Monday, April 07, 2008

Today started a bit rough, but later it turned out okay. My day started about 6:20AM. Another weekend with me waiting until the last...very last minute to try to throw together a lesson plan and homework sheet, but I just couldn't focus. So by 2AM, I gave up. I finally went to bed about 3:15AM. Since I was tired, I had to drag myself out of bed. I knew I would miss my regular train...again, so I had to take a taxi from the Bronx to work. That put me in a bad mood. Then, when my work day started, one of the 4th grade teachers didn't show up, so her class was broken up. That annoyed me. I know people have emergencies, and valid reasons for not coming to work. But, it seems like every other day someone is calling in sick and leaving kids with me. Anyway, I ended up with one the the most problemed kid. He wasted no time in spreading negativity and animosity. The first three periods was nothing but, "You stink", You stupid", and other thuggish behavior. From one table to the next. After the Literacy Block -- Since the 4th grade teacher was absent, I had to keep my kids who would normally go to her, and her "me, me" kid. But I got lucky, on the way from dropping off my class to the computer lab (the computer teacher was absent on Friday messing up my easy day). Anyway, AP1 was in the hallway, and took one look at me, and immediately asked what was wrong. At the time, she assumed that I was having a difficult day. She even offered to take the "me me" kid. I was now happy. Actually, I was just tired from having 3 hours of sleep. But the "me me" kid was just gasoline on the fire. After "me me" was gone, my day became "relatively speaking" better.

The rest of the day was okay. At 3 was the monthly faculty meeting. A couple of new assessment tests coming up means the literacy block would be canceled for two days (Wednesday and next Monday). The faculty meeting ended with a video summary of "the Spanish" teacher taking pictures of a conference (he and a few other teachers and administrators) attended in New Orleans and places they went to during the conference(including restaurants and stores). Since the faculty conference is (according to the teacher's contract) supposed to end at 4PM, teachers started leaving at 4PM, so the teacher turned off the video.

After the faculty conference, I took a plate of food that was offered to me to Ms. Across the Hall. The aunt of one of my students cooked some food for my student's brother's class, and that teacher sent me some of the food. I was happy to have the food, but she sent it via the brother who is a bit wild and disruptive (and who likes hanging around the halls). Let's just say that I got a bit paranoid, so I did not want the food. I offered the food to Ms. Across the Hall -- yes, I did explain my concerns about the food, but Ms. Across the Hall thought I was just being paranoid. I was glad she took the food, because I hate throwing away food. Good food at that!

Since it was my foster father's birthday -- he is now 74, but gets around like a 50 year old. His daily routines have barely changed. Amazing! Anyway, I wrapped his gift (a summer bathrobe, a couple of pajama pants, and under garments), and was out of the building by 5:45PM. I stopped off at the regional drug store/variety store chains to buy a card(I also added a $25 gift card to his card).

After my birthday greeting visit, I headed home picking up a dinner from the soul food restaurant owned by Koreans. Giving away that dinner to Ms. ATH gave me a taste for a soul food dinner.

I returned home about 8PM. After eating my dinner, I tired to do a blog entry, but I was out like a light in a matter of minutes. Luckily, today (it is now 5:31AM) is trip day (grades K~3 are going to the Bronx Zoo, and grades 4~6 are going to a musical performance.

Oh. Before I left the building, I asked the secretary("business manager") in charge of arranging the trip to Baltimore, if he could changed my return train ticket for a few days later. On top of having an ulterior motive for staying in Baltimore longer, I realized that this would be my best hope for doing something during the vacation time other than sitting home (and sleeping)waiting for the vacation to end and worrying about returning to school. So if the business manager can change the ticket (he said that he had to get the Principal's approval), I will stay in Baltimore for a few days doing touristy things.

Completion Date - Tuesday, April 8, 2008 5:42AM
Post Date - Tuesday, May 20, 2008 12:14AM


Jeff said...

Oh the whole breaking up a class into other classrooms thing? That would totally bug the crap out of me. I've had it happen before, but I always have known several days ahead of time.

Jannx said...

To know that you were receiving students from a broken up class ahead of time is a strange and alien concept. :)