Monday, February 27, 2012

Braces - Day 4

Today was the first day back from the midwinter recess.  The strange thing is that despite sleeping most of the recess away, by the end of today, I was exhausted. However, I was pkeaed that I was able to leave early enough ( for me) to be home by 5pm. Unfortunately, having wasred the midwinter break, I had a couple of loads of laundry to do...or go clothes shopping. Unfortunately, with these braces, I'm broke until next payday, then I'll just be almost brokefor the forseeable future.

Speaking of braces the wax was a pain to try to put on, so I'll try to do without. Today was also the first day I was able to "field test" my braces. I don't think anyone noticed, no one said anything.

Tapping out this entry on my tablet was not the smartest idea, very time consuming. It wiyld have been faster on my desktop.

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