air conditioner does not work. Not having air conditioning does not bother me that much. I'm hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable, but for some strange reason, I don't care that much about not having it. Strange.

My students were very (relatively speaking) nicely behaved. The auditorium was full of regular Hip Hop fans listening nicely (relatively speaking) to classical music. There were three performers (a celloist, violinist, and pianist). I don't think a single person in that room wanted to return to their classroom.

Rest of morning basically uneventful. The fourth grade teacher asked me to keep one of her wild kids in my room. His presence upseted the classroom chemistry just a bit. The kids seemed to be still in "dayoff" mode. There were no arguments, and the 4th grade visitor who usually tauts Chipmunk, spent most of the morning chatting with Chipmunk. I sent Chipmunk's mother an e-mail asking for her permission to do after-school detention if her son starts arguing with me. And today, sure enough, he was about to start arguing. I reminded him about the detention...he became sweet (relatively speaking) as a kitten.

Lunchtime, I stayed with my students. Another of my bad habits. Once I start a routine, it is difficult to break. Why do I stay in the students' lunchroom? I worry that all hell will break loose, and it will all be dump at my feet when I return to pick them up.

Anyway, lunch was about over when the secretary informed my the Hyper Kid 1's mother was in the main office. At this school, the principal is very concern about attendance. She has all kinds of rewards and incentives for attendance, yet parents can come at anytime to pick up their kids. Yes, even 10 minutes before dismissal, announcements are made for students to "come to the office with their coat and belongings". I was annoyed that I was on my lunch time, and I was expected to climb 3 flights of stairs to have this wild child get his things. I don't allow my students to use my keys. I try to never take my keys from around my neck, I'm forgetful. If I leave my keys, I will usually forget my keys. Anyway, I was annoyed at first...then I did a mental slap in the face. I had the chance to have one less headache for the afternoon. I practically ran up those stairs. When Lil Hyper turned into Mr. Snail (he likes to keep his mother waiting), I grabbed his backpack, and his homework...and would have grabbed him, if he did not see that I was not in the mood. I left his things in the hallway, locked the door, said, "have a nice weekend", and I was gone. I was on the first floor, when Hyper Kid 1 finally caught up with me. Actually, I was only rushing because it was time to pick up my class, half were outside and half were in the lunchroom, plus I had two "visitors". I think the policy should be all go or none go. Kids here don't go out because of behavior or because they don't have complete uniforms. Although, I am a strong believer in the power of school uniforms, I think those kids should be allowed to go outside. Not play, but be allowed outside.

The afternoon, I did a contest with the math worksheets. The table that had all students (at the table) finished their worksheet first would receive a 1/4 of a star. It worked better than I thought. In my class, I give some kind of reward for the table with the most stars by the end of the week. I had to modify the star system:

1. I was giving out too many stars for basically not being too disruptive. also,
2. The students needed real world practice, so I came up with the fraction of a star.

All in all, the day turned out relatively okay. Since I was in a good mood, I ended up giving snack to everyone...but Chipmunk (he was so deep in his conversation, he did not hear me call anyone who did not get a snack). He waited until his conversation was finished, then he wanted "his snack". Nope. Sorry, no can do.

That reminded me of this morning. Loud Lisa (Ghetto Girl sounds too derogatory), called to me while I was opening the windows. With the window pole in my hand I came to her. I was in a relatively pleasant mood. I walked towards her, and asked what did she want. Her response, "wait". She wanted me to stand there (pole in hand) waiting while she decided when she was ready. I pratically chewed her head off. I discovered that kindness is a weakness. Show kindness, and many (not all) of these kids will take advantage of you. They did for me for most of this school year. The yelling at me, and the arguing is turning me into a nasty person. I have kids in my class who will know that I am watching them, see me watching them, and will still argue with me after they clearly did something wrong. Lately, I've been chewing their heads off when they start throwing that nonsense at me. Unfortunately, I waited until now to start chewing heads off. I should have started much earlier. Unfortunately, I am learning that being cold and nasty is yielding several benefits. They are quieter, They are (a bit) afraid of me. And the best result...I can actually teach. Strange world. Just a hope, skip, and a jump from Bizarro World.

Post Date - Saturday, June 9, 2007 11:47am

Friday, June 08, 2007

I just got in after a long day. I clicked on my computer. My first (and only) IM(instant message) was a "hello, you spelled tantrum wrong" message. I appreciated the correction, but at the same time, I was just a bit miffed. In the future, I will have to remember to spell check even when I am half sleeping. And I'll also need to remember that spell check is not infallible. Sorry, I'm getting sidetracked.

My Day

Since I am tired, I will try to keep this entry short.

