Sunday, January 13, 2008

The previous blog entries have been sitting in my draft folder for the past few days. I don't know what, how or why, but I was too tired to do anything within minutes of returning home. Both previous blog entries were ended with me falling asleep in mid sentence. I deleted the gibberish that came from me sleeping with my hands on the keys. Hopefully, next week will be a better week.

I don't really have anything to post, so I am going to end this now and get off this computer.

Quick weekend summary. I slept most of Saturday away. I finally got up at about 5pm. Saturday evening, I spent about 3 hours sticking the adhesive tabs onto the plastic sheet protectors for my students portfolios, I also wrote the labels and inserted the labels. I then finished the evening grading a few (a very few) papers.

This morning, I was working on the Classroom Action Plan Goal Setting sheet, it is due tomorrow. Instead of handwriting the sheet, I searched the Internet for a copy of the NYC seal that our school uses for a header. I then typed up my Goal Setting sheet to look identical to the form that was given out. I also revised the sheet. My sheet has a place for the teacher's name and classroom, along with the school year.

Well, I postponed my gym workouts for a week, with the (false)assumption that I would use last week to get my classroom organized. Well, having broken all of my New Year's Resolutions within 3 days, I will have to try again starting tomorrow.

Now (when I get off this computer), I will shower. Write up my lesson plans for next week, go to the laundry, and make a quick run to the brick and mortar store for groceries. There is suppose to be a heavy snow fall due this evening and tomorrow morning. I hope it is not too great. With all of the hills and mountains, they are a bit slow about shoveling snow around here. Now, if it snows so much that schools are closed, then, well, let it snow. :)

Post Date - Sunday, January 13, 2008 12:18PM

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