Sunday, November 25, 2007

New start, or fresh start. I hope so. As my four-day weekend comes to an end. I will be trying to get back on a sane and reasonable track. I also want to do a few things to get back on track in my classroom. I would list them now, but if I did, then by the time I finished, I would be repeat old habit of late night bed time. Hopefully in the coming days, you will be able to see a change from my blog postings. I hope so.

Quick summary. And this time, I do mean quick. Today, I basically ran out the clock. I knew I wouldn't accomplish anything major. My groceries arrived about 3:30PM, they were supposed to arrive between 1PM and 3PM. Luckily, I had no place to go. I did do my laundry. And I did do my lesson plans for next week (so I have a bit of breathing room). For dinner, I had a can of low sodium soup.

If I can manage an 11:15PM bedtime, it would be the first time in a very long time, that I went to bed at a normal hour. Tomorrow, I want to try to avoid getting online unless I've done everything that I need to do. Lately, I have been online a bit too much.

Well, quick means that I should end this now. Hopefully, my next entry will have some thing positive about new or fresh changes back on the road to sanity...I hope.

Post Date - Sunday, November 25, 2007 10:18PM

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