This morning after another crazy evening, I almost missed my Metro-North train. Last night, after telling myself that I would not do it, I did it. I fell asleep in the living room on a pile of student papers. I woke up, told myself that I would only eat a few spoonfuls of the pineapple sherbet, but I ended up eating the whole 1/2 gallon. I also registered online for a couple of Summer classes provided by the UFT.

1. PC applications (basically a beginners guide to using Microsoft computer applications).
2. Art Across the Curriculum (basically doing art to connect to all areas of the curriculum).

The two classes together came to $390.

I'd better wrap this up, I am starting to get drowsy.

I forgot to mention that I got my tax refund a few weeks ago. I received about $1,600. About $1,000 will go to paying my Japanese taxes which I could not have afforded. With the reminder, I would like to buy a couple of things. One is a bike (foldable if possible), and a Playstation console. I also plan to doing some touristy things around NYC. We'll see....

Short summary of today.

Hyper Kid 1 came in about 15 minutes late. He was happy about his day yesterday. He told me how much fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Thursday, June 07, 2007

No students in school today. A very stressful day anyway.

Luckily, it wasn't my stress. It is true misery does love company. Anyway, I have not posted in a couple of days. My last post was written when I was half sleep. Before starting this entry, I pushed publish. I don't even remember what I'd written. I thought it was already posted, but it was sitting in my draft folder. I'll have to read it to find out where I left off. However, before I do, I should recap today.

About 7:33am, I got a ride from the 125th st. station to school from one of the teachers. When I arrived at school, the first thing I did was to brush my teeth. Since I've been eating breakfast on the train (hot oatmeal), I've save a couple of minutes in my mad dash for the morning train.

After brushing, I tried to fiddle with my copy machine. Oh that's right, you don't know. Well, my copy machine isn't working. Yes, at the same time the other copy machine the teachers use is out of toner (and therefore also not available). The only other option is putting in requests for copies (see previous blog entries for the hassle that is). Without my copy machine, I'm like a junkie going through withdrawal symtoms. I've been stressed out about my copier. I've grown too dependant on that machine. I feel incomplete without it. Sorry, I'm getting carried away.

Today, I thought the NO Student Day would be a getting ready for the next school year kind of day (arranging classes, portfolio work etc...) when will I ever learn?

From 8am to about 9am, I did some organization of my classroom, and tomorrow preparations. About 9:10 AP made the annoucement that Professional Developement would begin about 9:15. Staff proceeded to the auditorium to be told that the agenda would be printed about 10am, we could return to our classes to wait. About 10:15 staff was told to report to our in-house training.

Second and third grade teachers begin the first of 4 training sessions on Rubrics in the literacy coaches room. She was stressed out because the "professional developement staff only found out about their "training mission" this morning when they walked in the door. She was not happy.

About 11am everyone had just walked to our next "training session" when the principal made an annoucement for all staff to come to the auditorium. She had some news.

After dragging it out, and rambling on pontificating, she finally gave us the good news. The school had made very good improvements with the math scores on the New York State math test. One of the APs was dancing in the aisle. The new math coach, who not quite in the "Spanish" teacher's catagory (but there are very slight shades of similarities) seemed to be taking credit, cheering and blowing kisses to god.

Long story short. Today was lots of training, no next year preparations, which means next Tuesday's half-day will be stressing. Today was a good relaxing day for me. I had a greasy hamburger and french fries meal from a local fast food chicken shop. The afternoon was basically running out the clock. I managed to get out of the building at 3:30. Unlike yesterday (about 7pm)...I'll try to summary in a minute.

After school I went shopping for some ice cream and cake. When I am in a good mood, I tend to eat. Also, when I am depressed I eat. Oh, and when I am bored too. I think you get the picture.

Today, I got home about 5pm. I promptly dozed off until about 5:45pm. I ate dinner (instant rice in microwavable cup, a can of sardines in mustard, and broccoli). Since I had a cake waiting for me, I did not want to fill up on real food. I called the copy machine company to find out about my warranty. I will have to call them again tomorrow. I need to be infront of the machine. I am now posting this blog.

Quick Summary of the previous days:

Tuesday, the special art program second lesson. The art teacher came with two scissors, and two templates for 23 students to share. There was paint, water, and little organization, I'll just leave it there.

Wednesday, there was another special assembly. A group of hip hop performers did a "making music" program. It was okay. Since Thursday was no students, I should have been able to leave school about 3:10pm, but speaking to a parent about your son (Hyper 1), speaking to a teacher about portfolios, my plan to leave early when right out the window. Wednesday evening, I was expecting to do new year class organization, so I was filling out the student cards. The math coach also wanted the scores for his "end of the year math assessment". I could do another hour on that test, but I won't. Basically, I followed the usual pattern, I fell asleep early on top of the papers I was working on, woke up about 2am, finish the papers and then went to bed about 4:30 only to wake up at 6:10am. Hopefully, I can go to bed at a better time tonight.

