Tuesday, August 09, 2005

So Far, No Change in the "State of Fear"

Well, I've read a few more chapters, and so far, there seems to be no change in the "State of Fear". Characters are still doing stupid things. Examples:
*I know he is not who he says he is (a character says to himself), but the character stills does business with the man.
*The request for 5 "machines" is strange when no one in the world should need more than 1.
*A beautiful woman sticks a man with something that causes the man to become dizzy. The woman tells the shocked witness to pretend he did not see anything(as the dizzy man runs into traffic), and the witness does. Only to be shocked later when he hears sirens. The dizzy man was hit by a car.

Well, that's it for today. I am going to try to write a few Japanese sentences while my bathtub is filling up, so I have to keep this entry short. Besides, I had nothing to write about.

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