Friday, July 21, 2006

Yesterday, I went on a free walking tour around the Wall Street area. The tour started at 12 noon and finished about 1:30. There were about 60 people in the group; I was not expecting so many people. The group was divided into two groups, and each group was led by a graduate student. I enjoyed the tour. How was the tour guide? She was okay. She walked like a New Yorker (fast), and she talked like a New Yorker (fast), but I still enjoyed the tour. I was the only one who was able to consistantly keep up with the tour guide. No matter which direction she went, no matter where in the group I was standing, I always managed to keep up. Walking seems to be my thing.

Since I was already downtown, I decided to do another solo walk to midtown. This time, I chose another path. I walked down Broadway until I got to Canal Street, then (along Canal) I moved to 6th avenue. Once I reached Washington Square Park, I continued down 5th avenue until I reached Herald Square (I then returned to 6th avenue). While on 6th avenue, I went to MacDonald (so much for eating healthy). I continued walking to 59th street, there I took the train to return to my shoebox.

In my room no more than 30 seconds, Screamer knocks on my door. She wants to use my computer (for the internet). “Boyfriend” -- for some strange reason she never calls her boyfriend by his name; it is either “my boyfriend” or “he”. Anyway, her boyfriend bought her a cat (she calls the cat “baby”), and she wanted to find information on the care and feeding of the cat (baby). After she finished on my computer, I did an hour on my rowing machine.

Today, I didn’t do much. Mr. 40+ had a ladyfriend spend the night. The one or two times I was out of my room (I thought) it should have been a good time to introduce me to the “friend”. Call me old fashion, but I had this strange idea in my head that if we are sharing the kitchen and the bathroom, it would have been nice to have some idea of who was being invited into our living quarters. For the sake of time, I am going to skip the minor details like poorly wiped blood left on the toilet seat, and the mess left on the bathroom sink. Oh, I guess I didn’t skip it…never mind.

The attached photo is of Washington Square Park. I had to stand in the middle of the street to take this photo.

Post Date - Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:46pm