It is time for me to go...

Post Date - Thursday, June 7, 2007 7:22pm

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I can see that my students will not finish this year on a quiet note. They intend to holler and scream until the very last day.

I could begin and end this entry with more of the same, and you would have a very clear mental picture of my day. Fights! Arguments! And a bit of wilding thrown in for good measure.

My day began with 5 or 6 "Sunday strollers" strolling in about 15 minutes late. And about another 10 minutes later, the "Spanish" teacher strolled in.

About 9:15, I took my students to science. "Temper Tandrum" decided to throw a temper tandrum. The students were supposed to line up in front of the science room door. I borrowed a lining up idea from a first grader teacher. She has her students stand one square apart. I won't discuss the logistic of that, so I modified her suggestion. Mine hall motto is to "skip a square when we stand". That avoids the He hit me, she's pushing me, etc....Well, "Temper Tandrum" decided that he wanted to tie his sneaker laces. I won't go into the "apparent" inability of the students to keep their laces tied. Usually, it is in the stairwell, when 3 or 4 students all have to stay behind to "tie their laces". When TT decided to stop right then and there to tie his laces, I told him that he needs to "find his square first" before he got out of line to tie his laces. His response, "wait a minute". Even explaining to him what would happen if he got out of line (hitting, grabbing etc..)Asking politely, was not working. My students often like to move when they feel like it. Since his shoe was such a distraction, I took of his shoe. TT, throw his temper tandrum, he sat in the hallway crying because I took his shoe. He said that he was going to tell his mother. Since TT volunteered to speak to his mother, I decided to speak to his mother also. Of course now, it was "Boo Hoo Hoo", I don't want to speak to my mother. I called.

About 10:00, when I went to pick my students up from science. The science teacher noticed that one of my students had ringworm. Soon it was discovered (and confirmed(by the school nurse.

I am starting to doze off. I will have to finish this blog entrykkkkkkkkkkk
Half-Day! Today was a clerical half-day for teachers. It is almost that time. I can almost see the light at the end of this dark and dreary tunnel. Of course, my students were hyper as usual. Number 1 Hyper (Yes, the one of seven with another one on the way) came in late, told me that his father told him to behave. He has told me a couple of times that he does not listen to his mother. And not even two minutes later, he grabbed a classmate's paper and wanted the classmate to chase him around the classroom. Far be it for me to expect a half day to be reasonably easy. The day also started with a last minute prep schedule changed. Notification came on the loudspeaker for 3rd grade teachers to bring their classes to the auditorium; third grade teachers would be meeting with the test prep coordinator to discuss the new materials that would be used for next (school) year.

I used the remainder of the morning for students to work on organizing their Portfolios. I also used the morning for the last few students to finish typing their personal poems. Lunch (for the students) was at 11:00; teachers had to stay with their classes during the shortened lunch period. After lunch, the students returned to class, packed and dismissed.

After lunch, teachers were supposed to arrived in the cafeteria at 1:15 to begin clerical work. Before I arrived, I went to one of the 3rd grade teacher's classrooms to ask what I needed to bring. She was not there, but her para (teacher's assistant) was. She was very eager to help (in her own way). She told me that the teacher was not there, but maybe she could be of assistance. I said okay. No sooner did I say okay, I started getting a "I've been doing this for 20 years, I know what I'm doing, let me help you speech". All that from an okay. She told me all I needed to bring was the "reorganization class list".

I arrived in the cafeteria on time, but no one was there. I thought I was in the wrong place, but people started arriving about 5 minutes after me. As soon as I got settled with the other third grade teachers, an announcement on the loudspeaker informs all teachers that their rooms must be unlocked to receive a free bookcase from a program that the school applied for a won. The announcement was repeated, so teachers had to scramble up to unlock their doors. I returned, only to then find out that I needed to bring the office cards, and my record can, so that meant another trip up 3 flights of stairs. Long story short, Ms. 20 years was not very helpful. Oh, and the bookcases? The assistant principal later came to apologize for not having enough bookcases for everyone.

I was a little annoyed with myself. I was planning to be out of the building at 3pm, but I ended up leaving about 4:45. It was like it was not even a half day. Somehow, I ended up having an incomplete set of office cards for my students, so the first clerical day was spent filling out new cards. I stayed after 3pm to finish filling out the cards, and cleaning up (as usual) my classroom from the mess the students left behind.

I returned home about 5:30pm. I did not feel like cooking, so I went to buy some Chinese take out (beef with broccoli on brown rice). I returned home (again) at 6pm. I ate dinner, and fell asleep soon after. I woke up about 1am. I did my lesson plans for tomorrow (today actually), and now I am posting this blog entry.

