Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Quick Entry

I haven't been jogging in several days.  Here in NYC, we are in the middle of a heatwave.  However, I wouldn't know, I've slept through most of it.

Today (Tuesday, July 17th) I went to a book club meeting.  The theme of this club is sci-fi/fantasy.  The discussion was held in a midtown bar.  I arrived about 15 minutes early.  The hostess suggested that I wait for the group in the bar section and "have a drink" while I wait.  Even though I don't really drink alchol, I bought an apple martini.  No, I didn't drink it.  I didn't want to sit for fifteen minutes without buying something.  The drink came to $9 plus $2 for a total of $11 for a 3 oz drink.  Then, upstairs, the group met.  My dinner was a $20 turkey burger with dry bun and hard fries.  The conversation was ...okay.  However, the members seem to take their sci-fiction waaay too seriously.  Instead of having a simple discussion about liking or not liking the book and why, most of the discussion was philosophically focused making comparisons to real world.  After two hours, the group meeting ended.  The first thing I did was go to McDonald's.  I ordered two apple pies and a smoothie.  Headed home, I stopped to play Lotto, bought cookies from Subways, and bought milk.  I remembered to bring my "dollar and cents" memo book to keep track of any and all things I buy.  I was very annoyed with myself for forgetting to bring a pen with me.  However, I did manage to record all expenses for this day.  The plan is to stick with keeping a daily log at least for 4 or 5 months so that I can learn where my money goes each month, and learn how much I spend each month.

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