Friday, August 20, 2010

Social Networking Event

Today I went to another social networking event. This one was on how to make friends. This was an interesting experience. I'm glad I joined. There were a couple of minor glitches, but considering the cost(free), I thought the event was well-worth it. I enjoyed myself for the experience and I'm looking forward to the next event. I did feel like most spoke to me because they had too, but the experience was a positive one. I got out of my apartment and made the attempt to make friends. No, I didn't make any new friends, but I still enjoyed the experience. I would have liked to have met everyone in the group. Next time, I think a speed round type activity (before or at the end) would be useful for those of us who lack the confidence or experience going up to strangers. I LOVED THE LOCATION!!! The location was in a penthouse apartment that can be rented out for local groups. After the event, I did a bit of walking by myself. I went to the Waverly Diner for dinner. Yes, I'm still on the "I'll start my diet soon" routine. I had a burger with an order of onion rings. For dessert, I had a doubled scoop of vanilla ice cream with a walnut and chocolate syrup topping. I also had a slice of warm cherry pie. After stopping off at Forbidden Planet Comic Shop, I headed for home.

** Oh, after I returned home, I checked my mail and would you believe that there was a bill from my healthcare provider for $509.00. That has to be a mistake. I have HIP health insurance with a 0% copayment. I'll have to call up tomorrow. I hope this is a mistake.

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