Saturday, February 28, 2009

I made it to the weekend

I made it to another weekend. Bone tired, but I'm happy. I'm still dealing with the stress of work, and most of the stress is of my own creation. I had a whole week off, but I wasted it sleeping it away. My goal was to get organized, but I didn't doing anything other than sleep. I think I went out only two or three times and it was only to go shopping. When I returned to school, I started off on the wrong foot. On Sunday, I stayed up until about 2AM watching the Oscars and shaving my head. I got about 4 hours of sleep per night almost every night (except Wednesday and Thursday night). By Friday, I was too tired to stay late in school. Actually, that turned out to be a good thing. Usually, I tell myself that I'm staying late on Friday to get organized, but I usually don't accomplish very much. Yesterday, I was out of the building at 5PM. It felt good to be home. It felt even better when I looked at the clock (about 8PM) and realized that any other Friday in the past, I would just be heading home.

Today (Saturday), I didn't get out of bed until about 11:30AM. I have to go to the post office to pick up my delivery. Then, I plan to return home. This weekend will be just relaxing and recovering. Hopefully, to be fresh and ready to break this crazy sleep cycle I've created for myself.

Next week, the students in New York State will be taking the Math Exams. I also want to make a change in my routines, but since I've been saying that for years (time really does seem to fly) I won't mention it here. Problem, the monthly faculty meeting is on Monday until 4PM. I will also need to get my classroom ready for the State Math Test (removing teaching information from the walls, sharpening pencils etc...). If I don't let stress (in one form or another) get to me, I will be out of the building at 4:30PM or 5PM (at the latest).

Post Date - Saturday, February 28, 2009 1:06 PM

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