Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tron: Legacy 3D

The movie wasn't great, it wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it was just nice.  Many people might call it a bad movie.  After a start time of about 35 minutes late, the movie started with a written notice: "This movie was orginally created in 2D.  There are parts that are in 3D.  Keep the 3D glasses on throughout the movie.  I didn't.  I just wanted to see how much of it was in 3D....not much.  I'm not including the parts that really didn't need to be in 3D.  As for the content, that is where the movie will lose a lot of points from the viewing audience.  In my opinion, there were too many plot holes, too many plot points that seem to have just been added-on at the last minute.  And a couple of plot strands seemed to have been left hanging (or not developed).  The saving points were Jeff Bridges, and the special effects.  After the movie, I took a couple of photos of the theater exterior and the city block.  I'll post those photos later.


Max Sartin said...

New York City is a beautiful city, I always love seeing your pictures of it. I wasn't planning on seeing the movie, I almost never get to the theater, but maybe this is one I'll be sure to miss. thanks for the review.

Jeff said...

I'm a pretty big super-hero fan, but not necessarily a big sci-fi fan. I never saw the original picture, and I can't say I really have much of an urge to see this one either. I'm glad you at least kind of enjoyed it!