Sunday, June 07, 2009

Star Trek

I went to see Star Trek today. I enjoyed the movie despite the giggling girls who spent most of the movie laughing and clapping(loudly) at any violence that appeared.

Another wasted weekend of unproductivity. Having slept Saturday away, I decided to go see the Star Trek movie before it was no longer playing in theaters. I went to the early matinee showing which was only $6 as opposed to the regular $12.50 ticket. I thought the movie was nicely done, I found it very entertaining. I thought the actors were all well-casted. It was also nice seeing Leonard Nimoy is Spock again. Normally, I don't like "time travel" plots, this one wasn't bad. Yes, it did raise some questions, but I was able to sit back and enjoy the movie for its entertainment value. If the movie was poorly done, then I would not have excused the questions raised.

After the movie, I ate lunch at Yoshinoya (a Japanese fast food restaurant). I had a large beef bowl with a side of vegetables.

After lunch, I went to visit my foster father and then returned home. I did my laundry. I also ironed my shirt for tomorrow. It has been a very long time since I've ironed my clothes the night before. Now, I need to finish up this blog entry and turn my attention to prepping for tomorrow. I also need to cut my hair, it's been long, very long overdue. The gray hairs seems to be blooming in full patches...lucky me.

Post Date - Sunday, June 7, 2009 8:58PM

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I've heard this movie was great, I just haven't taken the time to see it yet. Sounds like I have something to look forward to!