Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27th
Rainy morning.
Weather reports all said that it would be a wet rainy day. Our field trip to Central Park Zoo was cancelled. I was happy. I was worried that we would be forced to go like the fourth and fifth graders last week who went to NY Aquarium. It rained off and on all day. I thought the same thing would happen today, but as soon as the trip was cancelled the sun came out, and it stayed out for the whole day...that is, until it was time for me to return home. It started raining while I was on the train going home. The sun came out once I got home. The day was okay...relatively speaking. Sneak was not feeling well, I could tell because he stayed in his seat for most of the day (and wasn't very talkative). Oh, while collecting trip money and permission slips, would you believe that Princess Beady had the nerve to hand in a permission slip and money. Normally, I try to be positive in my no, but this time I almost went ballistic. I had called her mother almost every single day (4 days out of 5) about her disruptive behavior. And to think her mother really thought that she should be allowed to attend really annoyed me.

My plan was to be out of the building at 4PM, then 4:30PM, then 5PM. I ended up leaving at 5:30PM. I wanted to resume exercising, but once I returned home, I was asleep right after I ate dinner. My new epal called about 9PM, I learned a little bit more about him. We will be going to the movies on Sunday. Once again, he came up with a movie suggestion I was thinking about, but wasn't sure he would be interested. I thought he would only be interested in science fiction, but I was wrong. We talked for about an hour. Once again it was nice hearing my thoughts coming out of someone else's mouth. It is an interesting feeling.

Well, I better go. After the conversation, I fell asleep. I woke up about 3AM. I told myself that I would get online only to Google the movie theater, but here I am, it is now 5:26AM. Now, I'll just have to stay up. Hopefully, today will be an easy day.

Completion Date - Wednesday, May 28, 2008 5:28AM
Post Date - Saturday, June 28, 2008 12:48AM

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