Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Dental Update

Today, I had my appointment to adjust my braces.  This was about my fourth or fifth time having them adjusted.  However, today was the first time that a new assistant did the adjusting.  I think she may have tightened the braces too tight.  This is the first time that I feel discomfort.  She also seemed to have been having some difficulty getting the wire in the way she wanted to.

After the dental appointment, I went to the petshop to spend more money on the class hamsters.  It turned out none of the students wanted one.  Plus my coleague kept the males and females together.  I think she had about nineteen hamsters in the tank.  Whenever, there was a conflict within in the tank(a fight), or one was looking fairly raggedy, I would offer to take one with the idea that students would want to adopt some of them.  Well, that didn't happen.  So now, I kind of feel responsible for the hamsters that I offered to take.  Right now, I have 6 hamsters.  Two of the hamsters are from my colleague.  One was the pregnant female I didn't realize was pregnant when I offered to take one.  Of her litter of 7, only 3 survived.  Now, the living arrangements are male and female containers.  I also need to separate "Raggedy Andy"(the old hamster). from the younger males.  It got to the point Andy was viciously attacking the other males.  The last fight was so bad that I (stupidily) put my hand in to try to break up the fight, only to have Raggedy Andy bite me.  His teeth were so sharp they went through my hand like a hot knife through butter.

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