Before I go, I suppose I should briefly summarize my Sunday.

Late start. Hot oatmeal for breakfast. I cut my hair and then shaved my head. And showered. I decided to go to the Bronx (to my old shoebox neighborhood), to buy some flavored Cream of Wheat. For some strange reason, the store there is the only place I know that sells favored cream of wheat. I was also planning to do a little bit of shopping at the Target in the Bronx, but the lines there were unreal, so I skipped Target. After buying the cream of wheat, I went to the Staples in the Bronx. I needed to buy more plastic sheet protectors for my students portfolios. From Staples, I went to Manhattan. My plan was to visit my foster father, but there was no answer on the phone so I passed. I went to the nearby discount store to buy some window screens and a plastic black shelf unit ($22). I've been waiting about a couple of months of "we will get some more in stock next week". I finally got the shelving unit. I will now be able to pick up and get a little bit organized.

I returned home Sunday about 6:50pm. I went to the laundry in the building complex. After washing a couple of loads and completing the 30 minute drying cycle. I ended up having to hang up all of my clothes (not just my white shirts and slacks). The dryer was turning, but there was no heat.

Well, I think that is about it...Oh, I just realized some of you (readers) may be wondering why the "Post by.." and my Post Date do match. Posted by is the starting time I first begin writing the blog. Post date is the time I finished.

Post Date - Tuesday, June 5, 2007 2:56am

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another sleeping Saturday. I woke up, watched a little TV, ate breakfast, showered, and....went back to bed. I woke up again about 5pm. I did not get on the computer today. My plan was to be productive, and I knew that if I got on the computer I could kiss my productivity good by. It turned out to be a pointless attempt, I ended up doing nothing today.

After I got out of bed, I made Jell-O. I then microwaved my dinner (frozen fried chicken, frozen vegetables, and a cup of microwaved minute rice [it actual takes 2 minutes]). I watched the evening news and then the King of Queens (reruns). I then...turned off my TV to grade papers.

Yesterday? Not much to write about. Only one thing worth mentioning. One of the four grade teachers was absent, and for some reason, her students just went wild. Even in the lunch room, they seem to be off the wall. A couple of the students started to fight. I happen to be in the lunchroom because for some strange reason, I've had this strange urge to keep an eye of my students. I keep expecting them to run wild now that the heat is increasing. It is about this time of year when the standards (and the guards) start to down, and the kids will start running wild. Or it could just be my imagination.

Anyway, I was in the lunchroom doing a little detention for one of my students. I decided to try one student only detention. Unfortunately, I don't strike fear in my students. They have even told me in their own way. A group of my girls were complaining that they were afraid of the science teacher. Then one student said that she was afraid of me. I told her to stop lying, none of the students fear me, she and the other girls started laughing. I have a bad habit of saying please and thank you too much. It is hard to be frightening when you are too polite. I think my students respect me (relatively speaking), but they don't fear me. Not that they should fear me, but a little fear does go a long way. I have a bad habit of beginning or ending a sentence with "please" or "thank you", even when I am angry. Unfortunately, inner-city kids seem to take kindness and caring as signs of weakness. There is a ghetto mentality that too often permeates the classroom. I couple of weeks ago, one of my students called out, "snitches get stitches", when I asked who threw the pencil across the room. And she wasn't the one who threw the pencil. How did I know? I am discovering the art and the power of collective punishment.

Sorry, I got sidetracked...

I watched at the two boys in the fourth grade class begin their argument, while the school aid did nothing but say oh!!! Here they go. I could do a whole blog entry about this woman, but I won't.

I see the argument escalate to pushing then grabbing. I went over to them. By the time I reach them, they are already trading punches. I broke up the fight...then the security guards showed up after. Second fight I broke up. I also broke up a fight two days before during T-shirt day.

Oh, I don't think I mentioned T-shirt day. Admin. decided to have a T-shirt day where faculty members buy and wear a Senior's 2007 T-shirt. On the job, I am strictly a white shirt and black slacks kind of guy. However, I did not want to be a stick in the mud, so I wore the T-shirt over my white shirt. Yes, on a day when the thermometer was hovering around 90 degrees...without a working air conditioner in my classroom. Yes, I mentioned that I am not mentally all together.

Anyway, I broke up the fight on T-shirt day, and of course, I ended up getting splashed with chocolate milk. On my brand new T-shirt. I was annoyed. I think my cool factor went up about .03% after breaking up the fight while the school aids (and one of the school secretaries) just stood around saying, "they're fighting, they're fighting". The security guard got cheers when he came running into the lunchroom, and football tackled the boy who was fighting the girl...That is, after I broke up the fight.

Post Date - Sunday, June 3, 2007 1:02am