Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007
Today started off not good. The night before, there was a notice that the cold water was turned off. This morning, it was rainy and cold. I was dreading coming to work. I had the feeling this was going to be one of those days.

It turns out I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

4 of my "headaches" were out due to the Ramadan holiday. Then, AP1 called to say I was due a make-up preparation period to due the new scheduling. There was a school-wide (grades 3 to 6th) that was more suitable than "school-wide" tests in the pasts. There was a Hispanic assembly last period. Oh, and there was a birthday luncheon for teachers with birthdays during the months of Aug., Sept., and Oct. I'm not a party person, so I skipped the party part (especially when the event organizer pulled out party hats for the birthday people. I ran for the hills. I came back later at the very end to see if there were any leftovers. I got a couple of pieces of fried chicken, some macaroni salad, and a slice of cake.

Oh, the principal stopped by. She came in looked around, then scribbled a note on a piece of paper:

"Kudos!!! You got caught being on task."

Across the hall (teacher) seemed very pleased to have also have received one. Me? I am sorry to say, I was offended by the comment. 1. it is the kind of comment a child would get. 2. Someone who is usually early picking up his kids. Always dressed professionally. Rarely sits when the students are in the room (never sitting at his desk during school hours). A nice, neat and orderly classroom.

What else would I be doing?

Other than the note, today was a day for the record. I'll probably never have another day like today. I smiled more today than I did in the past two or three years.

The day was that good!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007 1:18

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