Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Packed Up...Almost

I'm almost finished with packing up my class for the summer. Unfortunately, my mind is entering the summer mode, so it is getting difficult to move. Each day after the last day, I've arrived at school later and later not really in a mood to pack. Here in NYC, teachers are suppose to pack up for the summer. Most of the materials have to be packed (and stacked) up along the cabinets in the back, this allows the custodians to wash and wax the floor. Bulletin boards have to be cleared (or covered with newspaper). The newspaper cover is a throwback to when teachers only had color construction paper that faded in the sunlight.

I arrived to school about 12:30PM. I focused on my teacher's corner. Going through mounds of papers and books. There was a dead mouse behind the bookcase that must have been there a while due to the mouse being dusty and shriveled. Due to the thunderstorm, I changed the appointment for the mover to help me move my things on Thursday. Tomorrow, I will have to finish pushing the furniture into the middle of the room. I also need to tackle the supply closet.

For the last couple of years that closet has gotten way out of hand. Normally, I like my spaces organized. I'm one of those people who likes everything to have a place, and everything in its place. When things don't have their own space, my room quickly becomes a mess. But when everything has it's place, then my classroom is orderly. My big mistake was allowing stress and paperwork intrude into the following school year. I didn't start with a clean slate, and I paid for it this year. My class was actually not nearly as bad as previous classes, but starting off on the wrong foot added mounds of stress that should not have been there. This year I made no silly promises to myself (or any students [or parents]) about finishing grading ungraded papers. This year, I graded what I could, and on the last few days, made no comments about back assignments. Next year, I will be starting fresh...I hope. One, I've told myself that I will put my classroom exactly the way it was the previous year. Usually, I try to have a different look to my classroom each year. I end up wasting too much time, trying to redecorate my room. This time, I was thorough in a different kind of way. I didn't waste time, trying to pack exactly organizing materials and labeling boxes, and not getting it right with materials left out and found at the last minute. This time, I keep the boxes opened to almost the very end as I went to almost every nook and cranny. The end result is that my materials (although not labeled) are packed together. The way the materials are stacked, I should be able to take everything do and know exactly where the boxes go.

I was going to start listing goals, but it is late and most of you regular readers know how good I am at making goals...but very poor about following through. Only time will tell if next school year will be better. Right now I should be thinking about my travel plans and vacation.

Post Date - Tuesday, June 30, 2009 11:15PM


Max Sartin said...

If that color on your walls isn't officially named "Education Blue" it should be. Several of my classrooms have been the exact same color.
You sure do have a lot of stuff - mine all fit in about 10 boxes, and about 4 of them were paper. (Since they're closing the school the principal let us all take our fair share to our new school).
Hope you get to start enjoying your summer soon.. :)

Jannx said...

"A lot of stuff" one of the down sides to the elementary level that the middle and upper grades can sometimes forget. There is a lot more preparation involved at the elementary level. There's a classroom library, textbooks, student supplies, portfolios, manipulatives, resources for each subject area, teacher's resources, (materials, and supplies) etc...

"Fair share to the new school" -- I tend to be a scavenger and a packrat. Part of the reason I have so much stuff is the amazing things teachers will throw away. For example, I have 4 mini 24inx36in whiteboards. One was thrown away because the teacher had used it to the point of appearing used and stained. The problem, the teacher never removed the plastic cover that delicate surfaces are covered with when shipped. Once I peeled off the plastic, the board was brand new. Another teacher gave me a CD boxed set of the Discovery Channel's resources in about 8 themes.