Monday, November 05, 2007

Not much new to share. Another mental meltdown. I did not finish lesson planning or my homework sheet. "Falling Back" really didn't seem like a big deal. My day was okay. Oh, I forgot to mention that I received a couple of new students almost days apart. One is a boy who received an emergency transfer. Apparently, he was stabbed with a pencil, and received the transfer the very next day. Came to school with no pencils or notebook. Oh, and he lost his brand-new math book that I'd given him in about 3 days. The other newbie is a girl who speaks no English only Spanish.

Today the kids were okay (relatively speaking). Today was also a faculty meeting. Another forced "suggestion" session. Apparently our school received an A in some categories of the new NYC school grading system. The meeting ended about 4pm. My plan was to be out of the building by 4:30pm, but I ended up leaving about 5:38pm. As I walked to the train station, about 3 trains passed at 2 or 3 minute interval, then I when I arrived, no train comes for quite a while. About 15 minutes a train came and left skipping my station. Another 15 minutes past before a train finally came. It was so crowded that I did not bother trying to get on with my granny cart. I ended up taking the next train. I arrived home about 7:15pm (almost two hours travel time).

Finally, tomorrow is Election Day. The students have the day off, for teachers, it is a professional development day. Today, I pretended that tomorrow was a regular day. I cleaned and got organized as if the students were coming in tomorrow. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will be able to leave at 3pm. We'll see.

Post Date - November 5, 2007 8:11pm

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