Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy holiday! Well, I am almost sure your Christmas was better than mine. I wasn’t really in a festive mood. I stayed in my room until about 2pm. No breakfast and only two bathroom visits. Each time I was planning to come out there was either an argument or a conflict, so I just stayed in my room. I really did not want to deal with conflict this morning. As for the weather, it rained all day.

A couple of hours ago, my foster father’s lady friend’s son stopped by. He had his daughter and his girlfriend’s son with him. Why am I writing about the kids? I thought both of them were incredibly rude, but I could have just been overly sensitive.

While my foster father's lady friend's son was in my room (dropped off a few DVDs for me to watch – which was very nice), first his girl friend’s son basically walked in without an excuse me or a may I come in. Then later, the daughter came in, after her father left. She was eye-balling my things like she was casing the joint (english expression meaning to make a plan to steal by studying the surroundings). She asked me if she could use my computer to down load music onto her new MD3 player.

* I was struck speechless by the fact she knew I had a computer (laptop) under a pile of paper and junk on my table.
* I was surprised (dumbstruck) at her gall. Although I’d seen her once or twice (when she was a baby); I was basically talking to her for the first time.

A part of me wanted to go into an old geezer tirade about lack of respect from kids today, but instead, I just told her that I did not think it was a good idea. So, what did she say next (waving and jiggling her MD player)? She brags that she is so spoiled. I’m thinking to myself, “really”. She told me that she asked for the MD player yesterday, and got it today. What next?

A few minutes later, the girl friend’s son walked in again (followed closely by the daughter). The kid (son) was 9 years old.

He asked, “What do you have on your computer”.
Me: Excuse me?
Son: What games do you have I can play with on your computer?


Sorry. My e-mail was supposed to be a reply to your e-mail, but it has turned into a blog entry. I was not planning to write anymore blog entries for a while, but since I have one, I guess I will post it. Unfortunately, it is late now, so I won’t be able to reply to your e-mail tonight. Happy Holiday!!!

December 27, 2005
Hello again. There was a little bit of a delay with sending the above apart of my reply. When I logged onto a "free" internet company I discovered that they changed my free 20 hour internet access (per month) to 10 hours without any notice. Each month I would keep a record in my notebook each day I was on the internet, including start time and end time, plus the total time spent on the internet each time. I would usually round up to be sure that I would have enough time to last. All of that record keeping, and they just change the time without notification. Now for the next 5 days, I will have to go to the internet café. Oh well.