Sunday, September 05, 2010


I finally put together the exercise bike I bought back on July 16, 2010.  I'm going to try the (modified) liquid diet (along with some exercising on my bike and rowing machine). 

Problem?  My back is bothering me a bit.  This past week along with trying to get my classroom together, one of the APs at my school asked me (and another male teacher) to help another teacher with moving some things.  On Thursday, it was moving 10 ~12 large plastic bins of science materials upstairs to another room.  On Friday, it was helping a new teacher move 75 classroom chairs from the rented U-haul parked across the street to the third floor (no elevator).  The new teacher said that the chairs were given to her if she was willing to move them.  She said her plan was to just use 16 of the chairs and donate the rest to our school.  She must be a new teacher if she thinks she will ever have a class with only 16 students in it.  I didn't say anything, but I was thinking it.  Not to mention the chairs stored....never mind.

Anyway, my back was feeling okay today.  I didn't even pretend that I would do anything.  I slept the day away.  I was feeling okay, but the discomfort returned when I moved the box containing the exercise bike (disassembled) from the hallway to the living room.  I'll have to be careful.  I'm already exhausted with one more "setup day" to go.  This year there is no weekend to buffer the setup days from the first day the students arrive.  On Tuesday, I'm going to have to make sure I don't do any heavy lifting.

Well, I gotta go.  Tomorrow, I will have to return to the teacher's store to make a couple of purchases.  I forgot I threw away my old classroom number line.


Jeff said...

Ride that bike while watching TV and it will seem effortless!

Jannx said...

Yep, that's the plan.